Somali men in the Norway are overrepresented in crime


🌊🐫𐒅𐒔𐒖𐒂 𐒅𐒘𐒐𐒐𐒗𐒇🇸🇴🪽
It’s not the fear of deportation it’s because the hardest working Somalis are usually in the Gulf and they don’t need assistance from the government compared to UK Somalis 70% of them live in government housing
That’s tastiest if is representative of 1 borough that’s right next to central London. Home ownership or even rent in that area is unaffordable for a family of 3 or 4 even if you make 50k
It’s almost like they can never be normal every where they go
i came to accept we somali have the BAHAL gene. no matter where we go, no matter how peaceful or chaotic our environment is, the BAHAL gene will activate. for some later than the rest. but it comes out regardless. i will go through my entire life wondering why we have this gene lmao. ive been around somalis in 5 different countries, the behaviour is mostly the same.
i came to accept we somali have the BAHAL gene. no matter where we go, no matter how peaceful or chaotic our environment is, the BAHAL gene will activate. for some later than the rest. but it comes out regardless. i will go through my entire life wondering why we have this gene lmao. ive been around somalis in 5 different countries, the behaviour is mostly the same.
You are a idiot. What is with Somalia having an inferiority complex?
i came to accept we somali have the BAHAL gene. no matter where we go, no matter how peaceful or chaotic our environment is, the BAHAL gene will activate. for some later than the rest. but it comes out regardless. i will go through my entire life wondering why we have this gene lmao. ive been around somalis in 5 different countries, the behaviour is mostly the same.
BAHAL GENE? What kind of suugo science suugonomics 😂😂😂
from personal experience of growing in refugee camp and coming to America with lots of Somalis. I can tell you a lot of them didn't even come with their families. this were teens and had to immediately had to figure shit out for themselves. (thrown to the streets). some used mosques as address. and lived in shelters in Minneapolis which then breed gangs. the civil war destroyed the Somali family structure resulting in the mess that you see.

Somalia had a constant tribal camel raids in the 60s(shifto). this was in fact on of the selling point of Siad barre. that he delt harshly with them. but crime was common. just not recorded and publicized like today. and the civil war made the past look with rose eyes making people forget the shit that happened.

Most Somalis don't come to the West through refugee camps and they come mostly through a family immigration package since it's in the best interests of host countries to accept asylum seekers through intact families.

There was no constant tribal camel raids in the 60s. Never mind the fact there isn't anything such as ''tribal induced camel raids'' to begin with. That's a figment in your mind, people have posted 1960s crime stats on this forum and Somalia had very low crime rates and lower than European countries. By 1963 theft of any type was in low occurrences in a country of 3 million and murder was even lower.

Also before colonial times people had Qadi/Sharia court records of crime offenses in governed territories inside Somalia and theft/murder was just rare there as well.

The fact you think Somalis didn't record crime rates back then, shows how ignorant you are.
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Crime amongst Somalis is not a general ethnic trend but an urban-specific phenomenon that is highly disproportional within the same ethnic group when one checks for geographic placement. Somalis have a relatively low crime rate outside sub-sections of larger urbanized cities.

Strange sociological factors warp crime-related behavior in specific clusters of highly dense places beyond what can be explained as a "Somali" (ethnocentric) problem. It is a local issue, that when one inspects other immigrant groups of the same place that partakes in the same realm of socio-economi-spatialcultural dimensions, the rates of crime follow a similar uneven spike.

I grew up in a city where Somalis were never known for crime, but then you had other inner city regions that had such a reputation and a few Somalis lived there. The issue has nothing to do with Somali culture or upbringing. It has more to do with the street culture that is adopted by these kids which is in fact extremely foreign to our mores, a completely Western phenomenon (this is what racists will never admit, some of them are so desperate they want to associate everything with Islam it is ridiculous), in specific places in the largest cities (mainly Oslo).

These people misuse statistics by checking those unusually high crime areas and then saying, "4 out of 10 Somalis are criminals" (more like closer to 50%) to sensationalize and then generalize all Somalis to these false numbers (as I will go deeper into) as a general reflection of the average Somali citizen. It's fraudulent.

From a previous, larger undertaking, SSB showed how they did exactly what I said:

"Med utgangspunkt i denne informasjonen lager vi variabler som fanger opp de seks største byene og landsdeler for øvrig."

On the source itself, they admit they have not calibrated the data because the points are overrepresented by kids and extremely underrepresented data for adults for the section that was born in the country. They deliberately did not control for these factors for a very good reason. FRP, a right-wing anti-immigrant political group specifically requested these numbers from the SSB.

