Shirka Golaha Wadatashiga Qaran Muqdisho


We shall await to see how you respond next time a rogue leader comes after JL like Farmaajo did not so long ago.
You watched our masterclass for 5+ years go watch the tapes if your nostalgic :camby:
HSM is able to punish Puntland with aid precisely because Puntland signed away the right to receive direct international aid 10 yrs ago. Nothing changed for a while after the signature but now the FGS is using that power to full effect.

Forget MJ and clan politics for a while, do you not see how dangerous it is to sign away power to the FGS? Jubaland was meant to be our fortress, Madoobe has purposely created holes in it
Fortress? The holes were AS control on the Afmadow road and Kenyan border. They sanction our traders only, push our livestock westward, and suppress Ogaden migrations from Garissa. This is higher priority then Buaale.

We’ve basically ended that but just so I can understand are you saying you’d rather we paused that and fought over a provisional amendment that is dying in deadlock anyway?

This deadlock wasn’t incidental either it was obvious from the beginning that this would likely stall with PL this was me almost 2 years ago…
Hawiye are delusional and dont realize we voted hsm in because of his incompetence in comparison to Farmajo.

Madoobe + ‘Marxuum’ -
  1. Unified Gedo with Jubbaland
  2. Large infrastructure projects (Kismayo Roads with drainage, Road to Afmadow, Afmadow airport etc all either completed or in progress
  3. Bulked up existing forces
  4. Buaale still in progress
3. Unlikely to get constitutional reform passed
4. Made enemies with Puntland and gained zero leverage eventually flipflopping


Loyal To The One True King of The Seven Realms
@TekNiKo are you for uniting JL under madobe?
Madoobe aint going no where, Ive long accepted him as the ruler of JL. He has defeated Shariif, HSM, Farmaajo and now HSM again. Hate him or love him the man has mastered Somali politics. Ironically he is the last hope in Somalia’s pro HAG atmosphere today.

