Siad Barre named on most evil politicians of 20th century list, denial ensues


I have no argument? Brother, I had you posting goodbye gifs :icon lol:

Imagine if Siad could have seen your defence of him, in his heyday, he would have been proud.
He would have probably had you in front of a firing squad at sooner or later but in that moment, you know you he might have liked you.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Now you're exchanging one kind of heresy for another those dogs aren't welcome either.

I don't enough about post Siad to ascribe blame all I know is that the politicians/main warlords whatever you want to call them failed miserably.

The difficulties and tribulations of the diaspora since including the children born outside are on their heads for destroying our homeland.

Sadly, you will find out very shortly that it is indeed you who are the heretic in our new Somalia :icon lol:
Imagine if Siad could have seen your defence of him, in his heyday, he would have been proud.
He would have probably had you in front of a firing squad at sooner or later but in that moment, you know you he might have liked you.

Tbf I owe the guy, his son paid for my parents' wedding :icon lol:
False. You are bypassing Aden Adde with your fraudulent statement. SYL 13 did not rule Somalia

Aden Cadde was part of SYL, instead of quoting me with nonsense, go do some basic reading.



I mean you should also remember the Italians only secured full control of the South in 1927. They then lost it all during WWII and after the war there was the Four Power Commission that decided the fate of the Horn and they were then put in as a 'trustee'.

They weren't even there that long and their Christianisation attempts failed miserably. It is also unreasonable to say there was no opposition.
All done by 1910, British Foreign Office after visiting the region in 1917 writes:
Screenshot 2024-06-11 at 00.17.24.png

Call it a trustee if you wish to feel better, but it doesn't change the facts on the ground which is business as usual.

"Their Christianisation attempt failed miserbly", ok but you are here talking about Barre changing the quran and being a kaafir meanwhile the Pope himself was directly involved in Christianising Somalis and not a single Somali dared to utter a negative word to their Italians masters. Why the double standard? Because one is white and Christian, obedience is waajib ?
Vatican authorities are following with great interest the work of Consolata missionaries in Somalia, as their work is the first complete experiment the Pope has potentially created for the conversion of the Muslims … [The plan] could be explained as such: [missionaries should] first of all study Islamism deeply, the language, habits, the mentality of Muslim people, and then, through charity, address them directly, trying to* earn their respect, then their love, eventually their soul.
“With Muslims,” another missionary wrote in 1926, “it is necessary to pursue other strategies [than direct apostolate]: education, labor, and Christian charity." Consolata missionaries thus distinguished between “direct” and “indirect” apostolate. Direct apostolate addressed the already Christian segment of the population as well as its socially least integrated segment (foundlings) and consisted of catechism.
"Indirect apostolate involved the Muslim population and consisted in showing how magnanimous missionaries were by providing Muslims with various charity activities, including education and job opportunities."
In the years 1924 to 1930, missionaries considerably expanded the Catholic network from Mogadishu, Gelib, and Brava to Villabruzzi, Merca, Afgoi, Gelib, Genale, Baidoa, Vittorio d’Africa, and Hafun. With De Vecchi’s support, they founded missionary residences, hospitals, shelters for the poor and the elderly, leproseries, orphanages, agricultural settlements, and churches, including a monumental cathedral in Mogadishu. As La Consolata reported in July 1925, however, education was the very arena where missionaries could enact their “civilizing” plan with the same gradualism they had experimented in Kenya. "
The appearance of vocational schooling and the “practical” character of native elementary education confirmed that[...]the primary aim of missionary teaching among the native youth was to train skilled laborers and by doing so resolve the labor question in Italian Somalia. Expansion, centralization, and a combination of assimilation and segregation marked the emergence of the first school system in the colony.
"In 1925, Consolata missionaries established an orphanage and nursery school for foundlings in Mogadishu. Their purpose was to provide charity to the socially marginal segment of the urban population and consequently “pacifically penetrate in” and “establish a direct contact with” local communities. Missionaries turned to that segment of Somali society that occupied a liminal position: foundlings. The orphanage was thus a tool for missionaries and De Vecchi to self-fashion themselves as benefactors and practice evangelization."
All done by 1910, British Foreign Office after visiting the region in 1917 writes:
View attachment 331301

Call it a trustee if you wish to feel better, but it doesn't change the facts on the ground which is business as usual.

