Simplest way to be more attractive as a man


Sometimes there are handsome men, that keep striking out in the dating market, because they are simply, not interesting. Or they are complacent and arrogant. Let me give you an example, a woman goes on a date with a handsome man, he's ok, but he doesn't know how to have a conversation that doesn't revolve around him. Or he's stingey, not chivalrous, something is off. Not a bad person, but he is just not adept at being around women. Then you have the basic looking man, that opens doors, brings flowers, and is chivalrous and attentive. Most women will choose the basic looking one, and he 'grows' on them, because of how he acts. I've seen it with my own eyes, women 'growing' to like a man, because of how he treats her. And the opposite, women getting the ICK, because the handsome guy is boring, complacent and thinks he should be pursued.

Dating is WORK, and the hardest working man, will eventually win. Self-respecting women want consistent good treatment.

The 'dream' for many woman is handsome, 6 feet tall, 6 figures, but not every woman will get that dream. It's good news, for the men willing to put in the self-work.
I know an average looking Farax, that doesn't let a girl touch a door, let alone, touch a bill. She's legit a 10/10, whereas he's your average looking faarax. He acts like he knows it, and she is starting to like him, more than the cuter guys she knows. If he proposes after a few months, she'll probably say yes.

You want a woman, treat her well. Show ragganimo, show you are a protector, provider. Show her you listen. For example, she says she has a problem, find ways to help her solve it. You don't even have to spend a lot of money. It's about showing that you see and HEAR her. Women notice everything and everything is discussed with friends and family. You are constantly being assessed and compared to other guys. But if you sit around, waiting to be courted, forget about it. You will only get an insecure girl, and that's if she doesn't have friends and family that care about her. No woman will allow her sister to end up with a weirdo, trust me, if you are weird/abusive, they already hate you and are trying to sabotage the relationship.

I hope that what we say, helps the genuine guys on here, that don't have sisters to tell them the truth.



Sometimes there are handsome men, that keep striking out in the dating market, because they are simply, not interesting. Or they are complacent and arrogant. Let me give you an example, a woman goes on a date with a handsome man, he's ok, but he doesn't know how to have a conversation that doesn't revolve around him. Or he's stingey, not chivalrous, something is off. Not a bad person, but he is just not adept at being around women. Then you have the basic looking man, that opens doors, brings flowers, and is chivalrous and attentive. Most women will choose the basic looking one, and he 'grows' on them, because of how he acts. I've seen it with my own eyes, women 'growing' to like a man, because of how he treats her. And the opposite, women getting the ICK, because the handsome guy is boring, complacent and thinks he should be pursued.

Dating is WORK, and the hardest working man, will eventually win. Self-respecting women want consistent good treatment.

The 'dream' for many woman is handsome, 6 feet tall, 6 figures, but not every woman will get that dream. It's good news, for the men willing to put in the self-work.
Yeah i agree, i think personality is important, as attraction is something that grows and blossoms after getting to know the person.

That depends on what drives that woman. I've turned down a millionaire in the past, because he was simply not my type. Not all women will choose money over attraction. Life is long for some people, and not every woman can bear laying under a man, just because he has money.

Whereas some sisters, are lucky in the sense that their type IS $$$.
Majority of women under 30 would prefer the guy with $$, provided he is successful and has a good personality. Perhaps it’s different for the older generation, but those who grew up with tiktok and social media won’t choose a poorer man, they would feel humiliated looking pretty wearing a nice dress and taking a train to a date or a shit car.

Apparently little teenage girls nowadays expect their boyfriends to pay for their hair and nails LOL.

Yeah i agree, i think personality is important, as attraction is something that grows and blossoms after getting to know the person.

Majority of women under 30 would prefer the guy with $$, provided he is successful and has a good personality. Perhaps it’s different for the older generation, but those who grew up with tiktok and social media won’t choose a poorer
man, they would feel humiliated looking pretty wearing a nice dress and taking a train to a date or a shit car.
Apparently little teenage girls nowadays expect their boyfriends to pay for their hair and nails LOL.

These girls and women on social media are exaggerating, they know that in real life, not all men drive nice cars. The ones that are delusional, are probably also likely to date scammers. I'm telling you, if a guy is nice, attentive, and occasionally gives thoughtful gifts and gestures, most girls/women are happy, and will show off to their friends about their man.

The trouble is, there are too many guys out there, that refuse to do the bare minimum, and that's why young girls are listening to dating gurus whose market is supposed to be sugar babies/millionnaires. They are simply upset that they can't get a decent date.


These girls and women on social media are exaggerating, they know that in real life, not all men drive nice cars. The ones that are delusional, are probably also likely to date scammers. I'm telling you, if a guy is nice, attentive, and occasionally gives thoughtful gifts and gestures, most girls/women are happy, and will show off to their friends about their man.

