Interesting way to concede the point brotherDo you have anything meaningful to add? Siad Barre left some roads? What did he do to the Marehan, the Ogaden who supported him, the friends who helped him in his coup...

Interesting way to concede the point brotherDo you have anything meaningful to add? Siad Barre left some roads? What did he do to the Marehan, the Ogaden who supported him, the friends who helped him in his coup...
You are ilkáyar dulmane who did a runner from politics section. You quote an individual and say people shouldn't diss afweyne waa isla fiicantahay lolwe have faraxs sagging their pants shooting rival gangsters over drugs and area codes.
if your 1st cousin who lives in social housing has dreads and says wagwan and stabs gangsters over area codes and cocaine dont insult siad barre. enjoy your jamaicanized family.
it's all about qabiil ninyahow, if siyaad barre was from their clan, they would be singing aabo siyaad, best believe.![]()
You are ilkáyar dulmane who did a runner from politics section. You quote an individual and say people shouldn't diss afweyne waa isla fiicantahay lol
I believe he is buried in Garbahaarey, honestly I would piss on his grave
Are you having us on? You value Stability to a comical extent. Any day of the week, Freedom beats Stability. Most Somalis are doing better now than they did under him.we have faraxs sagging their pants shooting rival gangsters over drugs and area codes.
if your 1st cousin who lives in social housing has dreads and says wagwan and stabs gangsters over area codes and cocaine dont insult siad barre. enjoy your jamaicanized family.
remember if or when you return to prison dont drop the soap in front of the jamaicans.You are ilkáyar dulmane who did a runner from politics section. You quote an individual and say people shouldn't diss afweyne waa isla fiicantahay lol
I believe he is buried in Garbahaarey, honestly I would piss on his grave
Our worst leader. For the apologists, he had 21 years, lol. Anyone could have achieved something in that period.
Most Somalis are doing better now than they did under him.
Interesting way to concede the point brother![]()
I was hoping that a Dhulbahante man, whose people experienced being bombarded by a 'government', would have more empathy for people who have also been attacked by a government; one far more powerful than SNM could ever dream of.
You and the other Kacaanists only care, when it's your own people that bleed, with no empathy for others.
By not entertaining the desperate deflection to Muse Bihi? Muse Bihi was elected, he didn't snatch power for himself and will leave office and leave a country behind that is in a decent shape. You might not agree with his actions but he doesn't run a regime, like your dear uncle did and then run the country in the ground when he was forced out.
they have a warped sense of freedom that is restricted to 'can we throw a sub clan tantrum and insult the madaxweyne?'. being under a military government is not freedom for them (ok fair). but then they dont have any major problems living under christian armies and think they have more freedom. imagine being frisked by a ugandan and talking about freedom.Mengistu and Haile Selassie both killed at least 20x more civilians than Siad Barre ever did.
Somalis are very docile, submissive and humble for cadaans. Thats why you saw them obey fascist Italian colonists faithfully for 50 years without a single revolt, and they even petitioned for them to rule another 30 years. A muslim can not even inspire their loyalty in the same way, they need a christian colonist who considers them 2nd class citizens and spreads Christianity in their lands. Pathetic people crying over Siad Barre who done nothing compared to them.
Deflection? We witnessed you and your ilk cheer on and justify the indiscriminate shells that rained down upon the civilians of Laascaanood yet want us to believe Siad was the devil. Reminds me of another bunch who incessantly cry about a historical atrocity while actively committing another one.
Brother, you have totally failed. There is no country, you are not Eritrea. You are nothing more than another -land. Muse Bihi literally lost 1/3 of his territory overnight. You are literally typing from Europe, a qaxooti who fled after his so called victory and independence.
You and your like destroyed Somalia out of spite and now can't bear to live with the consequences.
Siad Barre should have left power when it was obvious he could not continue. No one expected the level of damage he would cause if they attempted to oust him because no one really knew what he was. It was only afterwards that people in the light of the carnage could see he was a truly depraved individual.
Siad Barre as the leader of the country had the responsibility to manage the situation appropriately but he chose his own power until the very end even betraying the people who helped hold on to it. You want to believe the unbelievable that he was holding things together thats okay, he's your uncle after all.
SL is a country it's doing fine and will be doing better as it gains recognition.
Yeah yeah, Siad caused USC to implode, Aideed to attack Abgaal and destroy xamar in 4 months, Majerteen, Murusade, Xawaadle, Rahanweyn, other Habar Gidir, his own Sacad subsubclan, until his death at the hands of a teenage reer hilowle gunman
These are the same people who will argue they sent Siad to die on a Nigerian toilet
You can't have it both ways bro.
A slightly off tangent point but we didn't have a centralised governmentCan someone explain to me, why Kacaanist are unable to run even a small hamlet with efficiency? They keep talking about the Kacaan governmental 'prowess', ok, where are all these imaginary skills today? Or will Kacaanists finally admit, that you lived off the intellect, and hard work put forth by other Somalis? 'Booli Qaran' ring a bell?
Is this why you dream of a Centralised state? Your worst nightmare, is living alone? Having to survive off the income generated by your own tuulo?
Aniga waa idin garaniya.
To be honest in so much as he inflamed qabiil tensions and used divide and conquer to keep political opponents focused on each other, yes he is to blame.Yeah yeah, Siad caused USC to implode, Aideed to attack Abgaal and destroy xamar in 4 months, Majerteen, Murusade, Xawaadle, Rahanweyn, other Habar Gidir, his own Sacad subsubclan, until his death at the hands of a teenage reer hilowle gunman
These are the same people who will argue they sent Siad to die on a Nigerian toilet
You can't have it both ways bro.
Muh booli qaaranthey have a warped sense of freedom that is restricted to 'can we throw a sub clan tantrum and insult the madaxweyne?'. being under a military government is not freedom for them (ok fair). but then they dont have any major problems living under christian armies and think they have more freedom.
And you can't have it both ways that Siad was a visionary and great leader and yet couldn't see the consequences of turning every group against one another.
To be honest in so much as he inflamed qabiil tensions and used divide and conquer to keep political opponents focused on each other, yes he is to blame.
How can the dowlad collapse so completely? I wonder what would have happened if after the accident happened General Samatar and his faction took charge and removed him or if Siad transferred authority to Liiqliiqato before fleeing. Xamar was untouched when he left it was afterwards that it turned into hell.