"Their Christianisation attempt failed miserbly", ok but you are here talking about Barre changing the quran and being a kaafir meanwhile the Pope himself was directly involved in Christianising Somalis and not a single Somali dared to utter a negative word to their Italians masters. Why the double standard? Because one is white and Christian, obedience is waajib ?
Google 'the Banadir resistance' and tell me what date it finished. It will tell you 1924 which is close enough to my original date that was included the defeat of the last standing sultanate in Puntland.

You are just quoting what they tried not the outcomes or how it worked. They did not succeed in their conversation efforts and even the tiny minority of kidnapped children they taught Christianity have mostly Muslim descendants today.

I don't know what kind of complex leads to these arguments but don't try me with this shit. I didn't say nothing about Italy or accepting them this is BS you came up with

Garaad Awal

Former African
Judge a man by his enemies.

Secessionists and anarchy enthusiasts isku nacamleeynaaya kkkkkk


Enjoy London until the Pajeet sends you back to the hellhole you created

I already know by your defence of Afweyne you belong to his clan. There is no cure to the Sub-Saharan disease
'SYL ruled Somalia' is what you said and I said that is a false statement. Aden Adde ruled Somalia. I know more than enough about the man abaayo

Aden Cadde didn't run on his own ballot, nor did he have his own independent political party, where he was the sole member.

If I said the democrats ruled America, and I was referring to Obama, would you come in here to say 'false statement'? SYL was a party, and Aden Cadde was a member of that party, who later rose to a higher position. After him, Sharmarke, another SYL member, became President, until he was assassinated.

Every politician on earth, is part of a political party, well, unless that man was a Siad Barre type, and even he had his military henchmen as his gang.


Google 'the Banadir resistance' and tell me what date it finished. It will tell you 1924 which is close enough to my original date that was included the defeat of the last standing sultanate in Puntland.

You are just quoting what they tried not the outcomes or how it worked. They did not succeed in their conversation efforts and even the tiny minority of kidnapped children they taught Christianity have mostly Muslim descendants today.

I don't know what kind of complex leads to these arguments but don't try me with this shit. I didn't say nothing about Italy or accepting them this is BS you came up with
The only ones to really fight the Italians in southern Somalia were the Dhulbahante who came from the north and conquered Hiiraan and built many military forts that still exist today, the natives on the other hand were on the side of the Italians and were part of their army. How is it possible that we can come from the north and control the entire hiiraan, build forts and repel the Italian army with their native lackeys for years and yet this resistance in Benadir, lower and middle Shabelle in the same timespan has never controlled any land, what exactly were they doing for all this time, what proof is there of their existence?

So what if it didn't work? If a man tries to kill your family and fails, does that mean you excuse him? It doesn't change the fact that they succeeded in many many other countries including Ethiopia, and put a great effort into converting Somalia such that the Pope himself was the one that created the plan. What did the people do in this timespan? Is there any proof that they disproved this at all? No, they welcomed the Italians and a large percentage wanted them to continue colonising Somalia for 30 years.
Yeah, yeah, just like you guys created the Somali flag, the national anthem, or whatever else propaganda the failed SNM has been pumping into your minds for the last 3 decades while doing diddly squat.

I can tell you one thing, had Siad won the war I would not be typing from some cadaan country :icon lol:
I’m not even from Waqoyi. Why do people on here always claim that you must be ___ if you post the truth?
The only ones to really fight the Italians in southern Somalia were the Dhulbahante who came from the north and conquered Hiiraan and built many military forts that still exist today, the natives on the other hand were on the side of the Italians and were part of their army. How is it possible that we can come from the north and control the entire hiiraan, build forts and repel the Italian army with their native lackeys for years and yet this resistance in Benadir, lower and middle Shabelle in the same timespan has never controlled any land, what exactly were they doing for all this time, what proof is there of their existence?

So what if it didn't work? If a man tries to kill your family and fails, does that mean you excuse him? It doesn't change the fact that they succeeded in many many other countries including Ethiopia, and put a great effort into converting Somalia such that the Pope himself was the one that created the plan. What did the people do in this timespan? Is there any proof that they disproved this at all? No, they welcomed the Italians and a large percentage wanted them to continue colonising Somalia for 30 years.