The trouble is, there are too many guys out there, that refuse to do the bare minimum, and that's why young girls are listening to dating gurus whose market is supposed to be sugar babies/millionnaires. They are simply upset that they can't get a decent date.
We live in an online world nowadays, their world is shaped by tiktok and insta not their real life experiences, covid took away 3 years of their real life as well. They are all wannabe models on social media, and prefer to meet men from social media or dating apps. How many people actually meet someone from real life ? It’s rare nowadays.
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That depends on what drives that woman. I've turned down a millionaire in the past, because he was simply not my type. Not all women will choose money over attraction. Life is long for some people, and not every woman can bear laying under a man, just because he has money.

Whereas some sisters, are lucky in the sense that their type IS $$$.
Now we can all agree on the importance of hygiene, grooming and styling. But everything has a limit, hence β€œthe law of diminishing returns”

Women want you to be well put together but effortlessly, like it’s magic.

Copying little George Michael jr will plant you right in the friend zone, where after doing everything you were told to do, like the good little boy you are.

You get a front seat to all the highs and lows she experiences with guys, totally opposite to you. Why?

Women speak in context not content and the advice ain’t for you, it’s for the β€œselect guys” who are lacking in this department.


Now we can all agree on the importance of hygiene, grooming and styling. But everything has a limit, hence β€œthe law of diminishing returns”

Women want you to be well put together but effortlessly, like it’s magic.

Copying little George Michael jr will plant you right in the friend zone, where after doing everything you were told to do, like the good little boy you are.

You get a front seat to all the highs and lows she experiences with guys, totally opposite to you. Why?

Women speak in context not content and the advice ain’t for you, it’s for the β€œselect guys” who are lacking in this department.


One thing is true, I don't want to hear a man discuss his skincare routine in detail. Sure, ask for tips, and where to acquire items. Feel free to borrow items. But then do it, and silently. It's like any other hygiene routine, who wants to hear about a man shaving his private parts, or plucking his armpit hair. Save some things for yourself, to keep the mystery. I'm sure men don't want to hear a woman discuss her hygiene routine either.
We live in an online world nowadays, their world is shaped by tiktok and insta not their real life experiences, covid took away 3 years of their real life as well. They are all wannabe models on social media, and prefer to meet men from social media or dating apps.

How many people actually meet someone from real life ? It’s rare nowadays.

I read something about the 'third place' disappearing,

In sociology, the third place refers to the social surroundings that are separate from the two usual social environments of home and the workplace. Examples of third places include churches, cafes, bars, clubs, libraries, gyms, bookstores, hackerspaces, stoops, parks, theaters, among others

These are the places where in the past, people would strike up conversations, and then start dating. But for some reason, men seem more apprehensive about approaching women. Dating apps, have ruined things for both genders. People are fooled into thinking there is a never-ending supply of people, just a swipe away, but for many, it's just an illusion.

Somalis don't really have 'third places', that's what we need for us, by us. Places where Somalis can mingle and meet naturally.
Based on my experiences in real life i disagree. I’ve seen it in real life myself, this girl i know rejected a handsome tall guy but with an ok job, and she went for a guy that is shorter, less handsome but has a really nice car and house. And the handsome guy used to chase her, but now she’s the one chasing the uglier guy.
Yes, but if she had to choose between the medium ugly guy with a good job and a handsome man with a good job, who would she choose?

Also, how unattractive was the shorter, less attractive man?

Think of it this way, as a man who would you choose, the 7/10 girl with amazing personality, good reputation in the community and practicing or the 9.5/10 girl that has a bit of a past and isn’t the most practicing?

If you was to choose the 7/10 girl can I know make the assumption that men don’t care about attraction? Of course not.

My whole point is whilst women definitely care about physical looks, women also make other important consideration.

Or he's stingey, not chivalrous, something is off. Not a bad person, but he is just not adept at being around women. Then you have the basic looking man, that opens doors, brings flowers, and is chivalrous and attentive. Most women will choose the basic looking one, and he 'grows' on them, because of how he acts. I've seen it with my own eyes, women 'growing' to like a man, because of how he treats her. And the opposite, women getting the ICK, because the handsome guy is boring, complacent and thinks he should be pursued.

Dating is WORK, and the hardest working man, will eventually win. Self-respecting women want consistent good treatment.

The 'dream' for many woman is handsome, 6 feet tall, 6 figures, but not every woman will get that dream. It's good news, for the men willing to put in the self-work.

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Isn’t that not settling because attraction is very important it’s what sustains a relationship
It’s due to insecurity. It isn’t a real preference. The same way some men wouldn’t move to a 10/10. Women are just a lot more vocal about it and wear their discomfort on their sleeves.
The story of women cutting their hands in distraction, at Nabi Yusuf (AS)s appearance, should tell you all you need to know about how women feel around handsome men.

Every single girl/woman I know, has been told to 'look past appearance' when it comes to considering suitors. A lot of women, see their potential husband as a 'fixer upper', and as soon as it gets serious, you'll notice women telling a man what to wear or how to groom. That's why married men tends to look better than single men. Look at the 'black wife' trend on tiktok, they took those Cadaan men, and fixed them up.

If boys learned early on, to look after their appearance, and develop communication skills, the marriage market, wouldn't be this bad. Be cute or at least, have the 'gift of the gab' or something.
The problem is we don’t have many role models in the Somali community to look upon as a result we have lots of men who don’t take care of themselves.