Somali gay imam is the first in Australia

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John Michael

Free my girl Jodi!
Somalis are a population of what 20 mil max and even that is an huge overestimation.

Why is it we're always in the news? Never the wallflowers I see, gay imam kulaha!!! you can't just be gay you gotta be the gayest. Looooooool

Btw, he doesn't believe he's sinning, he believes being gay is absolutely acceptable.

One day these 'lib muslims' are going to make it unacceptable to love our prophet or even read the Quran. I'm calling it. Mark my words.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
He doesn't have to leave Islam. Killers will enter heaven even after jahanam because Allah forgave them due to a tiny bit of imaan they had. He might be punished in the hereafter but we can't tell him to leave Allah's religion because of sins.

But making xalaal what Allah made xaaraam is clear kufr, this man is far outside the fold of Islam.
Glad that you notice the process of dehumanizing the Somalis in media from pirates to FGM to terrorism which true existed but as you generalized on media it is also happening to Arab but they have their own media and Arab people who highlight the positivity. The point is to lose any sampathy later when they kill us. The problem is we Somalis are helping them by circulation the negative news.
:sheed: The qutbah on friday prayers will be the lgbt rights and wether if you identify as trans that you can use the womens bathroom in the Masjid :sheed:z3zrULCz3zrULC


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
As disgusting as homosexuality is it doesn't take you out of the fold.

The sin itself won't take you out of the fold of islam. But claiming that it is permissible does take you out of the fold i.e making halal what Allah made haram or vice versa makes one a kafir


Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
Wallahi you never cease to amaze me, one minute you're Paris Hilton & the next you're a Muslimah with a sound mind, I agree wholeheartedly with your comment. Laakinse what if Beyoncé decided to covert to Islam & she decides to become a lesbian iman lol
You're trying way too hard. Paris Hilton or not, I know for sure I make more sense than your incoherent self, have several seats.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
You're trying way too hard. Paris Hilton or not, I know for sure I make more sense than your incoherent self, have several seats.
Do you mean to tell us that if Beyoncé was a lesbian iman you wouldn't pray behind her? What about if she released an album nasheed style professing her love for women, would you buy it?


Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
Do you mean to tell us that if Beyoncé was a lesbian iman you wouldn't pray behind her? What about if she released an album nasheed style professing her love for women, would you buy it?
Have several seats. You already got the LOLs you were thirsting for. Make sense next time. Your whole schtick is cringeworthy.


Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
I'm intrigued wallahi caadi Ma tahiid.
Haye Haye.



A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Honestly I think that comment you made correcting dutchess purse holder was absolutely sublime.


Southie pride
Some of you members has something in common with these imans. Just speak out and tell us why you choose to hidde things.
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