Sexualization of Somali girls, the robbing of Somali Manhood and colonization

Nah man, asian women just choose white people. It ain't on white men or asian men. Also I don't see this manhood issue in Somali men. Most cultures don't view Somali men as feminine. I heard a lot of this nonsense rhetoric from asian women. Tbh, the fetishism is both ways with em. I don't feel any type of ways about it, but she's capping.
I think you should get a doll and dress her up in burkha. I don’t think you can actually handle a human female. @Reformed J I actually see where you are coming from with this particularly strange man.

The idea of someone never leaving the home without you isn’t realistic. People have errands to, hospital appointments and families to see. Outings with family, weddings and just general life to be honest.

What you’re advocating isn’t marriage it’s imprisonment and the idea of women of old would have been able to survive like that is a lie too. Modern or old, women were never trapped in the house 24/7. For Bedouins like our ancestors, such a lifestyle simply wasn’t feasible.
I don't have to elaborate nothing to you or anyone about my future plans but I can gaurentee you, me and my future wife will in sha Allah be happy, nothing forced, she will have a brain to choose it herself. Our marriage in sha Allah will last and we will have many kids. She will neither get complain or get jealous if I marry three more.
I don't have to elaborate nothing to you or anyone about my future plans but I can gaurentee you, me and my future wife will in sha Allah be happy,
Nothing is guaranteed. Remember that.
nothing forced, she will have a brain to choose it herself. Our marriage in sha Allah will last and we will have many kids. She will neither get complain or get jealous if I marry three more.
Expecting a woman not to get jealous is silly and really shows how you lack emotional intelligence. The mothers of the believers would often get jealous. We have multiple reports of Aisha’s jealousy and they’re the most pious of women. We know that Fatima my Allah be pleased with her was jealous to an extent that the Prophet s.a.w feared that this may impact her religious commitments when Ali tried to remarry.

My point is, it’s one thing for you to say that my future wife will accept it. Which she probably if she can handle it, probably would accept it, but for you think she wouldn’t be jealous is childish. In what realm of reality? That is why I doubt your guarantee of happiness as you have no understanding of women beyond your fantasies.

Learn to have a bit of critical thinking and emotional intelligence with regards to women before marrying because you will need it, if not you’ll lead a life of disappointment and so will your spouse.

Take this as advance from an older married sister.
You sound insecure bro! As a Somali man, I believe I can get any chick Somali, or not, that I want. Forget about the "Somali community" and build yourself up my dawg.
BLM halima’s aren’t that common. I think tiktok has destroyed some of your minds; most Somalis marry their own and raise their children as Muslims, including the SJW girls everyone harps on about. The ones who don’t marry Somalis are not going for black men/women. The term “BLM halima” is cuckold-y in itself, and makes it seems like you’re obsessed with black men. When madows on tiktok make fun of the Somali phenotype, there is a pushback in the comments but when North Africans (I feel like they do this because of the crazy amount of NA female/madow male couples on tiktok…they can’t attack madow men directly because it would be branded racism and they would be viewed as incels so they go for what they assume is an “easier target” (they won’t get as much backlash) and attack Somalis instead) and South Asians (more so on Twitter than tiktok) do it, I have noticed Somalis turn a blind eye. Maybe because they’re not gaalos? I don’t get why you guys take madows seriously anyways, all their hatred comes from a place of envy. How are Somali women rebellious?
How can North Africans attack Somalis, we don’t live in France, as a community we don’t interact with them. They actually attack black guys and they don’t care


How can North Africans attack Somalis, we don’t live in France, as a community we don’t interact with them. They actually attack black guys and they don’t care
Their life experience is based on Tiktok, they’ve never stepped outside in the real life and smelled the fresh air. I’ve never had any problem with any North African or been attacked by one, lol my Moroccan friend even took me to his country on holiday and it was an amazing trip.
Stop caring about silly TikTok shit and you'll be alright. How, after being exposed to Somalis online for all these years, can you possibly care about this shit while maintaining a half-sane state of mind?

Just stop caring, man. How Somalis act online and the vitriol others have for us is completely out of your control; thinking anything else will result in a hatred for your own people the likes Hitler's Jewish forefather would weep upon being exposed to. Complete apathy for things out of your control = a (more) happy life. It's really that easy.


