Somali-Americans, explain this

neither one nor the other, but Republicans are more outspoken with their hateful rhetoric against Somalis, which is why I call it all into question.

Democrats are bad, Republicans are worse
By default, older Somalis are traditionally Muslims, and by extension conservatives, and ideologically do align with conservatives, by which I mean, in principle, they go by a mindset of "pull yourself up by the boot straps": classic conservatism in principle. Conversely, Dems esp. progressives are seen as a threat to the family and fabric of society with their metamorphic gyrations on gender politics, and snowflake disposition: the opposite of the typical older Somali, and most immigrants, say Hispanics, Asians etc. Many are afraid of the binary movement, and for their sons being moulded into sniffling eunuchs. No surprise there to see a shift of sort to the right for many immigrants. Needless to say, the orange orangutan is odious in self, and lacks conviction.

This is a common theme amongst older parents. If this could happen to the wealthiest fellow in the world, what chance do dole-dependent immigrant parents stand?

Elon Musk says he's a 'cultural Christian,' reveals how he was 'tricked' into transing son.

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Staff Member
I was one of them until the beautiful Kamala Harris replaced the old Alzheimer’s patient Biden.
Team Kamala

Mixed Martial Arts Sport GIF by UFC

I knew they were there for the pic 🀣🀣🀣

Trump tonight:

Somalians, what can I say? I love Somalians. So many good Somalians here in Minnesota like the ones behind me tonight. Look at my Somalians here, they're smiling! But there are bad Somalians like Ilhan, she's a bad Somalian. She doesn't like America very much. But the good Somalians know she's a bad woman and they're gonna vote Republican and they're gonna vote for Donald J Trump because they love America!

Trump Dallas 101719 REUTERS 01 TT.jpg

Internet Nomad

I knew they were there for the pic 🀣🀣🀣

Trump tonight:

Somalians, what can I say? I love Somalians. So many good Somalians here in Minnesota like the ones behind me tonight. Look at my Somalians here, they're smiling! But there are bad Somalians like Ilhan, she's a bad Somalian. She doesn't like America very much. But the good Somalians know she's a bad woman and they're gonna vote Republican and they're gonna vote for Donald J Trump because they love America!

View attachment 336308
You wrote how he would actually speak wtf


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
I knew they were there for the pic 🀣🀣🀣

Trump tonight:

Somalians, what can I say? I love Somalians. So many good Somalians here in Minnesota like the ones behind me tonight. Look at my Somalians here, they're smiling! But there are bad Somalians like Ilhan, she's a bad Somalian. She doesn't like America very much. But the good Somalians know she's a bad woman and they're gonna vote Republican and they're gonna vote for Donald J Trump because they love America!

View attachment 336308
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Caqli lex saac aad tahay, what makes you think anyone here supports democrats? Or are americans? Think you fucking dumb negro.

You damn child, stop this Trump supporter gimmick. Qof ku caayey aad rabtaa inaad taagertid. Damn coon.
Coonkada waas you libtard


inactive RIP ~25/07/2024~
I knew they were there for the pic 🀣🀣🀣

Trump tonight:

Somalians, what can I say? I love Somalians. So many good Somalians here in Minnesota like the ones behind me tonight. Look at my Somalians here, they're smiling! But there are bad Somalians like Ilhan, she's a bad Somalian. She doesn't like America very much. But the good Somalians know she's a bad woman and they're gonna vote Republican and they're gonna vote for Donald J Trump because they love America!

View attachment 336308


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake

They seated them right infront ! Loooooooooooooooool Republicans crack me up. Walaahi i have no objection reer qaabri baayaac turning republicans. I live in the same city as them. If racist White cloud will mistake me for a republican in the streets-- so the better