Saving the Somali people

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Gaalkacyo Gangster
I can absolutely assure you with certainty that it is not.:russ:
No sane somali intact with their culture would ever give their daughter's hand in marriage to a gaal.
Duriyada sheikh bantu would get VIP treatment compared to you.:birdman:
What if your son wanted to marry an atheist? What then?


What if your son wanted to marry an atheist? What then?

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ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Somalia, the home of Somalis. The country that shares the name of its inhabitants. Somaalinimo is not just on a passport or a birth certificate, it's a bloodline that has existed since the dawn of humanity. Somaalinimo is beyond qabiil and diin, so I guess you guys can see it's value.
There are 25 million ethnic Somalis around the world TOPS, Somalia is only 85% Somali and its projected to be fewer in the future. To stop this we must cut it off from the source.
The source is a lack of respect to your culture, the no1 culprit of this is the Somali female. It's quite evident that the vast majority of naago are willing to betray their ancestors and their heritage for personal gain. This is most evident in white people, but that's a topic for another day.
The women throw around tag lines like "as long as he's Muslim" to justify their treasonous deeds. The race they most commonly go out with are the subhuman Madow. This is spitting on the graves of our blessed ancestors (AUN) the same people who resisted the Bantu expansion and built the motherland through the . Choosing a slave over the superior being is betrayal and must be dealt with.
The only solution to stop the second Bantu expansion is RACISM, yes, like how the whites defended their race after slavery. We should stop the idea that Bantus are equal to Somalis, those people are closer to apes than humans yaakhey. Bantus only have one goal in life and that goal is sex "ooga booga, get da litskin wimminz" the monkeys say.Somalis should get over the cuqdad we have for our brethren and unite against the enemy like the allies did
I know some xalimos are genuine racists and proud of their ethnicity, but this is not the mainstream view in the diaspora. We should stand together and keep any horny who try to make moves in check. This is not aggression, its survival. I know it sounds mean and rude, but it's the sad truth.

These people really just want to be an average Somali, they want YOU to accept THEM. There's no plot, they're miskiin people who are told to leave Somalia every day and get sand thrown in their face and even their little kids get called names by grown adults. Their kids can't even go to school without being picked on IF they're accepted or miraculously have the money to even go to school. If they ever do a Hotel Rwanda on us, we fucking deserved it.
These people really just want to be an average Somali, they want YOU to accept THEM. There's no plot, they're miskiin people who are told to leave Somalia every day and get sand thrown in their face and even their little kids get called names by grown adults. Their kids can't even go to school without being picked on IF they're accepted or miraculously have the money to even go to school. If they ever do a Hotel Rwanda on us, we fucking deserved it.

So mahaan, they sound like stormfront users smh.

These fucking cunts whining about bantu invasion when they (the bantus) have been treated like shit the entire time they were here!

These hypocrites don't even realize that literally all of their arguments could be applied to Somalis living in western countries. Lol except our criminal record is worse.
So mahaan, they sound like stormfront users smh.

These fucking cunts whining about bantu invasion when they (the bantus) have been treated like shit the entire time they were here!

These hypocrites don't even realize that literally all of their arguments could be applied to Somalis living in western countries. Lol except our criminal record is worse.

There will never be another genocide in Africa. Rwanda was a holocaust no one wants repeated, plus we're all development minded now and we'll sort these issues out with positive discrimination and it will be sorted out civilly. IF that's their genuine concern.

It's like middle class white in America people claiming that black people are taking over when they're weallthy because of slavery. We got Kismaayo and islands from Bajunis who are themselves Bantu, so slavery of one group and land grab of another and yet WE'RE hard done by?


Suldaanka Gobyare

Sxb, I think you need to take a break from the internet. Also stop spending time at /pol/ and stop copypasta white supremacists myths. Somalis aren't going to disappear, bantus aren't going to take over and you need to take your meds my friend.
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