BLM halima’s aren’t that common. I think tiktok has destroyed some of your minds; most Somalis marry their own and raise their children as Muslims, including the SJW girls everyone harps on about. The ones who don’t marry Somalis are not going for black men/women. The term “BLM halima” is cuckold-y in itself, and makes it seems like you’re obsessed with black men. When madows on tiktok make fun of the Somali phenotype, there is a pushback in the comments but when North Africans (I feel like they do this because of the crazy amount of NA female/madow male couples on tiktok…they can’t attack madow men directly because it would be branded racism and they would be viewed as incels so they go for what they assume is an “easier target” (they won’t get as much backlash) and attack Somalis instead) and South Asians (more so on Twitter than tiktok) do it, I have noticed Somalis turn a blind eye. Maybe because they’re not gaalos? I don’t get why you guys take madows seriously anyways, all their hatred comes from a place of envy. How are Somali women rebellious?

They see literally, a handful of weird Somali women and girls and then act as if we have a crisis in our community. The vast majority of Somali girls and women are involved with Somali males and that's a fact. Some people are addicted to social media and cannot think logically, that's the problem here.

I think my mum going to four weddings last year is which two out of the four being a xalimo marrying ajnabis (one meadow and the other an arab) says otherwise....then again, in a mixed race society, miscegenation should be no surprise really, coupled with the fact that ajnabi jacel is through the roof with UK Somalis.
Incel this incel that, he is schooling u lot indaha kala furo.
OP dont care about the downvotes, but you hit the nail on the hammer when you said our masculinity is under attack or getting challenged. Ive seen all the bum jokes

Ive grown up in a part of the world where gym culture is prominent. If you didnt look like an athlete from the time you were 16 things would be rough for you. Mind you this part of the world are on average among the tallest people in the world. Somaalis call them ‘laba lafood’.

knowing my farac and how my body worked was important for me since I was young. Where I store fat, my body composition, my body strucuture and how I respond to resistance training. As a mali I know I have to put in extra work in the gym to overcome stubborn belly fat, fat on my lower end of the body and on top of that slow muscle gain. I tell *every* somali brother to hit the gym, so we dont look fragile. Unfortunately there is no gym culture embedded in out culture, so it usually falls on deaf ears. But for those of us who do, with time we aint different than the normal caddan, and i many cases even better.

Ive noticed the bum jokes, which makes me cringe, and I cringe everytime I see one of us on SoMe who completely neglects working on his body represent us. The others are mocking us and partaking in the bullying if you will.

many somali girls have come to me and said «you dont have the typical somali body» which is quite telling of the situation, but it could easily have been me on the receiving end if I DIDNT take care of my body. Dont even get me started on the somali food, and the horrible carb/fat/protein ratio.

For my faaraxs, hit the gym hard inshallah, become yuuge and please lets put an end to this nonsense.
Incel this incel that, he is schooling u lot indaha kala furo.
OP dont care about the downvotes, but you hit the nail on the hammer when you said our masculinity is under attack or getting challenged. Ive seen all the bum jokes

Ive grown up in a part of the world where gym culture is prominent. If you didnt look like an athlete from the time you were 16 things would be rough for you. Mind you this part of the world are on average among the tallest people in the world. Somaalis call them ‘laba lafood’.

knowing my farac and how my body worked was important for me since I was young. Where I store fat, my body composition, my body strucuture and how I respond to resistance training. As a mali I know I have to put in extra work in the gym to overcome stubborn belly fat, fat on my lower end of the body and on top of that slow muscle gain. I tell *every* somali brother to hit the gym, so we dont look fragile. Unfortunately there is no gym culture embedded in out culture, so it usually falls on deaf ears. But for those of us who do, with time we aint different than the normal caddan, and i many cases even better.

Ive noticed the bum jokes, which makes me cringe, and I cringe everytime I see one of us on SoMe who completely neglects working on his body represent us. The others are mocking us and partaking in the bullying if you will.

many somali girls have come to me and said «you dont have the typical somali body» which is quite telling of the situation, but it could easily have been me on the receiving end if I DIDNT take care of my body. Dont even get me started on the somali food, and the horrible carb/fat/protein ratio.

For my faaraxs, hit the gym hard inshallah, become yuuge and please lets put an end to this nonsense.
Exactly!!!! We ain't eating meat and drinking milk and walking 50km to the closest well anymore. We urban, eat processed food with high fat and fat increases estrogen. Estrogen is the reason why the lower body gets more fat rather than the belly. We need our testosterone up and estrogen minimum. We also need our sperm quality up


Plotting world domination
Bumping because this thread because it's kind of nice. Found it a few days ago but forgot to reply. Tell me what y'all negros think about this
@Yami @Geeljire lotus @Ozymandias @pinkyandthebrain