Here they claimed they tried to control for them in a previous data representation, but certainly can't because of the constraints in the data. You cannot force calibrations. It makes the data un-recognizable since the parameters have to be brute forced, hypothesized:

"Særlig norskfødte med innvandrerforeldre har en spesiell demografisk struktur, med mange veldig unge og nesten ingen veldig gamle. De samlede ratene uten noen kontroll for kjønn og alder gir derfor et lite relevant sammenligningsgrunnlag hvis man ønsker å si noe om hva innvandrerbakgrunn i seg selv har å si for registrert kriminalitet. I tabellene publisert her er det ikke gjort en fullstendig justering for kjønn og alder, men egne rater er oppgitt for menn i alderen 15–24 år, som gir mer sammenlignbare tall."

Everything I said is admitted by SSB. Namely, certain communities in certain cities represent many of the offenses:

"Det betyr at enkelte miljøer og personer kan stå for mange av lovbruddene."

When these people write "Somali," they are obscuring the truth of the cause of these issues (because they don't want to fix the problems), so they can reinforce anti-immigration propaganda. That is all the latest numbers are about. They are purposely misleading.

The issue with Somalis is that the statistics are taken from urban cities, and we generally live in the worst places in those cities. So more often than not, you're not getting rich data variability. But if you take data from regions that are less urban-dense, you'll see a drastic decrease in crime-related activities amongst the youth.

They clearly display knowledge about the fundamental weaknesses:

"En opplagt årsak til forskjeller i andelen gjerningspersoner både blant innvandrere og øvrig befolkning, på tvers av landbakgrunn og innvandringsgrunn, er at befolkningsgruppene er ulikt sammensatt både med hensyn til kjønn, alder og sosioøkonomiske kjennetegn (se kapittel 1 og 2). Helt sentralt her er at unge menn vesentlig oftere begår lovbrudd enn andre grupper. Det er følgelig rimelig å forvente at befolkningsgrupper med en stor andel unge menn er overrepresentert i kriminalstatistikken nettopp fordi de består av en større andel unge menn."

Here, instead of getting relevant data or actually just admitting the right data metrics could not give adequate explanatory dimensions, this separate report used some regression model to falsely portray a hypothetical instead of measuring the correct values for other conditions:

"De justerte andelene kan tolkes som hva andelen gjerningspersoner i hver befolkningsgruppe hadde vært dersom gruppene hadde hatt samme sosiodemografiske fordeling som øvrig befolkning på noen gitte variabler."

It shows how these data reports are very limited and cannot be trusted as being representative values.

However, SSB is making a very bizarre claim, namely that where most crime concentration occurs among immigrants is marginally different from other places in the country, so not worthy of presenting the data. This is a pure lie for Somalis, something that is admitted by their worker too.

Studies have shown that these conditional elements are a huge factor:

"In particular, we find that all three strategies for distinguishing between immigrant groups—by similar racial/ethnic categories, by areas or regions of the world that immigrants emigrate from, and by where immigrants co-locate once they settle in the US—explained levels of neighborhood crime better than the traditional approach of including only a measure of the percent foreign-born in the neighborhood. These findings underscore the necessity of disaggregating immigrant groups when exploring the immigration–crime relationship."

These people are really out here thinking people are so stupid believing a city with a 30,000 population size presents the same crime rate as dense immigrant sections, of let's say, Oslo... That might be correct for certain demographics. Not for Somalis.

And that is why I know these actors have a bias in portraying us in certain light, instead of giving an accurate picture.

The thing is, immigrants who are searching for asylum or illegal immigrants who are undocumented make up for a very low crime rate:

"Det foreligger to rapporter som omhandler asylsøkeres, utlendinger uten lovlig opphold og andre utlendingers kriminalitet (Mohn og Ellingsen, 2016; Politidirektoratet, 2004; Stene, 2004), og hovedkonklusjonen er at asylsøkere og utlendinger med ulovlig opphold står for en veldig liten del av kriminalitetsbildet, men det er rimelig å anslå at det er noe overrepresentasjon sammenlignet med den bosatte befolkningen (Mohn og Ellingsen, 2016)."

This number is consistent with statistics I have seen of the American illegal immigrant population that have a lower crime rate than the national average. So I don't think the notion that people larping as Somalis spike the numbers. They could do so after they settle but to be honest, how much of those are relevant to the values we see?

By the way, what these people did on top of that was misrepresent the data by making it seem like 1000 people when in reality they shot up the values based on repeat offenders. This means that if one person commits several crimes, those numbers are included -- all of them -- yet on the numbers, and how the data is presented to the public, it seems like actually 40% of Somalis do crime (nearly 50% of Somalis are criminals!). On top of the variable I showed above of honing on unrepresentative places, they could easily have spiked the values by more than 200% on average (even within the places that are un-representative), making it seem that it is out of 1000 people when in reality it is crimes committed in certain high crime areas where each offender are registered for their recurring crime history. It could theoretically be over 2000/1000. This is pure garbage propaganda by FRP.

We have SSB making a commentary on this:

"Blant annet at de ikke viser til en andel av personer i ulike befolkningsgrupper som har blitt siktet, men antallet straffbare forhold knyttet til personer i de ulike befolkningsgruppene."

It is about how many crimes one person commits... You see the problem when they later say "400/1000" Somalis do crime, presenting it as 400 people out of 1000. In truth it is, likely an extremely high crime area, that has an extreme disproportion of youth since most of these are kids (remember, the national average has mostly adults being the bulk of the population - that is not the case for us. Our parental-age adults probably do not differ, or even maybe commit less crime than the average Norwegian, without conditioning the multivariate factors how, other cities outside the biggest ones, have way less crime. Then they erroneously put the name "Somali" beside the unrepresentative, highly skewed number that is present as if 1 out of 1000 represents one person.

SSB admits this:

"Tabellene over antallet siktelser knyttet til personer med innvandrerbakgrunn angir vel å merke ikke andelen personer i ulike befolkningsgrupper som har blitt siktet i årene 2020–2023, men antallet straffbare forhold knyttet til personer i de ulike befolkningsgruppene. Det er derfor mulig med flere siktelser enn det er personer i en angitt befolkningsgruppe. Få personer kan også stå for majoriteten av lovbruddene (se tekstboks over). Det er også oppdaterte tall for antall lovbrudd per siktede i løpet av ett år (gjennomsnitt for 2021–2023)."

They litterely say "få personer kan også stå for majoriteten av lovbruddene" - litterally telling it how it is.
Crime amongst Somalis is not a general ethnic trend but an urban-specific phenomenon that is highly disproportional within the same ethnic group when one checks for geographic placement. Somalis have a relatively low crime rate outside sub-sections of larger urbanized cities.

Strange sociological factors warp crime-related behavior in specific clusters of highly dense places beyond what can be explained as a "Somali" (ethnocentric) problem. It is a local issue, that when one inspects other immigrant groups of the same place that partakes in the same realm of socio-economi-spatialcultural dimensions, the rates of crime follow a similar uneven spike.

I grew up in a city where Somalis were never known for crime, but then you had other inner city regions that had such a reputation and a few Somalis lived there. The issue has nothing to do with Somali culture or upbringing. It has more to do with the street culture that is adopted by these kids which is in fact extremely foreign to our mores, a completely Western phenomenon (this is what racists will never admit, some of them are so desperate they want to associate everything with Islam it is ridiculous), in specific places in the largest cities (mainly Oslo).

These people misuse statistics by checking those unusually high crime areas and then saying, "4 out of 10 Somalis are criminals" (more like closer to 50%) to sensationalize and then generalize all Somalis to these false numbers (as I will go deeper into) as a general reflection of the average Somali citizen. It's fraudulent.

From a previous, larger undertaking, SSB showed how they did exactly what I said:

"Med utgangspunkt i denne informasjonen lager vi variabler som fanger opp de seks største byene og landsdeler for øvrig."

You guys need to stop posting things without fact-checking. If you cannot do that then I don't think you should have the right to do so because you don't have the basic knowledge or motivation to qualify what is being said. You look like a fool who serves as a tool to spread misinformation, bringing false notions by racists that make it their sole mission (I'm not exaggerating) to bring Somalis down.

It is a fact that some places in Oslo are the bulk of this. Instead of treating that place as what it is, a unique section, they rather demonize Somalis, because this fits into the anti-immigration project of FRP. No one can deny those places are rife with crime among the youth. It has to be fixed and taken seriously. Still, that is not representative, and neither is it what these racists want. They are motivated by xenophobic objectives. They clearly don't care if they use data like this, trying to tarnish a people's reputation, trying to invoke an immigration scare among the population.

And to underscore my point again, one SSB worker named Oslo itself, again showed how I am right in how they hyperfocused on specific values from there, urban-dense areas with different socioeconomic issues:

"– Dette sier ikke noe om hvor mange lovbrudd hver unge somaliske mann i Oslo begår. Det er noen få personer som kan stå bak mange siktelser, sier hun til NRK."

