Somali Genetics are crazy: Abz and Fio

Haye so you're saying that we differ from each and every other ethnic group in Africa in a way that only we are admixed?
I never said that, Sahelian and horner tribes are admixed as a whole, horners with ancient north African/Levantine and west Sahelian tribes with Berber blood, the Tuaregs for example are quite literally Amazigh, this isn't hard to grasp. There is plenty of genetic evidence to prove this as well


smooth talk on a rainy summer evening
I never said that, Sahelian and horner tribes are admixed as a whole, horners with ancient north African/Levantine and west Sahelian tribes with Berber blood, the Tuaregs for example are quite literally Amazigh, this isn't hard to grasp. There is plenty of genetic evidence to prove this as well
Then my original point applies, every single ethnic group has experienced some sort of admixture in the past 5000 years. I was replying to @Captain Hoyada who said that we are the product of Whites and Negro
Somalis and Ethiopians are *not* mixed. If you learn about most of the ethnic groups that inhabit the different areas of sub-Sahara Africa, you will notice a large diversity in features. Somalis and Ethiopians do not look greatly different from other Africans. Africans like the Wolof, Tuareg, Fulani, and others near the Sahara look very similar to us.

The concept of race in general is one that is not based on science or facts. There are no distinct borders or features that are expressed exclusively in any race - all and every feature can be found just about anywhere in the world and among all peoples. That's the interesting thing about humans - we can exhibit a variety of features but there are no sub-species within the human race. The lines people imagine between the races blur when they gain knowledge about different peoples in Africa and Asia. Laakin every single ethnic group has experienced some sort of admixture in the last 5000 years, but that doesn't make us children of the whites.
Yes, shes mixed. But on average horners have weak DNA. Unless they marry each other, the kid will always look like the other side. But you have people like Obama, his dad is Kenyati. By that logic then Kenyans are not mixed despite speaking an Arabic variation of african languages. Obama looks black to the core yet when Somalis breed out (unless its other horner) it's like the russian roulette

You're ignorant, and stubborn. Your arguments are absolutely trash and betray a severe lack of knowledge and a shitty BLM mindset. Fulanis first of all have berber ancestry, so they look different to their west african brethren. 2nd of all somalis don't look like west africans, that's just a bs statement. Somalis are not mixed recently, but they have ancient admixture. And it's part of their DNA that no one can deny despite being BLM washed. Your attempt at trying to fit in with blacks disgusts me to the core. You need to realize africa is like asia. In asia everyone is white-skinned except indians even some indians are white-skinned. Yet they don't try to be "White asians" or anything like that. Bantus have no ancestry relation to somalis. They are like a white person from asia and a white person from europe they only share colour. Nothing else.

Your statement about obama is dumb. What does the variation of language have to do with your ancestry? Does speaking a language suddenly give you the natives DNA? Btw some kenyans are mixed or have arabic ancestry just clearly not obama's dad. He was probably a full bantu. bantus only share dna with themselves and not any of the earth's populations. So obviously he won't be mixed just because he spoke the language which the arabs forced on them. And for the millionith time, somali genes are not weak, it's a stupid fucking dumb idea. What you want them to look is what a black x white would like, which is dumb in the first place. Somali mixed people with white can have any colour from white to light brown. If they are mixed with black they will jsut look black as bantus have genes that overtake all other genes.


smooth talk on a rainy summer evening
You're ignorant, and stubborn. Your arguments are absolutely trash and betray a severe lack of knowledge and a shitty BLM mindset. Fulanis first of all have berber ancestry, so they look different to their west african brethren. 2nd of all somalis don't look like west africans, that's just a bs statement. Somalis are not mixed recently, but they have ancient admixture. And it's part of their DNA that no one can deny despite being BLM washed. Your attempt at trying to fit in with blacks disgusts me to the core. You need to realize africa is like asia. In asia everyone is white-skinned except indians even some indians are white-skinned. Yet they don't try to be "White asians" or anything like that. Bantus have no ancestry relation to somalis. They are like a white person from asia and a white person from europe they only share colour. Nothing else.