What ATLmali said is pretty accurate in north america

Incel this incel that, he is schooling u lot indaha kala furo.
OP dont care about the downvotes, but you hit the nail on the hammer when you said our masculinity is under attack or getting challenged. Ive seen all the bum jokes

Ive grown up in a part of the world where gym culture is prominent. If you didnt look like an athlete from the time you were 16 things would be rough for you. Mind you this part of the world are on average among the tallest people in the world. Somaalis call them ‘laba lafood’.

knowing my farac and how my body worked was important for me since I was young. Where I store fat, my body composition, my body strucuture and how I respond to resistance training. As a mali I know I have to put in extra work in the gym to overcome stubborn belly fat, fat on my lower end of the body and on top of that slow muscle gain. I tell *every* somali brother to hit the gym, so we dont look fragile. Unfortunately there is no gym culture embedded in out culture, so it usually falls on deaf ears. But for those of us who do, with time we aint different than the normal caddan, and i many cases even better.

Ive noticed the bum jokes, which makes me cringe, and I cringe everytime I see one of us on SoMe who completely neglects working on his body represent us. The others are mocking us and partaking in the bullying if you will.

many somali girls have come to me and said «you dont have the typical somali body» which is quite telling of the situation, but it could easily have been me on the receiving end if I DIDNT take care of my body. Dont even get me started on the somali food, and the horrible carb/fat/protein ratio.

For my faaraxs, hit the gym hard inshallah, become yuuge and please lets put an end to this nonsense.

Fitness culture is huge here. Especially in the south where lots of young men participate in youth sports. You rarely see young Somali guys in great shape compared to everyone else because most of our parents didn't allow us to participate in sports. The luugo baasto stereotype would have disappeared if most of us in north america actually competed in something. We wouldn't have a bunch of yusuf7n variants roaming around if fitness was part of our culture :mjkkk: .

Having too many skinny and fat niggas is a bad look for us. I'm expecting this to change in the future since the children of Gen Z will be a lot more privileged than us. It still sucks to see a lot of young Somali niggas discovering fitness culture way later than most people here in the west.

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Also I honestly cringe Everytime I see a nigga post about "Somali genes" when it comes to building muscle. These niggas cry about their gains just because they don't look like Bobby lashley after 6 months of lifting
Go Away Reaction GIF by WWE

Lots of AAs, Cadaans, west Africans, and even Caribbeans legit compete in youth sports for most of their school years. Even if most of them never get college offers they still graduate high school in elite shape. These young Somali dudes crying about their gains compare themselves to these madow and Cadaan dudes that have been training way longer than them.

"many somali girls have come to me and said «you dont have the typical somali body» which is quite telling of the situation"

Shit like this literally shouldn't be said. There should be enough buff Somali niggas around to the point people aren't shocked to see a buff Somali nigga.


prima hablood 𝜗𝜚⋆₊˚
Bumping because this thread because it's kind of nice. Found it a few days ago but forgot to reply. Tell me what y'all negros think about this
@Yami @Geeljire lotus @Ozymandias @pinkyandthebrain

What ATLmali said is pretty accurate in north america

Fitness culture is huge here. Especially in the south where lots of young men participate in youth sports. You rarely see young Somali guys in great shape compared to everyone else because most of our parents didn't allow us to participate in sports. The luugo baasto stereotype would have disappeared if most of us in north america actually competed in something. We wouldn't have a bunch of yusuf7n variants roaming around if fitness was part of our culture :mjkkk: .

Having too many skinny and fat niggas is a bad look for us. I'm expecting this to change in the future since the children of Gen Z will be a lot more privileged than us. It still sucks to see a lot of young Somali niggas discovering fitness culture way later than most people here in the west.

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Also I honestly cringe Everytime I see a nigga post about "Somali genes" when it comes to building muscle. These niggas cry about their gains just because they don't look like Bobby lashley after 6 months of lifting
Go Away Reaction GIF by WWE

Lots of AAs, Cadaans, west Africans, and even Caribbeans legit compete in youth sports for most of their school years. Even if most of them never get college offers they still graduate high school in elite shape. These young Somali dudes crying about their gains compare themselves to these madow and Cadaan dudes that have been training way longer than them.

"many somali girls have come to me and said «you dont have the typical somali body» which is quite telling of the situation"

Shit like this literally shouldn't be said. There should be enough buff Somali niggas around to the point people aren't shocked to see a buff Somali nigga.
How the hell did you find this :faysalwtf:


Plotting world domination
How the hell did you find this :faysalwtf:

Bookmarked it over the weekend. Searched Somali emasculation and found this. I wanted to see if there were any threads about this topic. I wasn't going to reply until I saw ATLmalis comment.

