Somali forces push back invaders in Western Sitti

"Long live the Somali state" and "long live the Liyu police," slogans are being chanted by patriotic Somalis in Erer district, Sitti region.

Somali Liyu police & local forces have gained major victories against the Danakilo invaders

whats going on buddy?

They are being supported by federal forces that’s why it’s much harder for them to be dislodged from the main towns because they are using ENDF tanks and trucks as shields. the residents in sitti must stage massive protests to deny the disarmament of regional forces. Afars will take advantage using the Ethiopian military to attack deeper into Somali territory.
Some of the regional projects being inaugurated in Sitti

President Mustafa & Ugaas Mustafa distribute holiday gifts to the orphaned youths in Sitti region

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Deputy Minister Abdirizak visits the remote villages in western Sitti region and is received with a big welcome by the citizens and the Somali regional forces

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In Sitti Zone the Somali State have recruited new troops from the Issa & Ogaden communities to help police the region with law & order



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