Shirka Golaha Wadatashiga Qaran Muqdisho


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Madobe rejects Culusow yet again says hes holding his election next month



We shall await to see how you respond next time a rogue leader comes after JL like Farmaajo did not so long ago.
You watched our masterclass for 5+ years go watch the tapes if your nostalgic :camby:
HSM is able to punish Puntland with aid precisely because Puntland signed away the right to receive direct international aid 10 yrs ago. Nothing changed for a while after the signature but now the FGS is using that power to full effect.

Forget MJ and clan politics for a while, do you not see how dangerous it is to sign away power to the FGS? Jubaland was meant to be our fortress, Madoobe has purposely created holes in it
Fortress? The holes were AS control on the Afmadow road and Kenyan border. They sanction our traders only, push our livestock westward, and suppress Ogaden migrations from Garissa. This is higher priority then Buaale.

We’ve basically ended that but just so I can understand are you saying you’d rather we paused that and fought over a provisional amendment that is dying in deadlock anyway?

This deadlock wasn’t incidental either it was obvious from the beginning that this would likely stall with PL this was me almost 2 years ago…
Hawiye are delusional and dont realize we voted hsm in because of his incompetence in comparison to Farmajo.

Madoobe + ‘Marxuum’ -
  1. Unified Gedo with Jubbaland
  2. Large infrastructure projects (Kismayo Roads with drainage, Road to Afmadow, Afmadow airport etc all either completed or in progress
  3. Bulked up existing forces
  4. Buaale still in progress
3. Unlikely to get constitutional reform passed
4. Made enemies with Puntland and gained zero leverage eventually flipflopping


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
@TekNiKo are you for uniting JL under madobe?
Madoobe aint going no where, Ive long accepted him as the ruler of JL. He has defeated Shariif, HSM, Farmaajo and now HSM again. Hate him or love him the man has mastered Somali politics. Ironically he is the last hope in Somalia’s pro HAG atmosphere today.


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
Its a big statement by HSM that after everything they all turned up. Ofc fatboy Deni and all after him as governor of puntland will always be spoilers and against progress of Somalia.

On the day Diyaano is sworn in as new police chief infront of the international community. Diplomats and security officials are in the audience. This is to show Denis clan are very much included in the federal govt and he is a certified spoiler. Puntland federal representatives are also on HSM side. FGS will hammer down the fact Deni is a spoiler as time goes on

I will wait for the communique.

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Something seems off, hes gone back to the 2011 look. If he is ill, ilaaheey caafimaad ha siyo odayga

QQ is a joker, what does he gain by being buddy buddy with you ilkàyar? Also he attempted to halt HSM evacuation of thousands of sacad families squatting on govt land.

in that picture you can make up HSM sent Guudlaawe and Madaale to laftagareen. Both Banaadir and Hirshabelle share lengthy borders with KGS. Some of you read too much into these politicians
President deni his in bosaso meeting the strongest empire ,the world 🌍 only superpower united state of America 🇺🇸


You watched our masterclass for 5+ years go watch the tapes if your nostalgic :camby:

Fortress? The holes were AS control on the Afmadow road and Kenyan border. They sanction our traders only, push our livestock westward, and suppress Ogaden migrations from Garissa. This is higher priority then Buaale.
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We’ve basically ended that but just so I can understand are you saying you’d rather we paused that and fought over a provisional amendment that is dying in deadlock anyway?

This deadlock wasn’t incidental either it was obvious from the beginning that this would likely stall with PL this was me almost 2 years ago…
I understand progress has been made against AS. However, my position is, a signature can be very dangerous. Madoobe's gamble (which I can understand due to the situation he was in) was to sign something he had no intention to fulfil to achieve immediate objectives you highlighted above. What I am saying is that signature might come to haunt us long after Madoobe is gone.

And are you telling me the preferential taxation is gone? How far do the livestock go? Last I heard, our livestock went as far as Buulo Xaaji and beyond, especially in the dry season. Has the Cawramale camel chokehold on Kismayo been broken? Until that happens wax kale waa sheeko


President deni his in bosaso meeting the strongest empire ,the world 🌍 only superpower united state of America 🇺🇸
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When it comes to politics I give mx some respect because they've transitioned meanwhile every single mj leader from abdullahi beerlaawe to deni calooley and there are many inbetween, ALL try to emulate Afweyne. @Thegoodshepherd uncle at least followed in his footsteps by becoming the president and dying in exile.

