Somali forces push back invaders in Western Sitti

Are you denying that Liyuu Boolis is not involved? I would have made a poster depicting all the soldiers who were killed in Sitti region but I do not want to give the enemy any propaganda material to use. After the war then maybe

Also aren’t you Hawiye? Can we get an Issa person to speak on this matter first lool
You said majority of the fighters are Ogaden, war niyahow naga aamus. And for the matter on who is fighting I already told you on my first reply.
Most of my info on this matter is from the mouth of family members. I've uninstalled most of my social media for Ramadan, but I will post links iA. Btw so far non of my family even mentioned Liyu, I just assumed they played minor role since you posting tacsi. But since you are here with indhoadeeg I'm actually questioning even that now.
Just say waxba ma haysid! For someone who barked the loudest sheekada waxey noqotay “aren’t you hawiye-to-I don’t want to give away precious intel but I’ll MAYBE submit my receipts after the war” I hate to see you go out like that :russ::deadmanny::deadrose:

I thought you were Ogaden Because your user is named after an Ogaden city. I don’t understand what you are trying to get at kkkk
You said majority of the fighters are Ogaden, war niyahow naga aamus. And for the matter on who is fighting I already told you on my first reply.
Most of my info on this matter is from the mouth of family members. I've uninstalled most of my social media for Ramadan, but I will post links iA. Btw so far non of my family even mentioned Liyu, I just assumed they played minor role since you posting tacsi. But since you are here with indhoadeeg I'm actually questioning even that now.

If Majority of the fighters are not Ogaden & Issa then what are they? Is it Karanle lmaooo


Dadkaan ahay waa Duriyad Saare iyo Dawolad! 👑
I thought you were Ogaden Because your user is named after an Ogaden city. I don’t understand what you are trying to get at kkkk

i’m not trying get at anything, consider me a silent observer in this discussion. By all means carry on don’t let me stop you.
Afar Commander sent to the grave

Pure lies wallahi, Ciise are fighting there the hardest Liyu does nothing and Cagjar fears even showing his face among Ciise. You have been wrong so many times, stop this indhoadeeg nacallaa.

Ciise are not monolith when it comes to Guelleh some Ciise(mainly poor and diaspora) in Djibouti dislike Guelleh since they want democracy and more opportunities, the Ciise in Sitti have neutral to positive stance on Guelleh. Reer Shiniile actually love Guelleh.

To reer Sitti of 2023
Guelleh>>>>>>>Cagjar. That is the reality.
If that's true, why were ciise fleeing all along? meel uu taliyaha liyuuga joogo liyuu boolis kama maqna ee come support your irirs bros or stfu.

the coward Canfars are now starting to dig holes after losing 5 years of military expansion in just 1 week. They were driven out from 2 of the 3 towns they’ve occupied and are now holed up in Cundhufo town under the protection of ENDF troops. Majority of the Afar mercenaries have been expelled towards Awash river. These new holes will become their official graves in’sha’allah.



@SPMLegend even tho I respect meles federalist vision and his economic policies was sound '10%' growth, im afraid it has the same fundamental 'flaw' of any govt founded thru bloodshed n violence, it will fall to violence, it's a matter of time and ethio trying to hold itself together but this very bad 'founding principle' is going to be it's achille.

SL has the same 'trait'. Eritrea did and look at them now even tho stable but wat keeps it stable is it has to support a policy of 'fires' in the region and globe. North korea/Iran also were founded on this principle and u see even if stable they will pursue 'fire' regionally/globally to avoid the inevitable 'violent destruction' after-all it was founded on violence


@SPMLegend dawlad kasto jawiga lagu abuuray ayaa lagu qiyaasa mustaqbalkisa. All nations are judged on this inevitable predictor. Dawlad dhiig daadin lagu dhisay, dhiig daadin ayay ku dhamaanaysa. Look at wise 'north sudan', they realized their dictator didn't spill blood for power, so they peacefully removed him thru a coup. Mamul kasto sidasi ayay ku dhamanaysa waa sidi loo dhisay.


@SPMLegend why u think @The Midlands is so anti hawiye? niyahow mamulkooda waxaa laga soo dhisay hamar same with GM, if hamar collapses, they go to, their tied to the hip of hamar not it's local ppl will. U see however a mamul is built, will also be how it is destroyed.


@SPMLegend Im studying state craft alot and there is repeating themes.

1. Kingdoms. This is inherited and if the ppl respect it still, it will survive the longest.
2. Violence. Came thru civil war or coups. Some coups r bloodless tho and different to violent coup. They tend to be 'military' ruled countries
3. Constitution and peaceful assembly
4. Theocracies

This is the angle I view any nation I begin reviewing it, I know their future outcome already. I grade which nations is in PL interest for long-term relationship. The group 3 are the nations we shud target as friends and partners to learn from each other system. Group 1 also due to our 'isimo' and what role they should play due to their historical 'legitimacy', key word 'legitimacy' is hard to establish.

The Isimo n State crafting is mandatory or else one can over-ride the other if not 'crafted' thru harmony. The Isimo should be a strong check n balance 'officially' without 'govt involvement' but have 'state powers' to dissolve govt, recognize govt, and emergency reserve powers to save our ppl in the event of state collapse. Once they have 'state' powers, they won't care for day to day govt duties.

This is a big area I want to tell PL to craft in our 'state organs'. State n govt is different, govt is one section of the 'state'. What will happen is what happened to koonfuur, their isimo become worthless and disrespected and if their state collapses, u can see umadaasi way 'tirtirmayan' hence isimo having 'oversight' power and 'reserve' powers is mandatory in my book but they don't need to get involved in day-to-day govt affairs.
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