Sexualization of Somali girls, the robbing of Somali Manhood and colonization

Ilhan Omar is a Somali woman married to an caadan man, before this she was married to a Somali man. What about that reminds you of BLM? Because she protested alongside them? The term is cuck-y and always has been. I’ll go on tiktok and see a Somali girl at a kpop concert and the first comment will be “BLM halima”. A Somali girl marrying a non-Somali and there’ll be “BLM halima” comments. A Somali woman will be arguing with an ajanabi and a Somali guy will intercede on the ajanabi’s behalf and go “oh ignore her, we call these girls BLM halima’s”. Do you know how embarrassing those comments are? How do you see Somali girls/women doing something and your first thought is BLM? It makes it seem like you’re obsessed with madows, especially when you’re mentioning madows/BLM situation were there are no madows present. To add fuel to the fire, there are Somali incels/trolls on twitter posting weird, cuck fanfiction about Somali girls and madow men. Trolls who live in the UK making “Tyrone” jokes about random Somali girls. How is that not cuck-y?

Go on tiktok and find a video of a madow making fun of Somali’s. There will be hundreds of comments from Somalis (and non-Somalia who dislike madows and use the comment section as a chance to dunk on them) making fun of madow features or being straight up racist. There will be teenage girls, boys and grown adults making KKK level comments that get hundreds of likes. Somalis aren’t a passive people; I see Somali girls making racist comments on tiktok literally every other day. Somali girls with “she/her” in their bios making fun of police brutality to get back at madows who are racist towards Somalis. Nobody will call you an incel for retaliating.

Okay, the madow expansion happened. Now what? Are you going to do anything about the madows living in Somalia? If you want a group of madows to focus on, worry about the ones who live in Somalia and who hate us despite living in our country. They are much more of a serious threat than some madow guy making a tiktok.

NA’s and South Asian’s most definitely act in the same way madows do, except they’re given a pass because they’re viewed as “brothers” even when they’re making fun of Somalis. Isn’t it South Asian men always bullying Chunkz? I see NA girls making tiktoks simping over Somali men and I just move on. Coming on here and comparing Somalis to East Asian men who have been emasculated beyond belief is crazy.

Nearly every Somali/madow kid I have come across has a Somali father. And even then, they’re a minuscule group in comparison to the Somali/caadans. The majority of Somalis will marry another Somali. The SJW girls I meet are married to Somali men and are raising Muslim children. If you’re concerned about Somalis dating/marrying out etc then turn your attention to arabs and caadans because that’s who they’re marrying.

You’re too online.
You dont know the definition of a cuck. I dont know how you even connected what J said to this. A cuck is someone without protectivr jealousy or gheerah, he doesnt care if his womenfolk daughters, wives, sisters, mother socialize with non mahrams, he doesnt care if they are modest. Thats the definition of a cuck. Did you even watch the video? The general topic here is colonialism and tools and tricks to colonize a people is to desexualize and tame the men. Exactly what europe did in Asia specifically China and India. As for the Muslim world, the Europeans portrayed the males as oppressors and the females as oppressed and they justified their conquest as liberators. This isnt just about a bantu fetishizing over a somali girl and degrading Somali males. Have you ever heard that Italian song about Abyssinians girls?

Women were a tool to infiltrate and colonize a people. If you look at US plans to liberalize Muslims the target are most females. Women are more likely to be victim to these foreign ideologies and fall in the hands of the enemies. They are more prone to indoctrination and influence and this is where the term BLM Xalimo comes in. Because as I understand a BLM Xalimo is a muslim liberal, social justice warrior. She is supportive of leftist ideas, homosexuality, feminism, and all that left filth. Feminism is all about empowering women and it speaks to Muslim females. Its so easy to convince them that the Hijab is oppressive, its so easy for them to be convinced that less modesty is freedom and empowering. Muslim males are more prone to be more conservative, more family oriented, more religious. And I will guess more that there are more females who subscribe to liberal ideas than men and there are more men who subscribe to salafism.

I don't understand why you would feel triggered by BLM Xalimo. It should only trigger someone with those characteristics. If I have to he honest, I would understand it would be annoying and a way of silencing you if you hypothetically corrected a Somali. Let say you see someone listen to rap and you told him thats haram, and he tells you "You are a BLM Xalimo." But that isnt the case and not what you described as annoying

"Somali girl at a kpop concert and the first comment will be “BLM halima”. A Somali girl marrying a non-Somali and there’ll be “BLM halima” comments. A Somali woman will be arguing with an ajanabi and a Somali guy will intercede on the ajanabi’s behalf and go “oh ignore her, we call these girls BLM halima’s”. Do you know how embarrassing those comments are? How do you see Somali girls/women doing something and your first thought is BLM?"

You said this. No one would say or call a somali girl BLM Xalimo if she said something Islamically correct, or of she argued with an ajnabi who did haram and the Somali would correct him. As for kpop then its mostly liberal girls. You will never see a conservative salafi somali listening to kpop and fetishizing gaalo indhoyar.

Do you know how embarrassing those comments are? How do you see Somali girls/women doing something and your first thought is BLM?"

Those comments only embarrass someone who actually fits the description of a BLM Xalimo. If you not why care? Why get triggered?