The person also, says it is not a scaled average number of the average Somali, even within Oslo. The data represents how many crimes one person does, which skews the values extremely.

They also point out that crime and drug-related crime are represented among those overrepresented people, but Somalis even in those areas are underrepresented when it comes to sexual crimes:

"Der unge somaliske menn i Oslo får flere siktelser på seg for blant annet vold, rus og ordensforstyrrelser, er de underrepresentert når det for eksempel gjelder seksuallovbrudd."

This is noteworthy because Muslim immigrant men raping white blonde women were a big stereotype for the anti-immigrant crowd. For what it is worth, we're not presented highly there, even in the disproportional places where such crime should be higher than normal.

These people went to the place with the uniquely high-risk factors, tweaked the conditions fundamentally to skew the numbers further, did not adequately control for the demographics within that, and then had the audacity to say, "This is the average Somali."

And for those idiots who want to come here with their self-hate garbage, it's not about excusing crime. It's about lies peddled and how we cannot stand for propaganda that tries to mess up our reputation in general, which will reflect upon the well-being of the people going into the future. One crime done is one too many. Those places need to be fixed, but you can stop the crap if you want to internalize that nearly 1/2 of Somalis are criminals. You're an idiot at that point.

There are issues with the nitty-gritty of how the numbers are registered, though I think that is much more marginal with regards to police work and the judges with how the numbers are represented relative to what I mentioned above which is the main problem in the data representation. Certainly, there are issues in how certain areas are policed and how quickly people are willing to write up crimes, nevertheless, those places are under the reinforcement cycle habits because they are higher crime rate areas. No matter, it is local. The data is not represented as such. They changed rules and spiked them further. Then put a whole ethnic name beside it as if was a country-wide trend. That is the issue.
Crime amongst Somalis is not a general ethnic trend but an urban-specific phenomenon that is highly disproportional within the same ethnic group when one checks for geographic placement. Somalis have a relatively low crime rate outside sub-sections of larger urbanized cities.

Strange sociological factors warp crime-related behavior in specific clusters of highly dense places beyond what can be explained as a "Somali" (ethnocentric) problem. It is a local issue, that when one inspects other immigrant groups of the same place that partakes in the same realm of socio-economi-spatialcultural dimensions, the rates of crime follow a similar uneven spike.

I grew up in a city where Somalis were never known for crime, but then you had other inner city regions that had such a reputation and a few Somalis lived there. The issue has nothing to do with Somali culture or upbringing. It has more to do with the street culture that is adopted by these kids which is in fact extremely foreign to our mores, a completely Western phenomenon (this is what racists will never admit, some of them are so desperate they want to associate everything with Islam it is ridiculous), in specific places in the largest cities (mainly Oslo).

These people misuse statistics by checking those unusually high crime areas and then saying, "4 out of 10 Somalis are criminals" (more like closer to 50%) to sensationalize and then generalize all Somalis to these false numbers (as I will go deeper into) as a general reflection of the average Somali citizen. It's fraudulent.

From a previous, larger undertaking, SSB showed how they did exactly what I said:

"Med utgangspunkt i denne informasjonen lager vi variabler som fanger opp de seks største byene og landsdeler for øvrig."

On the source itself, they admit they have not calibrated the data because the points are overrepresented by kids and extremely underrepresented data for adults for the section that was born in the country. They deliberately did not control for these factors for a very good reason. FRP, a right-wing anti-immigrant political group specifically requested these numbers from the SSB.

Here they claimed they tried to control for them in a previous data representation, but certainly can't because of the constraints in the data. You cannot force calibrations. It makes the data un-recognizable since the parameters have to be brute forced, hypothesized:

"Særlig norskfødte med innvandrerforeldre har en spesiell demografisk struktur, med mange veldig unge og nesten ingen veldig gamle. De samlede ratene uten noen kontroll for kjønn og alder gir derfor et lite relevant sammenligningsgrunnlag hvis man ønsker å si noe om hva innvandrerbakgrunn i seg selv har å si for registrert kriminalitet. I tabellene publisert her er det ikke gjort en fullstendig justering for kjønn og alder, men egne rater er oppgitt for menn i alderen 15–24 år, som gir mer sammenlignbare tall."

Everything I said is admitted by SSB. Namely, certain communities in certain cities represent many of the offenses:

"Det betyr at enkelte miljøer og personer kan stå for mange av lovbruddene."