Rome recorded our history this book ⬆️ was entirely about beginnings of somalia and the Lafoole Massacre that killed 14 Italian officials and over 70 travelling with him including the biggest Italian Consul at the time Antonio Cecchi, the Benadir Governor later asks Ugaas Farrcade (Murusade) to return some stolen booty like rifles and horses from Cecchi and his camp in order to release 5 prisoners, that war was dubbed Adwa Pt 2 and helped keep Italians at bay for decades and helped Barsane defeat Habesha invasion

Here below are monuments in Rome dedicated for the fallen soldiers. We wiped out a whole crew ship + indian, eritrean, arab and somali (sell outs) askaris. The monument is located in Verano monumental cemetry in the centre of Rome among all the colonial and historical relics of Italys past in that place.



Memorial of fallen Italian commanders at Lafole






This is the son of the shaykh Haji Ahmed the leader of the mainly Wacdan forces who fought Italians in towns such as Lafoole. @Jungle


Of the 17 captured assailants 14 were murusade at Lafoole were high ranking Italians officials got massacred. Wacdaan swapped 14 dead Italians for 14 murscade prisoners and 3 Matamma (Reer Matan) prisoners.
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Siad Barre was a rare thing in politics, a true psychopath. He had no friends, no loyalty to clan ( he used them and they allowed themselves to be used). He turned every plot against him into a clan conspiracy and then used group punishments to give the perception he was this noble man fighting off the uncivilized masses ( a perception you bought hook line and sinker).

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His true motive, when he realized he could no longer maintain power was to destroy Somalia and all possibility for it. He caused maximum destruction before he left. If he was forced to leave Somalia, he would leave building and not people and there's another quote about Somalia not being governable after him. It was all by design.

His inclusion on the list is well justified.
"Maximum destruction" that guy left mogadisho intact and I'm hg before I get accused of bias


A Laandheere always pays his debts
I have no argument? Brother, I had you posting goodbye gifs :icon lol:

in my humble opinion, Arsenal will most likely take most of Somalia up to probably Galgaduud in the next decade or so. You won't have to worry about so called kufr for much longer.

And I wouldn't say entirely Aideed's fault but more like the whole thing was planned terribly.

If you're Aideed in 1991 after ousting an incredibly unpopular dictaor with the full backing of nearly every clan (Muslim vs Marehan :icon lol:), do you:
A) declare a general amnesty
B) declare a nationwide reconciliation conference
C) call for free & fair elections in 1 year while instituting a transitional government
D)all of the above
E) immediately embark on ethnic cleansing of Darood, most of whom are your allies, systemically attack every single other ally you have, turn Mogadishu into Stalingrad, starve exterminate the poor cadcads among other crimes, precipitate clan warfare to a stage where you are murdered by a reer Hilowle Sacad kid, and usher in an era of warlordism and anarchy.

Unfortunately for all of us, Mr. Aideed chose E. :icon lol:
Its not his fault however. Its the moryaan in him. The scorpion and the frog fable, even when its in his interest to lead the state, he cannot undo his moryaan behaviour. Caydiid was one hundred percent the major factor for Somalia's downfall far more than MSB, dictatorships come & go... creating anarchical civil war in the capital and destroying all institutions aren't as regular hence far harder to recover from, especially when those same moryaan's think they hold 'power' in the control tower of politics (HAG control nothing, they live in an apartheid - Xalane is the quintessential apartheid state).

Another way to look at it is Caydiid was genuinely a psychopath who wanted to be venerated and glorified - so he wanted to oust MSB to replace him as the leader not his system. Hawiye have never created a system or imprint on Somali politics, even those Somaalidiid's in Waqooyi at least have an agenda in politics (albeit its a parochial one, which will end with the 'dog that caught the car'). However Hawiye literally have nothing, hence their anti-Darood agenda is quite literally all they can come up with. Its hilariously pathetic. Hawiye politics will forever be enslaved by MSB's remnants or by the inevitable federalisation... both created by their arch nemisis (even though I don't believe in this mythical, too-far reaching concept of "Daroodnimo").
Muh booli qaaran

>Meanwhile Italian settlers were 40 % of mogadishu population, fascists plan to turn Somalia to South Africa 2.0
>Treated like dirt 2nd class citizens under apartheid government
>Ruled for 50 years loyally with not a single rebellion or issue
>Churches and Christianity propagated throughout your lands

They could have had ruled another 50 years and not a single Somali would ever dare think to against their Italian masters, who are the weakest and most langaab European power :susp:

The Italians didn’t even need to exploit qabii dynamics to maintain power. It was so easy and effortless, and was more like a holiday for them.
Nigga are you forgetting the Bimal Revolt? Or Hawa Tako?
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