How do you see Somali girls/women doing something and your first thought is BLM?"

If they do some liberal shit like justifying homosexuality, or saying the most nonfactual thing about Islam. Let me give you some examples.



This is just the peak of the iceberg. I have seen way worse statements than this.

I found these on a twitter page called "Haram Police" it was formally called Bints posting L's and it was hilarious. If you not one of these don't get triggered. Rather use these terms to embarass girls who fit the description

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
Walaalo, I mean this sincerely.

Stop being a bítch and man up, words on the internet should not make you feel insecure. If you have a problem with people, cayda ku celi. Nothing more nothing less.
Most people care about you as an individual & not race OP. This isn't 1800 anymore. East Asian small dick insults are high school behavior nobody is doing that as functioning adults & nobody is trying to make Somali men immaculate. No offence but we're just some random black African ethnicity to the rest of the world nobody cares about us on the level that you think they do.

Keep it a boqol

All Praise Be To Allah In Every Situation!!!
Most people care about you as an individual & not race OP. This isn't 1800 anymore. East Asian small dick insults are high school behavior nobody is doing that as functioning adults & nobody is trying to make Somali men immaculate. No offence but we're just some random black African ethnicity to the rest of the world nobody cares about us on the level that you think they do.
Nah bruh ppl geniuslly believe that shit still. I was talking to a pre med girl and she genuinely believed that Asian and Indian dudes got small :dead:

this shit is internalized and normalized
Nah bruh ppl geniuslly believe that shit still. I was talking to a pre med girl and she genuinely believed that Asian and Indian dudes got small :dead:

this shit is internalized and normalized
Damn that's fucked, people are hella immature still. Oh well ig motion of the ocean counts more than size since timo jelecs & indhoyar have the largest population centers in the world with their 3 inch dragons. :kanyeshrug:

Keep it a boqol

All Praise Be To Allah In Every Situation!!!
Damn that's fucked, people are hella immature still. Oh well ig motion of the ocean counts more than size since timo jelecs & indhoyar have the largest population centers in the world with their 3 inch dragons. :kanyeshrug:
Even this one Filipino shordy who’s dating my friend who’s Somali said she don’t fw Asian dudes cuz of small :mjcry:
No loyalty or being on code for these ppl
Now seriously, get off Social media.

Go meet people talk to people and if your addicted to social media at least make new accounts. Algorithms are designed to suit you, you depressed it shows you depressed shit. Algorithms reinforces what you click/watch

Watch some happy stuff, funny stuff & stuff that makes you happy, it’ll reinforce that too.
It's mostly an internet thing. An online gender war, the boys say something about women and then the girls fight back. It's common among all races. I think you are consuming a lot of Somali content. I just hope it doesn't devolve into Black (AA) type online fighting, wallahi they have lost the plot, I hear the most vile things being said about each other on twitter.
Above all... if the women in your community feel unloved and not desired especially online (since we spend so much time on it) they will retaliate. The boys online leaning into childish online harassment and calling Somali girls by weird names will cause more harm in the long run. These are young impressionable girls online that take this to heart. Those of us that are older don't internalize it as much.

Keep it a boqol

All Praise Be To Allah In Every Situation!!!
It's mostly an internet thing. An online gender war, the boys say something about women and then the girls fight back. It's common among all races. I think you are consuming a lot of Somali content. I just hope it doesn't devolve into Black (AA) type online fighting, wallahi they have lost the plot, I hear the most vile things being said about each other on twitter.
Above all... if the women in your community feel unloved and not desired especially online (since we spend so much time on it) they will retaliate. The boys online leaning into childish online harassment and calling Somali girls by weird names will cause more harm in the long run. These are young impressionable girls online that take this to heart. Those of us that are older don't internalize it as much.
I’ve been on Twitter since 2011, Somali girls been dragging Somali men before these incels were a thing.

Hating Somali dudes was a Somali girl Twitter personality trait
I’ve been on Twitter since 2011, Somali girls been dragging Somali men before these incels were a thing.

Hating Somali dudes was a Somali girl Twitter personality trait
Maybe it's some sort of male resentment from their personal lives being projected online. Its common for girls, a lot of us feel like we've been failed by the men in our lives.
I wasnt on twitter back then... I remember going online around 17 (alhamdulilah) and being initiated into the online gender wars on Somali twitter. For most, its just banter but for the chronically online with no social life outside of the internet- its a career.
It's mostly an internet thing. An online gender war, the boys say something about women and then the girls fight back. It's common among all races. I think you are consuming a lot of Somali content. I just hope it doesn't devolve into Black (AA) type online fighting, wallahi they have lost the plot, I hear the most vile things being said about each other on twitter.
Above all... if the women in your community feel unloved and not desired especially online (since we spend so much time on it) they will retaliate. The boys online leaning into childish online harassment and calling Somali girls by weird names will cause more harm in the long run. These are young impressionable girls online that take this to heart. Those of us that are older don't internalize it as much.
The internet is a powerful tool. Its our daily paper. Every content we consume shapes us, it shapes our identity, our mindset, our ideology. Its powerful. You can't just say its a internet thing.

Please reread what I wrote both the post and the replies to the others. And then tell me what you think. Watch the video. Its like none of you even watched the video.