Deni was a deputy minister when pillpopper gaas was governor of puntland btw


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
When it comes to politics I give mx some respect because they've transitioned meanwhile every single mj leader from abdullahi beerlaawe to deni calooley and there are many inbetween, ALL try to emulate Afweyne. @Thegoodshepherd uncle at least followed in his footsteps by becoming the president and dying in exile.

Deni was a deputy minister when pillpopper gaas was governor of puntland btw
Ebow puntland wa 1/3 of somalia 🇸🇱🙏🏽 hassan gurgurte only control 1 meter aminson bunker 😂 if it’s wasn’t president Abdullah Yusuf raximullah today the 1 meter aminson bunker wiould have been terriost alqaida invested cell 😂


President deni his in bosaso meeting the strongest empire ,the world 🌍 only superpower united state of America 🇺🇸
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Their just talking about security not development, but if deni was from the 1% great families who survived under siyad strict examination he would tell them security goals cannot be achieved if development goals r not achieved, both go hand in hand but he is also from the second rate families who are not our 1% Notice he never discusses what his national exam score was and where he was allocated.

We need the security of America to speak to their counterparts development partners to sign puntland away to development access or else we will remain in this situation for another 50 years.

America must be told u don't benefit from war economy here, it's not a rich country your expending more resources then terrorists ever expend and show them how their violating sun tzu military philosophy to not fight a war where you spend or.lose.more because the other side knows this and will leverage that.

We need to.all.donor nation's to give PL direct access to its aid which Mogadishu is doing an embargo and remind them aideed did the same thing to baydhabo humanitarian aid, we must.tell them hawiye is moryan clan by culture and nature when u show them the isbaaro they did in baydhabo on American aid in 93 and the result and show them their doing the same thing with development donors they will see hawiye.and Mogadishu as an obstacle and remove them.from.ever entering villa somalia by warning somali politicians voting in next elections, America and its allies will pull out all if hawiye enters villa's.

These nacas wacaysle worship hg politics not knowing their sending abgaal to habar gidir political hell which obviously is habar gedir agenda is.


HSM is able to punish Puntland with aid precisely because Puntland signed away the right to receive direct international aid 10 yrs ago. Nothing changed for a while after the signature but now the FGS is using that power to full effect.

Forget MJ and clan politics for a while, do you not see how dangerous it is to sign away power to the FGS? Jubaland was meant to be our fortress, Madoobe has purposely created holes in it

Our nacas Abdiweli gaas who was a southern conditioned mj, thinking somali social harmony translates too political harmony, he was someone who is clueless about past history, someone who could not see isbaaro whether on the road or in suits is hawiye culture, a true ciyaal xaafaad who tries to then bring modern American style politics to a very different society.

He was the worst president in PL history, a lesson was learned tho, American academic titles don't mean shit, meles, abdillahi were illerates literally and created their states and left all somalia and Ethiopia better then where they were before they intervened. But these academic phd guys are trying to apply political theory remember their no science in it, as they can't prove it in any experiment or lab condition and they us thinking their educated.

I am also educated but I always make sure I'm educated on local history, local culture, local.mistakes not try cut n copy foreign crap without even any consideration to local narrative, u think China just copied n pasted communism without consulting cultural.experts to see how it can be chinese infusion or characteristic, they didn't copy n paste but merged it and removed things that don't work.

The biggest mistake Somalis do is study politics not knowing its a liberal art not a hard science that can be proven in labs, your bringing ppp best guesses using some.academic formula which they created God only knows if their formula is even accurate with source and then trying to apply it on real.lives which no country in the world does.


stone cold steve austin GIF

Even Puntitequeen and @Libaax-Joore

You think they have any hell no, I'm like stone cold Steve Austin, I'm historian, plus educated in the modern world and I know what fits and what cannot fitt following China model, crafting a fit your local.conditions and narrative and history not copying n pasting foreign irrelevant system.

