Siad Barre named on most evil politicians of 20th century list, denial ensues

Mao, Stalin, killed alot of their people, but they left a united and secure country when they died. Barre left nothing behind when he left power. Anarchy is always worse than dictatorship and kills even more people. He belongs on that list.
Wasn’t there a Christian revolution which killed millions in Japan or China? I remember seeing something about it while ago……..
Mao, Stalin, killed alot of their people, but they left a united and secure country when they died. Barre left nothing behind when he left power. Anarchy is always worse than dictatorship and kills even more people. He belongs on that list.
Niyow I was thinking purely in terms of numbers murdered but you have a point.



Where is Ethiopian dictator Mengistu Haile Mariam who killed millions of people in the Ethiopia-Eritrea war, cut Eritrean womens breasts and sprayed chemical weapons such as Napalm and Phospor on Eritrea


I’m glad that this white man recognizes that 50 thousand Somalis are more valuable than 200 million Russians or whatever. I wouldn’t say Maxamed Bare killed anyone however, by 1978 he was a brain-dead vegetable after the car crash.
The car accident happened in the mid 80s and even then after he recovered he definitely wasn't whats considered to a vegetable what a load of shit
Siad Barre isn't even the most evil politician in the Horn of Africa. That dishonor goes to Mengitsu Haile Mariam who's government saw the death of literally millions of Ethiopians.
At least Mengistu wasn't tribalists or supremacists like the idiot Afweyne was plus feudalism had to come to an end in Ethiopia so he did good job at that


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Judge a man by his enemies.

Secessionists and anarchy enthusiasts isku nacamleeynaaya kkkkkk


Enjoy London until the Pajeet sends you back to the hellhole you created

I agree with his addition. Siad Barre's regime terrorised Somalis, the only people who fail to empathise or comprehend his evil, are those whose families weren't harmed.

Also, I better not see any MJs in this topic, trying to explain why he doesn't deserve to be in this list.

The 1978/1979 massacres of Majeerteen in Nugaal and Mudug

In 1978, Ahmed Saleebaan Dafle, did a speech in Gaalkacyo and said MJ blood and property is 'halal' for the taking, said we left Islam. His troops subsequently raped, poisoned, burnt and murdered thousands of MJs.

Axmed Saleebaan Dafle ayaa Gaalkacyo ku khudbeeyey oo ku dhaqaaqay in Reerka Majeerteen Ridoobeen oo ay Diintii ka bexeen Dhiigooda iyo Maalkooda iyo Dumar koodaba Xalaal yahay.

This is the man:


The other men in charge of this ethnic cleansing campaign were:

Maxamed Kaahin
Xasan Tanzania
Ahmed Mire
Maxamed Nuux

+ Red Beret troops (including Bantu soldiers, for those who think Bantu Somalis are 'innocent' when it comes to Somali conflicts)

Screenshot 2024-06-10 at 19.56.16.png


  • Over 250 houses destroyed
  • 105 wells/water cachments destroyed + poisoned
  • 450 people massacred (of course including women, children and elderly).
In the following places:

Kalabayr, Jalam, Eyl, Rabaable, Magacley, Maygaag, Sugulle, Ballidacar, Qamboobley.


The following places were targeted for ethnic cleansing:

Ballibusle, Seemade, Qalaanqal, Gosol, Xarfo, Qorile-Dheere, Barde Gobol, Gacnafale, Bacaadweyn, Roox, Labagardaye, Sagaaro-doox, Dogob, Dudun, Galxamur,Laanmadow,Riigomane,Candho-dhexe, Bursaalax,Taaloole,Bayra,Nugaalgaban,

  • 1500 houses burnt
  • 350 water cachments destroyed and poisoned
  • Over 800 people massacred (of course including women, children and elderly).
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Judge a man by his enemies.

Secessionists and anarchy enthusiasts isku nacamleeynaaya kkkkkk


Enjoy London until the Pajeet sends you back to the hellhole you created


SNM were not secessionists, the people became secessionist after witnessing the destruction.
Siad Barre really got people thinking his regime was Somalia and anyone fighting him was fighting Somalia. He left the place in ruins and turned everyone against eachother. A worse enemy of Somalia couldn't be imagined.

He's the reason for the modern reality of Somalia.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
SNM were not secessionists, the people became secessionist after witnessing the destruction.
Siad Barre really got people thinking his regime was Somalia and anyone fighting him was fighting Somalia. He left the place in ruins and turned everyone against eachother. A worse enemy of Somalia couldn't be imagined.

He's the reason for the modern reality of Somalia.

Spare me the theatrics.

