Size DOES matter!

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It's suspect to talk about an organ? The penis is an organ and yes, it's a sexual organ and I can understand why people might feel weird about it. However, discussing penis sizes are suspect now, really? When the doctor is doing a physical, do you request a female doctor to do it? So straight male scientists that discuss penis sizes are now suspect? Calm down people, it's just an organ and numbers.

Boasting about how big your dick is to other men makes you look a type of way
Your doctor example doesn't work, they're 2 different things in 2 different contexts that can't and should not be compared


Not your typical Farah

Boasting about how big your dick is to other men makes you look a type of way
Your doctor example doesn't work, they're 2 different things in 2 different contexts that can't and should not be compared
I never justified or said anything about talking greatly about how big you are. :faysalwtf:

I was clearly talking about studies and discussing it.


Not your typical Farah

Talking to es another men's penises?

Come here and take this L. You are beyond friendzone saxxib, nothing can save you
Congrats, I never seen someone talk shit over the internet and make amazing claims about people they know nothing of :qri8gs7:


Talking about dick size is considered suspect only on the internet, kinda odd since everything else goes. . You're making a bigger deal out of it than it is. From what I seen and know, girls and guys discuss all kinds of shit irl. But the original post and subsequent posts of the threadmaker read like an ad/brag/pumping out of pseudo-facts about sexuality with bullshit like if-the-dick-is-good-she'll-worship-you cuz I should know bruh :icon lol:
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