I am also open to knowledge but I also sit under a tree with local narrative and history, this type of.leader will be explosive he has modern knowledge plus ancient knowledge. That's the huge difference to me and other Somalis. I learn modern knowledge without neglecting ancient knowledge, I can hang with academics and I can hang under a tree with elders, I can fuse both traditions where as others are strictly one set of knowledge domain and copy n paste.


Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
PL went into total war over their diminished position in regards to the dastuur. The FGS fights them with aid and 5th columns. How is that relevant to ‘hasty signatures’???
This is untrue. Puntland would not care at all if Culusow wanted to make changes to the constitution that make sense. His proposal of a single district nationwide is change I can support. What Puntland cannot accept is the writing of a new constitution under the guise of amendment and review. Puntland has never sought special treatment for itself within the constitution. It will have no powers denied to the other FMS upon ratification of the new constitution. The basic structure of the constitution that all Somalis agreed to in 2012 is a federal one. The changes the FGS is trying to make would transform Somalia into a unitary state with a lot of devolution, similar to the UK or Spain. If HSM, Hamse or Madoobe want to change Somalia into a devolved unitary state, then they need to make it clear that they are writing a new constitution. This is underhandedness is what Puntland opposes.

Theres no difference between a unified port authority and the current status quo of the SNA.
Signing the agreement to unify customs collections means something. If you think that Ahmed Madoobe's signing of various understandings at the various NCC meetings means nothing, you are deluded. If you are betting on Puntland scuttling the whole thing, you vastly overestimate Puntland. Gaas signed the natural resource agreement and now Puntland has no way of backing out of it. Somaliland's attendance of the London Conference in 2012 and its participation in the Somali Compact of 2014 caused irreparable harm to its quest for secession. Signing papers means something.

He was never in the best or worst interests of either. Its not in JLs favor for a unilateral election missing 2/3 Darood states among other reasons

What MJs never understand is we will never let you have the same position on the constitution. No fearmongering or Garowe linkups with opposition will ever change that stance so we will never align with Deni. It can go parliament or die in deadlock.

If you answer this one question I will concede everything:
What did Puntland push for in Garowe I&II that was detrimental to Ogaden or Daarood interests? What did Puntland put into the constitution that you think hurts Jubaland? We gave the FGS only 4 powers, meanwhile Xamse and Madoobe want the FGS to run district elections in Badhaadhe!

@Abaq Ma anaa waalan mise cadan ayaa laga heesaya?


@Jungle @Thegoodshepherd

What baffles me is why hawiye feel threatened by PL and always play an obstacle or cause destruction there yet all puntland did for them is leave a very positive legacy from 60s till 91 and post 2009 we left them always better off then where they where, no cuqdud or any hatred on our part.

Then u look at them usc genocide, dahir aweys terrorism, Sal balaar govt, 4.5 in carta, isbaaro development how can anyone overlook this history and not at least investigate it to find out why are these jealous or spiteful of PL, its one direction thing also not from PL side.

I know one thing PL absolutely got wrong they think since Somalis get along socially this will translate to political harmony, this was a huge error.

I mean the only argument they use hawiye to discredit PL is its intervention in 2006 and the bloodshed, well without that intervention you wouldn't have a govt which u just inherited and enjoy today, after we spilled our blood for it and spent our resources which you guys go to such extent to stop aid money that doesn't belong to you and blocking it for PL.

What was in hamar before we came warlords enriching themselves thru isbaaro, no state or governance just a zoo, and heck even the icu were.terrorists and going to be listed just like Iran harming all somali well being. They try to make the icu as if it's not terrorist, why did America shut down al barakaat thru sanctions, they would've sanction all somali ports to international world. ICU were terrorists moderate or extreme camps.dont matter their against international rules based order post ww2 which makes them terrorists. These hawiye xaasids wanted all somalis to die out bruv.
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This is untrue. Puntland would not care at all if Culusow wanted to make changes to the constitution that make sense. His proposal of a single district nationwide is change I can support. What Puntland cannot accept is the writing of a new constitution under the guise of amendment and review. Puntland has never sought special treatment for itself within the constitution. It will have no powers denied to the other FMS upon ratification of the new constitution. The basic structure of the constitution that all Somalis agreed to in 2012 is a federal one. The changes the FGS is trying to make would transform Somalia into a unitary state with a lot of devolution, similar to the UK or Spain. If HSM, Hamse or Madoobe want to change Somalia into a devolved unitary state, then they need to make it clear that they are writing a new constitution. This is underhandedness is what Puntland opposes.
Would Deni not show up for the first meetings to discuss terms if that is what he opposed? His reluctance to participate amounts to rejecting the councils legitimacy outright.

