Somali Men Can Do Everything Right But Still Fail With Xalimos, Look At This Innocent Brother Just Trying To Flirt

I heard that’s how fob shuukansi works apparently. The girl mercilessly rips into the dude and it’s up to him to man up, brave the heat of the violations and win her over.
Yep, i've seen it up close and it's rather baffling. I was in awe of the confidence of Somali male fobs lool. Someone needs to do a case study or analysis of their psyche. Found it very manly. The women will shred them to pieces and yet, they would not give a shit and would continue bantering/flirting and giving it back to her with such confidence despite dealing with such rudeness. After a while, especially if the guy is funny, they tend to win the girl over and even if they don't, its like no skin of their backs. They don't moan, cry about how women are like this or that. They just get on with it and find someone better.
Yep, i've seen it up close and it's rather baffling. I was in awe of the confidence of Somali male fobs lool. Someone needs to do a case study or analysis of their psyche. Found it very manly. The women will shred them to pieces and yet, they would not give a shit and would continue bantering/flirting and giving it back to her with such confidence despite dealing with such rudeness. After a while, especially if the guy is funny, they tend to win the girl over and even if they don't, its like no skin of their backs. They don't moan, cry about how women are like this or that. They just get on with it and find someone better.

I dont know how they do it honestly. Girl was roasting his hairline to his face. best believe if that happened to me I will turn into Kevin Hart and hurt her feelings

I dont know how they do it honestly. Girl was roasting his hairline to his face. best believe if that happened to me I will turn into Kevin Hart and hurt her feelings

Fobs are real Gs. Very manly. Western men need to take a leaf out of Somali men and try and channel that energy.
I heard that’s how fob shuukansi works apparently. The girl mercilessly rips into the dude and it’s up to him to man up, brave the heat of the violations and win her over.
Thats true and if he persists then he wins her over. Back home Xalimos don’t want no b*tch a*s nig*as😅
Fobs are real Gs. Very manly. Western men need to take a leaf out of Somali men and try and channel that energy.

How you praising this I thought a no is a no. Back home they can get away with it but in the west one harassment accusation and we finished. You created the men you see pftt


Maa ana waalan mise cadan baa laga heesayaa?
Seems like a skit plus audio not matching unless my shit glitching. Plus the girl he hitting on all covered except eyes this guy wild if this is real
this looks fake, it feels like sound was recoded over it , this kinda videos just want to get clicks to for money from tiktok and YouTube

movement of lips and voice recorded over it do not match, some one did this sound from far away so we will never know how they reacted

regardless, do not approach a girl if you are shorter than her, even if she wears heels, girls prefer a guy taller than them

kudos on him for cold approaching, he did something most guys will never have the balls to do

approach a few girls before yall judge him, somali guys back home have balls of steel
Anyways men are hunters and women are hunted so obviously the hunter will experience more failures, so be patient and try again.


LG gang we gon slide for my nigga 🤐🥷
Folks back home jus rude asf lol dis vid don’t shock me. Don’t holla at gyal back home if u don’t got balls.

on another note girl in the niqab lowkey fine is dis galkacyo? Ima book my ticket rn :banderas: