Should Somalia have A Constitution based on Secular or Islamic?


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
I'm an opportunist and a scoundrel.

We also need to completely abolish the concept of qabil. No one in politics is allowed to state their qabil and if they do they should be executed. If 2 clans ever engage in conflict based on clan lines the leaders of both those clans will be executed. If someone openly states their qabil they will be executed and it should be widespread culture that anyone who teaches their kids their qabil they are a traitor to the state and should be treated like one. All documents of the existence of seperate qabils will be burned and in schools children will be taught only the word somali and qabil will be forgotten in 2 or 3 generations down. Simple
What kind logic is tht qabil isn't the problem the is the ppl
tribe and clan is to know your lineage your nation
I dont agree your extreme view
If Somalis abond qabil non Somalis oromos and other non Somalis can claim somali easily cuz they will learn the language and culture and say I am Somali


Soomaali waa Hawiyah Iyo Hashiyah
What kind logic is tht qabil isn't the problem the is the ppl
tribe and clan is to know your lineage your nation
I dont agree your extreme view
If Somalis abond qabil non Somalis oromos and other non Somalis can claim somali easily cuz they will learn the language and culture and say I am Somali
Tbh I’m not even against oromos coming to Somalia and claiming to be somali as long as they completey assimilate into somali society and forget they’re oromo entirely. Bantus we can deferintiate easily by genetics or even simple looks. We should also consider them an ethnic minority rather than somalis kind of how europeans seperate themselves from migrants


6 foot barefoot
Lol if any of you think your opinion holds any weight

...And whoever does not judge by what Allah has revealed – then it is those who are the disbelievers. 5:44

Have you ˹O Prophet˺ not seen those who claim they believe in what has been revealed to you and what was revealed before you? They seek the judgment of false judges, which they were commanded to reject. And Satan ˹only˺ desires to lead them farther away. 4:60

These two verses clearly abrogate the islam of the one who considers democracy better than the law of Allah or takes it as law and rules by it.

@Boogie you are my favorite and closest member from today
Tbh I’m not even against oromos coming to Somalia and claiming to be somali as long as they completey assimilate into somali society and forget they’re oromo entirely. Bantus we can deferintiate easily by genetics or even simple looks. We should also consider them an ethnic minority rather than somalis kind of how europeans seperate themselves from migrants
I think Some Somalis can't deferintiate somali from non Somalis I think even back home Somalis or west Somalis say somali Bantus are Somali and the arabs cad cad and Indians and others non. Somali simply cuz they speak somali language have Somalis and mix Somalis with maternal
And I dont agree with with the Oromos and others tht called cushtic to be assimilated into Somalis cuz those aren't lineage by Somali and it would lost for somalis since iros aren't somali and can't be somali
For me it is no


Islam wins doesnt take Ls Long Live Somalia 🇸🇴
I think Some Somalis can't deferintiate somali from non Somalis I think even back home Somalis or west Somalis say somali Bantus are Somali and the arabs cad cad and Indians and others non. Somali simply cuz they speak somali language have Somalis and mix Somalis with maternal
And I dont agree with with the Oromos and others tht called cushtic to be assimilated into Somalis cuz those aren't lineage by Somali and it would lost for somalis since iros aren't somali and can't be somali
For me it is no
Some afar elders speak fluent somali