That's actually a myth. I agree with the rest though.
18-25 for women and 25-30 for men is ideal.
How so?
Didn't the Prophet SAW tell young men to marry early if they can afford it in order to avoid zina?
That's actually a myth. I agree with the rest though.
18-25 for women and 25-30 for men is ideal.
Tell me more![]()
I'm not getting married so I'm out of the equation mate
None I'm good thank you I don't need a man to fulfil my needs I'm happy on my own thank you I'm quite happy with my decision to stay away from men evil evil gender I like being aloneAre you asexual, part of a religious order that demands virginity (like a nuns in Catholicism), or okay with life long fornication? Those are the only three possibilities.
People will find all sorts of excuses to delay marriage. Marriage isn't a walk in the park but requires some effort and commitment just like with everything else in life.
Yes, women are conceiving in their late 20s and 30s but it becomes more dificult with age. Not just getting pregant but carrying a baby full-term. A lot of these "career women" end up regretting not starting a family early.
I advocate it for guys too because it's harder for them to remain chaste and it will make them mature quicker giving them a sense of responsibility and gives them a focus.
None I'm good thank you I don't need a man to fulfil my needs I'm happy on my own thank you I'm quite happy with my decision to stay away from men evil evil gender I like being alone
How so?
Didn't the Prophet SAW tell young men to marry early if they can afford it in order to avoid zina?
I just don't believe in marriage I've been hurt to many times by vindictive men they deserve nothing but brutal pain and suffering. I cannot stand them any longer they are curse on this planetThat's unnatural sis. We all have an innate desire for a companion in life. It is part of our fitra. If you don't desire it that means your fitra has been distorted.
1) Young people opt for oral and anal sex, staying away from PIV like the plague. It's common they opt for anal sex in pre-marital relationships in an effort to keep their virginity for the husband they eventually marry. Anal being haram (forbidden) in Islam, they essentially committ the completely 100% haram sin of anal sex to keep themselves from committing the permissible-under-certain-circumstances (well, marriage) act of regular PIV sex.
2) A high prevalence of prostitutes profiting off the sexual frustration of those willing to pay them for their services.
3) A subculture of willing young married woman + teenage-young adult male relationships due to them being the only type of woman they can hit it with besides shady prostitutes (whom they have to pay), the women, too, knowing this, take advantage.
3) Sodomy/[gang]rape/male aggression, and advanced sexual harassment in the society due to the heightened sexual frustration of males too pious, poor, or unwilling to pay prostitutes, or have affairs with married women.
4) After marriage, a free-for-all occurs wherein people bed their previous boyfriends and girlfriends, or love interests whom didn't believe in dating, whom they couldn't go all-the-way or any way with beforehand. The idea being that once you're married, you're home free. Liasons and hidden affairs ensue - even moreso when marriages are a family arrangement than a love-marriage - wherein they sleep with people they love/d on the side and keeping their husbands and wives. Illegitimacy results.
I can't go on. I've heard it all, I think. In short, degenercy is widespread and all that remains is a comfortable surface lie, a facade. The system has been completely rigged. People are ahead of the game.
Base desires are for primitive beingsThis is all true and not new to me. Humans are primitive beings driven by our imperative to satisfy our base desires. When society tries to reign in illicit pleasures we devise strategies to circumvent the rules as discreetly as possible.
@Barni will be knocking on your door like a jehova any moment now, we've lost another one boysI just don't believe in marriage I've been hurt to many times by vindictive men they deserve nothing but brutal pain and suffering. I cannot stand them any longer they are curse on this planet
1) Young people opt for oral and anal sex, staying away from PIV like the plague. It's common they opt for anal sex in pre-marital relationships in an effort to keep their virginity for the husband they eventually marry. Anal being haram (forbidden) in Islam, they essentially committ the completely 100% haram sin of anal sex to keep themselves from committing the permissible-under-certain-circumstances (well, marriage) act of regular PIV sex.
2) A high prevalence of prostitutes profiting off the sexual frustration of those willing to pay them for their services.
3) A subculture of willing young married woman + teenage-young adult male relationships due to them being the only type of woman they can hit it with besides shady prostitutes (whom they have to pay), the women, too, knowing this, take advantage.
3) Sodomy/[gang]rape/male aggression, and advanced sexual harassment in the society due to the heightened sexual frustration of males too pious, poor, or unwilling to pay prostitutes, or have affairs with married women.
4) After marriage, a free-for-all occurs wherein people bed their previous boyfriends and girlfriends, or love interests whom didn't believe in dating, whom they couldn't go all-the-way or any way with beforehand. The idea being that once you're married, you're home free. Liasons and hidden affairs ensue - even moreso when marriages are a family arrangement than a love-marriage - wherein they sleep with people they love/d on the side and keeping their husbands and wives. Illegitimacy results.
I can't go on. I've heard it all, I think. In short, degenercy is widespread and all that remains is a comfortable surface lie, a facade. The system has been completely rigged. People are ahead of the game.
@Barni will be knocking on your door like a jehova any moment now, we've lost another one boys![]()
Men are gods mistake@Barni will be knocking on your door like a jehova any moment now, we've lost another one boys![]()
Also, to me I find it hard to believe in the 90% + Muslim stats for these countries when this type of shit is going on. A true believer in Allah and in his torment won't do these things. I'd say half of the Muslims in the world are secretly disbelievers who don't fear nor believe in a hell, but just fear social shame and ostracism from their communities. Religion and social shaming are both powerful tools that shape human behaviour, but the latter I believe is much more powerful. Actually, maybe they're both equally powerful since they work in tandem with religion making the rules and social shaming ensuing from breaking those rules. Religion needs social shaming to enforce its rules (since fear of hell isn't enough for most people) and social shaming needs religion for moral legitimacy.
You're right it is harder so why advocate 18 year olds to get married when none of their decision making patterns point to them being mature enough to maintain that commitment.
And no we're biologically different than our parents with a complete understanding of growth and fertility. Science has more or less made this pregnancy fear a 35+ one and no peer reviewed study seems to debunk that understanding from my view.
If marriage is hard, you should at least be old enough to quantify the magnitude of these decisions you're about to make. And very few under the age of 22 seem to have that insight.
If the entirety of the marriage at a young age argument is based around the notion that people will stray from chastity and purity then that is a fundamentally fucked up argument because you are prioritizing the lack of inhibition over logical, statically backed approaches. Which will most likely lead to a failed marriage.
No. 25-32 for men, 20 (as an absolute minimum)-26 for women.
That's the demographic that has the best shot at fertility AND a successful marriage.
I think that's a sorta naive approach. These same people will do anything for their religion. Apparently, everyone knows but no one wants to acknowledge the problems. Odd that they have the adhan ringing through their streets five times a day, but still engage..
Your first response was more to point. It's a matter of their natural inhibitions overpowering them, and their devising ways to reach their end-game as a result. I always thought majority-Muslim countries were better in that aspect, at least, but they're even worse.
Some believe or not achieve arousal through such stimulation and actually get off on itHow do u know if it's sincerely for the religion and not for social approval and keeping up appearances? I just find it hard to believe that a true beleiver in Allah swt and the hereafter would have anal sex etc. But maybe ur right.
Yes, that's because men are the initiators of marriage. He couldn't have given the same advice to women because it's not really up to women when they get married. Men are the active agents and women are the passive agents in the marriage market, especially back then. So His (pbuh) advice applies to men for this reason, but it doesn't mean men have a more difficult time of remaining chaste when compared to women. Women are extremely sexual, it's just that they are sexually attracted to a small subset of the male population, while males are generally attracted sexually to most young and not overly heavy women. This means women can have sex on demand because men standards for sex aren't high, and it also means most men have a difficult time in acquiring sex since women get horny for a small percentage of men. This gives the illusion that men are horn-dogs, while women aren't, but in reality both are horny as hell, it's just that it takes more for a women to start lusting after the opposite sex.
What about the women who reach their peak at an earlier age ? Do they have to wait it's not only men who have desires that are strong you knowI agree with the overall message but women reach their sexual peak later in life. Men have their sexual peak earlier in life which is probably why the Prophet SAW advocated for men to marry early. Also Allah swt tells men to lower their gaze in the Qur'an which again emphasizes that men may have stronger sexual urges.