Somali Men Can Do Everything Right But Still Fail With Xalimos, Look At This Innocent Brother Just Trying To Flirt

I heard that’s how fob shuukansi works apparently. The girl mercilessly rips into the dude and it’s up to him to man up, brave the heat of the violations and win her over.
I heard that’s how fob shuukansi works apparently. The girl mercilessly rips into the dude and it’s up to him to man up, brave the heat of the violations and win her over.
If they did this a certain community would throw acid at her. But I’m glad they just go back and forth lol.
"Whats the worst she can say? No?"

You: "HeY I tHiNK YoU iS cUTe"

Her: "Ewwwww"

Mean Girls No GIF
My boy.....

they did him dirty as f*ck how could he recover from that awful comments if i was on his position i would smile but die inside.


El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
Of course this was back home, kindness is looked down upon there, you aint a cold blooded you aint gonna make it


Self confidence A+
Social intelligence C

He is passing with a solid B overall, advice to him would be, try to convince them emotionally instead of logically, and if you hit a dead end in your advance, switch lanes by changing subject, do not keep driving until you crash.
Oh and do not be rude to her friend, she can easily cockblock, thats defeating the purpose of approaching and you end up wasting your time.