Somali girls gets grilled by her friends on camera for dating too many guys


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
Im suprised shes friends with them if they saying this on camera imagine the stuff they saying behind her back
I always say there’s a truth to all jokes so I do agree that they had intent behind it. But they revealed to her it was a prank. I’m just saying full context should be given cause the tweet makes it look unprovoked attack
Did you watch it? What type of prank is it to bash your friend and embarrass her, and go ahead and release the video on YT after your friend said she didn’t want it on YT?

With friends like that who needs enemies? They’re so xaasid and they’re bullies.


Passive Aggressive is the new Aggressive
Did you watch it? What type of prank is it to bash your friend and embarrass her, and go ahead and release the video on YT after your friend said she didn’t want it on YT?

With friends like that who needs enemies? They’re so xaasid and they’re bullies.
Yes I did. I agree like I said it’s clear that there’s malicious intent behind the prank.

Regardless my point was the tweet didn’t post full context. I like to know the full picture before I make my judgement.
They were never her friends.

What is wrong with people and chasing clout?

Airing your dirty laundry, throwing people under the bus, and just overall embracing antics, all for what? A couple of likes and 'loooool's'

Allah have mercy on us.


clearly botch u and these bums are stupid post something else wallahi this site is more boring than watching the corona death toll or small pets die on the internett

King Khufu

Dignified Gentlemen
Relax, these girls are just rabblerouzing for shit talk.
It's just stupid for social media tho.
It's all laughs.

If you thought girls in Amerikani-Reer were bad? You've should've heard the shit these chicks talk back at home put Donkeys to shame.

Which by the way reminds me, never marry a somali girl unless you can take a verbal lashing.


[[Puntland Republic 🇸🇱]]PIM[[C.S(BihinYusuf)]
Ladan just started her own Youtube channel and without a single video on her account she already has 679,impressive the power of Halimos on Twitter.


I subscribed to her new channel hoping she would expose these little bullies untill the neefad said this.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Shorty in the yellow needs to get herself some new friends cause at the end of the day your friend shouldn’t talk to you like this regardless of what you have done . “ you belong to the streets “ like what’s wrong with you ?

