Somali gay imam is the first in Australia

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A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Haye Haye.

Hug me don't reject me.


This 'imam' is unduly ignorant wallahi. It appears as though he's oblivious to some of the fundamental aspects of the deen. Considering what Allah (SWT) made haraam to be halal is kufr. We cannot pray behind the kuffar. The Prophet (SAW) disapproved of the ma'muun (congression/followers) being led by a person they hate. There is also no disagreement regarding the fact that the imaamat of an evildoer is makrooh. Some of the very knowledgeable Sahaba such as Anas & Ibn Umar (RA) prayed behind evildoers like Hajjaaj ath-Thaqafi. We cannot compare our state to that of the Sahaba though. Muslims in our generation are nowhere near as knowledgeable as their predecessors, thus they're prone to being mislead, especially by people they respect. An Imam should be an example for the community to follow, we cannot have homosexuals leading our communities. I doubt anyone will take him seriously anyway. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if he's on the payroll. Nacalaa ku yaal!
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