Somali Men Ranked The Most Handsome Men in Africa

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Quruxlow a day keeps the doctor away :ahh: grace us with your gawjus pics guys :feedme:

Wow on sonnet people have been telling me that Mali chicks are hungry for Somali men on this forum, even for a pic they get wet over it.

This is terrible.:meleshame:


Part time -Devils Advocate Full time- Anarchist
The picture of the dude was incorrect. But the information was definiteley related to Somali men. #SoftCuteHair.

You are delusional if you don't think we are the most rated in Africa.

The Somali man

Never has there been a man as good-looking as the Somali man. Somali men are warm, kind and genuinely concerned about your welfare.

Somali men are on a mission to fatten Kenyan girls because he knows all the places in this town with great food and will feed you until you drop.

Somali men are also quite intelligent but it is their resilience that impresses me. They are generous to a fault- some too generous — and also quite honest.

My advice: if your name is Njoki or Atieno, date him for the free food and be gone when Amina — his bride — shows up."
The picture of the dude was incorrect. But the information was definiteley related to Somali men. #SoftCuteHair.

You are delusional if you don't think we are the most rated in Africa.

The Somali man

Never has there been a man as good-looking as the Somali man. Somali men are warm, kind and genuinely concerned about your welfare.

Somali men are on a mission to fatten Kenyan girls because he knows all the places in this town with great food and will feed you until you drop.

Somali men are also quite intelligent but it is their resilience that impresses me. They are generous to a fault- some too generous — and also quite honest.

My advice: if your name is Njoki or Atieno, date him for the free food and be gone when Amina — his bride — shows up."
i'm supposed to be revising, stop killing me sxb:drakekidding:


Part time -Devils Advocate Full time- Anarchist
That is not my subjective opinion that was taken out of a list of the hottest kenyan men in Africa written by a female writer on the popular news publication

Say what you want it wont change a thing.

Cuz, Ladies in Africa have spoken
People consistently tell me i'm very handsome, and I get hit on a lot by women, and Wallahi i'm not lying. But one thing I've never done is base my identity on my looks. I put value in what I can do and accomplish as a man in this world, not on how I look.

So my point is, it doesn't matter whether Somali men r considered the hottest men in the world or the ugliest, all that matters is if we indeed are real men.


Part time -Devils Advocate Full time- Anarchist
People consistently tell me i'm very handsome, and I get hit on a lot by women, and Wallahi i'm not lying. But one thing I've never done is base my identity on my looks. I put value in what I can do and accomplish as a man in this world, not on how I look.

So my point is, it doesn't matter whether Somali men r considered the hottest men in the world or the ugliest, all that matters is if we indeed are real men.

You know whats interesting they rated us mostly for our behavior and values.

"Meanwhile, the main reason Somalian men took the first spot in this exclusive list of African Cuties, is the fact that unlike the other African men a Somalian Men never allows his poverty to make crucial decisions for him.They always tend to know what they want.."
You know whats interesting they rated us mostly for a behavior and values.

"Meanwhile, the main reason Somalian men took the first spot in this exclusive list of African Cuties, is the fact that unlike the other African men a Somalian Men never allows his poverty to make crucial decisions for him."

I like that, that's how men should be rated. We're not some nubile young maidens whose main value is in their youth and beauty. Illaahay rag buu inaga dhigay, wax dila waxna nooleeya.


The picture of the dude was incorrect. But the information was definiteley related to Somali men. #SoftCuteHair.

You are delusional if you don't think we are the most rated in Africa.

The Somali man

Never has there been a man as good-looking as the Somali man. Somali men are warm, kind and genuinely concerned about your welfare.

Somali men are on a mission to fatten Kenyan girls because he knows all the places in this town with great food and will feed you until you drop.

Somali men are also quite intelligent but it is their resilience that impresses me. They are generous to a fault- some too generous — and also quite honest.

My advice: if your name is Njoki or Atieno, date him for the free food and be gone when Amina — his bride — shows up."

True :nvjpqts:

You know whats interesting they rated us mostly for a behavior and values.

"Meanwhile, the main reason Somalian men took the first spot in this exclusive list of African Cuties, is the fact that unlike the other African men a Somalian Men never allows his poverty to make crucial decisions for him.They always tend to know what they want.."

Interesting. But for my prospective the reason why Somali men are ranked number one is due to our features, unlike rest of Africa Somali men have beautiful features along with great sweet and humble personality.

Interesting. But for my prospective the reason why Somali men are ranked number one is due to our features, unlike rest of Africa Somali men have beautiful features along with great sweet and humble personality.

Adeer, Beautiful features iyo waxaas ka bax, waa sheeko dumar. Ambition, ability to make difficult decisions and bravery are what make a man, not his good looking smile or striking eyes.
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Adeer, Beautiful features iyo waxaas ka bax. Ambition, ability to make difficult decisions and bravery are what make a man, not his good looking smile or striking eyes.

Somali men will always be known as brave strong men. I mean somali's have the largest land mass with smallest population. No human being has contributed like somali's, our population is so small and yet we conquered many land and what our ancestors did for us is truly unbelievable. If you add somaliweyn, we are literally the largest African country.


Somali men are truly at the top in battle wars. :mybusiness:

But currently we somali men are taking L'z over tribilism.
I wouldn't say that we are the most attractive, we are up there though. Perhaps if more somali men started lifting and eating right... I would say that i am okay in the looks department.


this guy is the only good looking one of the whole bunch. the rest look deranged.

What about the second one and last one? Plus they're infinite them if you look up instagram and twitters, i ain't gay nayaa.

You know very well somali's are most handsome men in Africa and make black people look good. :umad:
i did watch it awhile ago and wallahi it was the best laugh i've ever had.

i've never witnessed that kind of self-laugh, borderline lust.
he definitely kisses his reflection in the mirror.
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