The fact that Harti media launched right into "An Ogaden, Hawiye, and Raxanweyn wanted to decide x for the country" doesn't help public opinion. It also doesn’t help he asked to "meet in Garowe” or that Denis been undermining our PM since his appointment prior to any dispute.
Signing the agreement to unify customs collections means something. If you think that Ahmed Madoobe's signing of various understandings at the various NCC meetings means nothing, you are deluded. If you are betting on Puntland scuttling the whole thing, you vastly overestimate Puntland. Gaas signed the natural resource agreement and now Puntland has no way of backing out of it. Somaliland's attendance of the London Conference in 2012 and its participation in the Somali Compact of 2014 caused irreparable harm to its quest for secession. Signing papers means something.
Agreements in relations to foreign affairs I can agree. I cant recall anything like that being signed from memory. When it comes to an NCC agreement of the “port authority”. I will most definitely not accept the distortion of “Hawiyes are taking Kismayos keys” which is what I initially contested.

As for elections were seeing Madoobe slash that now. If he loses and HSM gets control over his elections in JL I will go back on everything said but even the Hawiyes know thats not happening.
If you answer this one question I will concede everything:
What did Puntland push for in Garowe I&II that was detrimental to Ogaden or Daarood interests? What did Puntland put into the constitution that you think hurts Jubaland? We gave the FGS only 4 powers, meanwhile Xamse and Madoobe want the FGS to run district elections in Badhaadhe!

@Abaq Ma anaa waalan mise cadan ayaa laga heesaya?
The whole premise of this question flies in the face of the initial point. Im not arguing you attacked us.

I would also argue this constitution was a significant event in terms of obfuscating the citizenship laws which is minor in migratory concerns but this excuse has been used by Daroods to try and sideline us federally.

Characters in JL i despise like Xidig have credited this to PL during the constitutional debates in parliament, I cant agree but its easy to play that card considering the MJ leaders of that time period were rabidly anti-Ogaden and openly questioned the same thing.


Would Deni not show up for the first meetings to discuss terms if that is what he opposed? His reluctance to participate amounts to rejecting the councils legitimacy outright.

The fact that Harti media launched right into "An Ogaden, Hawiye, and Raxanweyn wanted to decide x for the country" doesn't help public opinion. It also doesn’t help he asked to "meet in Garowe” or that Denis been undermining our PM since his appointment prior to any dispute.

Agreements in relations to foreign affairs I can agree. I cant recall anything like that being signed from memory. When it comes to an NCC agreement of the “port authority”. I will most definitely not accept the distortion of “Hawiyes are taking Kismayos keys” which is what I initially contested.

As for elections were seeing Madoobe slash that now. If he loses and HSM gets control over his elections in JL I will go back on everything said but even the Hawiyes know thats not happening.

The whole premise of this question flies in the face of the initial point. Im not arguing you attacked us.

I would also argue this constitution was a significant event in terms of obfuscating the citizenship laws which is minor in migratory concerns but this excuse has been used by Daroods to try and sideline us federally.

Characters in JL i despise like Xidig have credited this to PL during the constitutional debates in parliament, I cant agree but its easy to play that card considering the MJ leaders of that time period were rabidly anti-Ogaden and openly questioned the same thing.
Ogaden of jubaland have inferiority complex towards the MJ 😂 this is what I get from this comment. How many clans from the south have this inferiority complex towards MJ? It sound like all of them have it 😂
Yo @DR OSMAN you are right on this inferiority towards MJ.