You were plotting to secede as early as 1961




ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
That rebellion was put down by another northerner. Somaliland was the most unionist region of Somalia until Siyaad
Yeah, yeah, just like you guys created the Somali flag, the national anthem, or whatever else propaganda the failed SNM has been pumping into your minds for the last 3 decades while doing diddly squat.

I can tell you one thing, had Siad won the war I would not be typing from some cadaan country :icon lol:


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
The cognitive dissonance is amazing. A Somali from a rival clan will boast they took out Siad yet blame him for the chaos they themselves created following his obviously ill-advised ouster :icon lol:

Please make it make sense. Where is the land of milk and honey we were promised? Why are the "victors" of the civil war fleeing to the same countries as the "losers"? If you didn't have anything better, why rebel?

And then there are the ones I'm most perplexed by; the guys that will genuinely try to argue that Somalia, despite all evidence firmly pointing to the contrary, is actually doing better today than it was while paradoxically also believing Siad destroyed Somalia :icon lol:

A mystery until you remember one small detail, one set of digits that explains everything: 68 :icon lol:
The cognitive dissonance is amazing. A Somali from a rival clan will boast they took out Siad yet blame him for the chaos they themselves created following his obviously ill-advised ouster :icon lol:

Please make it make sense. Where is the land of milk and honey we were promised? Why are the "victors" of the civil war fleeing to the same countries as the "losers"? If you didn't have anything better, why rebel?

And then there are the ones I'm most perplexed by; the guys that will genuinely try to argue that Somalia, despite all evidence firmly pointing to the contrary, is actually doing better today than it was while paradoxically also believing Siad destroyed Somalia :icon lol:

A mystery until you remember one small detail, one set of digits that explains everything: 68 :icon lol:

it's all about qabiil ninyahow, if siyaad barre was from their clan, they would be singing aabo siyaad, best believe. :icon lol:


Judge a man by his enemies.

Secessionists and anarchy enthusiasts isku nacamleeynaaya kkkkkk


Enjoy London until the Pajeet sends you back to the hellhole you created

we have faraxs sagging their pants shooting rival gangsters over drugs and area codes.
if your 1st cousin who lives in social housing has dreads and says wagwan and stabs gangsters over area codes and cocaine dont insult siad barre. enjoy your jamaicanized family.


Spare me the theatrics.

You were plotting to secede as early as 1961


View attachment 331272


Siad Barre was a rare thing in politics, a true psychopath. He had no friends, no loyalty to clan ( he used them and they allowed themselves to be used). He turned every plot against him into a clan conspiracy and then used group punishments to give the perception he was this noble man fighting off the uncivilized masses ( a perception you bought hook line and sinker).


His true motive, when he realized he could no longer maintain power was to destroy Somalia and all possibility for it. He caused maximum destruction before he left. If he was forced to leave Somalia, he would leave building and not people and there's another quote about Somalia not being governable after him. It was all by design.

His inclusion on the list is well justified.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
View attachment 331282
View attachment 331280

Siad Barre was a rare thing in politics, a true psychopath. He had no friends, no loyalty to clan ( he used them and they allowed themselves to be used). He turned every plot against him into a clan conspiracy and then used group punishments to give the perception he was this noble man fighting off the uncivilized masses ( a perception you bought hook line and sinker).

View attachment 331283

His true motive, when he realized he could no longer maintain power was to destroy Somalia and all possibility for it. He caused maximum destruction before he left. If he was forced to leave Somalia, he would leave building and not people and there's another quote about Somalia not being governable after him. It was all by design.

His inclusion on the list is well justified.

You know, people would be more inclined to believe your nonsense had we not witnessed your hero Muse Bihi indiscriminately shell Laascaanood for the better part of a year ( and of course your full support and apologetics) until the humiliation of Goojaacade :icon lol:

At least Siad left me the one road in Somalia, a written script, and three ports. Muse Bihi? I just witnessed this guy purchase literally inoperable single engine trainer prop planes with broken wings and try to pass it off as the Somaliland Air Force :icon lol:



You know, people would be more inclined to believe your nonsense had we not witnessed your hero Muse Bihi indiscriminately shell Laascaanood for the better part of a year ( and of course your full support and apologetics) until the humiliation of Goojaacade :icon lol:

At least Siad left me the one road in Somalia, a written script, and three ports. Muse Bihi? I just witnessed this guy purchase literally inoperable single engine trainer prop planes with broken wings and try to pass it off as the Somaliland Air Force :icon lol:

View attachment 331288

Do you have anything meaningful to add? Siad Barre left some roads? What did he do to the Marehan, the Ogaden who supported him, the friends who helped him in his coup...

