Saving the Somali people

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There will never be another genocide in Africa. Rwanda was a holocaust no one wants repeated, plus we're all development minded now and we'll sort these issues out with positive discrimination and it will be sorted out civilly. IF that's their genuine concern.

It's like middle class white in America people claiming that black people are taking over when they're weallthy because of slavery. We got Kismaayo and islands from Bajunis who are themselves Bantu, so slavery of one group and land grab of another and yet WE'RE hard done by?

Kenya is ethnic cleansing the Somalis in NFD and people stopped even mentioning Ethiopia 's genocides to Somalis.
Kenya is ethnic cleansing the Somalis in NFD and people stopped even mentioning Ethiopia 's genocides to Somalis.

I'm talking about the fear that Somali Bantus are going to wipe us out :kanyeshrug:Kenya and Ethiopia are outright enemies of the Somali people and have always been.


Part time -Devils Advocate Full time- Anarchist

:dead::dead:Nacala i almost pe'ed myself.
I'm talking about the fear that Somali Bantus are going to wipe us out :kanyeshrug:Kenya and Ethiopia are outright enemies of the Somali people and have always been.

It is the same concept of majority eliminating the minority and the Bantu will do the same when they become majority. Right now they are changing Somali history and threatening us plus demanding the presidency and their own state( bear in mind that they are minority who gained Somali citizenship in 70s) Just wait when they become majority.


We should stop the idea that Bantus are equal to Somalis, those people are closer to apes than humans yaakhey. Bantus only have one goal in life and that goal is sex "ooga booga, get da litskin wimminz" the monkeys say.Somalis should get over the cuqdad we have for our brethren and unite against the enemy like the allies did
I know some xalimos are genuine racists and proud of their ethnicity, but this is not the mainstream view in the diaspora. We should stand together and keep any horny who try to make moves in check. This is not aggression, its survival. I know it sounds mean and rude, but it's the sad truth.

It is the same concept of majority eliminating the minority and the Bantu will do the same when they become majority. Right now they are changing Somali history and threatening us plus demanding the presidency and their own state( bear in mind that they are minority who gained Somali citizenship in 70s) Just wait when they become majority.

They're demanding rights and they should be able to become president, suppressing that will lead to more Hutuesque issues. They are a rightful minority in Somalia, they were brought as slaves and later integrated themselves as one of us. There's bantus in Tunisia and saudi Arabia and despite their extreme hardships they haven't left, Somali Bantus won't leave and the best 'solution' is equality between them and us so we'll never worry about an uprising.
They're demanding rights and they should be able to become president, suppressing that will lead to more Hutuesque issues. They are a rightful minority in Somalia, they were brought as slaves and later integrated themselves as one of us. There's bantus in Tunisia and saudi Arabia and despite their extreme hardships they haven't left, Somali Bantus won't leave and the best 'solution' is equality between them and us so we'll never worry about an uprising.

Bantu in Arab countries can not open their mouths, but our Bantu changed our history and claiming whole Somalia for themselves.
Bantu in Arab countries can not open their mouths, but our Bantu changed our history and claiming whole Somalia for themselves.

How did they do all of that? Because they said and wrote a few thing in frustration, suddenly they've changed the status quo? By that logic white Americans were without a doubt created in a lab by a black scientist and for that matter aliens created us and the Scientologists were right just because someone said so on a video or in a book.
This is a very serious situation we are in. Some of you especially Northeners actually believe this wont have an impact on you but that is not the case. When they say Somalis they mean all of us. For God sake people wake up.
They're demanding rights and they should be able to become president, suppressing that will lead to more Hutuesque issues. They are a rightful minority in Somalia, they were brought as slaves and later integrated themselves as one of us. There's bantus in Tunisia and saudi Arabia and despite their extreme hardships they haven't left, Somali Bantus won't leave and the best 'solution' is equality between them and us so we'll never worry about an uprising.
You are very naive, they dont want rights they want OUR COUNTRY. Which part of that do you not understand. They claim that Somalis are foreigners to Somalia and that they are the rightful owners.
You are very naive, they dont want rights they want OUR COUNTRY. Which part of that do you not understand. They claim that Somalis are foreigners to Somalia and that they are the rightful owners.

Again, that's out of desperation because they know they're foreign but they're assimilated. Everyone knows af Somali is a cushitic language from the horn and that Bantu is different language group and different ethnic group too.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Finally, more patriots opening their eyes to this disaster.

Welcome Tenacious

Young Popeye

Call me pops
if your worried your going to have descendants of negroid, import semites (arabs) they can intermarry with the bantus thus keeping your brown (somali look. plastic surgery will fix the nose:russ:the people in the horn and north africa were a breed of hamites(father of cush)

Aren't some of you muslims??? Aren't you suppose to accept ur fellow muslims? :mjlol:

You can't just deport people who've been there for 100 years like...

I think some of you are using ethnicity and nationality interchangeably. Somali is a nationality too, they aren't claiming our history by calling themselves somali bantus.

That's what you get for using somali as an ethnicity and nationality :camby:
Behead all those xaliimos that make babies with Madows! Salute all those Faaraxs that make babies with whites and asians for their children are somalias and we get good genes.
Behead all those xaliimos that make babies with Madows! Salute all those Faaraxs that make babies with whites and asians for their children are somalias and we get good genes.
Warya I think I know the guy in your dp. He's an espoolainen kid. Why is he being man handled by the skinhead talow?
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