When these people write "Somali," they are obscuring the truth of the cause of these issues (because they don't want to fix the problems), so they can reinforce anti-immigration propaganda. That is all the latest numbers are about. They are purposely misleading.

The issue with Somalis is that the statistics are taken from urban cities, and we generally live in the worst places in those cities. So more often than not, you're not getting rich data variability. But if you take data from regions that are less urban-dense, you'll see a drastic decrease in crime-related activities amongst the youth.

They clearly display knowledge about the fundamental weaknesses:

"En opplagt årsak til forskjeller i andelen gjerningspersoner både blant innvandrere og øvrig befolkning, på tvers av landbakgrunn og innvandringsgrunn, er at befolkningsgruppene er ulikt sammensatt både med hensyn til kjønn, alder og sosioøkonomiske kjennetegn (se kapittel 1 og 2). Helt sentralt her er at unge menn vesentlig oftere begår lovbrudd enn andre grupper. Det er følgelig rimelig å forvente at befolkningsgrupper med en stor andel unge menn er overrepresentert i kriminalstatistikken nettopp fordi de består av en større andel unge menn."

Here, instead of getting relevant data or actually just admitting the right data metrics could not give adequate explanatory dimensions, this separate report used some regression model to falsely portray a hypothetical instead of measuring the correct values for other conditions:

"De justerte andelene kan tolkes som hva andelen gjerningspersoner i hver befolkningsgruppe hadde vært dersom gruppene hadde hatt samme sosiodemografiske fordeling som øvrig befolkning på noen gitte variabler."

It shows how these data reports are very limited and cannot be trusted as being representative values.

However, SSB is making a very bizarre claim, namely that where most crime concentration occurs among immigrants is marginally different from other places in the country, so not worthy of presenting the data. This is a pure lie for Somalis, something that is admitted by their worker too.

Studies have shown that these conditional elements are a huge factor:

"In particular, we find that all three strategies for distinguishing between immigrant groups—by similar racial/ethnic categories, by areas or regions of the world that immigrants emigrate from, and by where immigrants co-locate once they settle in the US—explained levels of neighborhood crime better than the traditional approach of including only a measure of the percent foreign-born in the neighborhood. These findings underscore the necessity of disaggregating immigrant groups when exploring the immigration–crime relationship."

These people are really out here thinking people are so stupid believing a city with a 30,000 population size presents the same crime rate as dense immigrant sections, of let's say, Oslo... That might be correct for certain demographics. Not for Somalis.

And that is why I know these actors have a bias in portraying us in certain light, instead of giving an accurate picture.

The thing is, immigrants who are searching for asylum or illegal immigrants who are undocumented make up for a very low crime rate:

"Det foreligger to rapporter som omhandler asylsøkeres, utlendinger uten lovlig opphold og andre utlendingers kriminalitet (Mohn og Ellingsen, 2016; Politidirektoratet, 2004; Stene, 2004), og hovedkonklusjonen er at asylsøkere og utlendinger med ulovlig opphold står for en veldig liten del av kriminalitetsbildet, men det er rimelig å anslå at det er noe overrepresentasjon sammenlignet med den bosatte befolkningen (Mohn og Ellingsen, 2016)."

This number is consistent with statistics I have seen of the American illegal immigrant population that have a lower crime rate than the national average. So I don't think the notion that people larping as Somalis spike the numbers. They could do so after they settle but to be honest, how much of those are relevant to the values we see?

By the way, what these people did on top of that was misrepresent the data by making it seem like 1000 people when in reality they shot up the values based on repeat offenders. This means that if one person commits several crimes, those numbers are included -- all of them -- yet on the numbers, and how the data is presented to the public, it seems like actually 40% of Somalis do crime (nearly 50% of Somalis are criminals!). On top of the variable I showed above of honing on unrepresentative places, they could easily have spiked the values by more than 200% on average (even within the places that are un-representative), making it seem that it is out of 1000 people when in reality it is crimes committed in certain high crime areas where each offender are registered for their recurring crime history. It could theoretically be over 2000/1000. This is pure garbage propaganda by FRP.

We have SSB making a commentary on this:

"Blant annet at de ikke viser til en andel av personer i ulike befolkningsgrupper som har blitt siktet, men antallet straffbare forhold knyttet til personer i de ulike befolkningsgruppene."