Your statement about obama is dumb. What does the variation of language have to do with your ancestry? Does speaking a language suddenly give you the natives DNA? Btw some kenyans are mixed or have arabic ancestry just clearly not obama's dad. He was probably a full bantu. bantus only share dna with themselves and not any of the earth's populations. So obviously he won't be mixed just because he spoke the language which the arabs forced on them. And for the millionith time, somali genes are weak, it's a stupid fucking dumb idea. What you want them to look is what a black x white would like, which is dumb in the first place. Somali mixed people with white can have any colour from white to light brown. If they are mixed with black they will jsut look black as bantus have genes that overtake all other genes.
If you're going to start off by comparing me to a BLM halimo then I won't even bother to read the rest of your statement. How embarrassing. :susp: :susp:


smooth talk on a rainy summer evening
You're not? :mjlol:
You clearly haven't seen me in threads especially the ones making fun of those with the BLM mindset

Then my original point applies, every single ethnic group has experienced some sort of admixture in the past 5000 years. I was replying to @Captain Hoyada who said that we are the product of Whites and Negro
mixed meaning an obvious transitional group phenotypically between eurasian and sub saharan, I never disputed that claim that all peoples are mixed.


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
Can you please stop with this mixed nonsense. You realize foreigners frequent this website and will look for any opportune moment to invalidate you and your ancestry. You are are Somali. Not a simple straight 40-60 intermediary between groups. It's more complex than that simplistic assertion. You've been rather homogeneous for thousands of years. And you cannot recreate ancient admixture events. Even comparing Somalis to Sahelians does not work. Give it a rest.

For the record, this guy despite being average skin tone is actually recently mixed with Peninsular Arab upwards between 10-20%. I forgot the figure. And his wife is half Somali (probably Issa) and half Italian. It would be only natural to expect they would look more like her.
Can you please stop with this mixed nonsense. You realize foreigners frequent this website and will look for any opportune moment to invalidate you and your ancestry. You are are Somali. Not a simple straight 40-60 intermediary between groups. It's more complex than that simplistic assertion. You've been rather homogeneous for thousands of years. And you cannot recreate ancient admixture events. Even comparing Somalis to Sahelians does not work. Give it a rest.

For the record, this guy despite being average skin tone is actually recently mixed with Peninsular Arab upwards between 10-20%. I forgot the figure. And his wife is half Somali (probably Issa) and half Italian. It would be only natural to expect they would look more like her.
no one was invalidating ethnic identity, genetics has nothing to do with that and should be kept separate, this is just data,


Mabrook to this couple I love them. Laakin I cant help but notice how pale the kids are when Abz is darker skinned. Usually kids take after their father especially Somalis.

you'd think that this guy had kids with a white woman

these are HER twins LOOL
Isnt the mother mixed with Italian perhaps the kids have sicillian &napoli features


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
no one was invalidating ethnic identity, genetics has nothing to do with that and should be kept separate, this is just data,

It isn't separated tough. Especially not by layman. They have a certain narrative in their heads so my suggestion it to not give them ammunition. Somalis are confusing as is with their identity politics.

Marshall D Abdi

Know you’re place peasant
I must say this is straight cap, some kids follow their mom looks wise, others look like their dad and than the others look like a mix of both. you cant just say that based on 1 kid, i know a couple of somalis with jamaican or sudani dads and they come out looking somali than their counter parts.
Sure its not 100% always sometimes we dominate some parts we dont :manny:

Marshall D Abdi

Know you’re place peasant
its sad that he actually believes that he doesn't understand there are more to people than just black,white,arab,asian, those are just races. somalis are cushitic people and they inhabited east africa for a long time. I noticed the somalis that say we are arab do it in order to claim ancestry linkage with prophet Muhammad saw which i believe is pathetic but to each is own i guess.

to answer your post though, just the kids some time, i was really pale as a kid and i just got darker as i aged. the left one will dif look like his dad though while the right one will be lightskin caramel/yellow.
Where does arab come from they didnt even exist back then we all literally trace back to afro asiatic ppl but


Is she Somali? I'm confused, why wouldn't his kids look mixed if their mum isn't Somali
So, us Somalis are secretly white just a bit burnt on the outside. Do you reckon a white guy time travelled from the future into the past, settled in africa and renamed himself samaale - the forefather of us Somalis. Sounds credible.