It is about how many crimes one person commits... You see the problem when they later say "400/1000" Somalis do crime, presenting it as 400 people out of 1000. In truth it is, likely an extremely high crime area, that has an extreme disproportion of youth since most of these are kids (remember, the national average has mostly adults being the bulk of the population - that is not the case for us. Our parental-age adults probably do not differ, or even maybe commit less crime than the average Norwegian, without conditioning the multivariate factors how, other cities outside the biggest ones, have way less crime. Then they erroneously put the name "Somali" beside the unrepresentative, highly skewed number that is present as if 1 out of 1000 represents one person.

SSB admits this:

"Tabellene over antallet siktelser knyttet til personer med innvandrerbakgrunn angir vel å merke ikke andelen personer i ulike befolkningsgrupper som har blitt siktet i årene 2020–2023, men antallet straffbare forhold knyttet til personer i de ulike befolkningsgruppene. Det er derfor mulig med flere siktelser enn det er personer i en angitt befolkningsgruppe. Få personer kan også stå for majoriteten av lovbruddene (se tekstboks over). Det er også oppdaterte tall for antall lovbrudd per siktede i løpet av ett år (gjennomsnitt for 2021–2023)."

They litterely say "få personer kan også stå for majoriteten av lovbruddene" - litterally telling it how it is.
If there was a gold option to give a like, this breakdown would be it. Spot on!!
I still see images like this on twitter being posted @Idilinaa despite everything being said here


I still see images like this on twitter being posted @Idilinaa despite everything being said here

View attachment 353972

View attachment 353973

The first image says it all as it is says on top of the graph ''Not adjusted for age or sex''

The not adjusting for the age part is in important i went over it in another thread. Because they are essentially comparing 19 year olds basically youth to 42 years olds, then come up with the idea that a population group is. Instead of comparing 19 years olds to other 19 year olds .


When they adjust for age etc crime rate drops as much as 50%

You can read the rest of my post here: The vast majority of Somalis are actually law abiding as they go onto explain in the reports
Also only a fraction of those accused of crime is actually found guilty. So what they are actually doing is presuming guilt of crime based on immigrant background on the basis of them being accused or reported.


They are also counting a number of potential offenses from very few suspected individuals/groups and not the proportion of each individual in the population groups as a whole. So 160-380 per 1000 , doesn't mean 160-368 separate individual Somalis, Ethiopians or Iraqis are accused of offenses but only the number offenses , so 1 person can commit/suspected of 50 thefts by himself or a single gang etc


As it says here: ''The vast majority are law-abiding''

Also it doesn't make sense to use stats in Norway to fuel Elon Musk's sexual offender muslim grooming gang immigrant hate train because they say Somalis are under-represented in sexual offenses:

It also don't reflect any thing to do with lack of integration or hyper violent minority, or overrepresentation in particular. They are comparing the Somali immigrant population that are mainly made up of youth with other populations that are mainly made up of adults. When we know that youth in any population commit more crime than older adults, if you adjust for age and location Somali's and immigrants are not actually over represented in crime.

You can see this in this article i had to use google translate on and found them through copying and pasting in the search bar the norwegian quotes @The alchemist gave me.

With the title ''Lies and damned statistics''



Also the same Norwegian statistics agency gives another added explanation and says it might not even show them committing more crime like i said earlier about allegations only that they are purposefully being accessed of it ''higher risk of detection''

As far as sexual offenses goes i don't think many of those who seek recent asylum with a Somali nationality/passport in places like Germany and UK are actually Somalis but other Africans/Ethiopians and they are probably people who are running from the law and committing those sexual offenses and other things.
As far as arrests goes, when it comes to Somalis it can be deeply inflated and false because you have people with names like ''Risman Naitsoka'' and ''Gabre Wounouse'' recorded as Somali migrant sexual offenders. Don't know what that former name is but its clearly not Somali and Gebre is Ethiopian/Habesha name.
View attachment 352232

You can also see that they are not Somali from the mugshots of them.
View attachment 352233

This might be highly specific to the UK and its not just news headlines. @X29 reached out to report them and they gave him this response , so they are recorded in court and by the police as Somali.
View attachment 352234

They are basically entering the UK on false identities and Immigration agencies and the Home Office aren't even doing backround checks. There might be a bunch of them recorded as ''Somali'' but really aren't in actuality.
The same ones pass themselves off as Eritreans . I suspect most of those fake assylum seekers are criminals and rejects from in their real countries or are running from the law

The reason why i believe this might be the case is because Somalis are underrepresented sexual offenses in Norway. Norway is really thorough when it comes to background checks and tougher on fake asylum declarations.

There is crazy amount that claim fake asylum.


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