Somali Men Should Embrace Blackpill


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I dont care how old you look. And you have the foolish belief of thinking anyone who is young has minimal life experience. Life experience isnt connected to age although its a factor life experience is attained through various means and I can say that I have seen enough to know what I am talking about here and I am not against learning I STARTED this thread to have debate with people who conflict my ideas and LEARN if possible. :snoop:

Again this ascends beyond promiscuity and revolves around accepting your flaws and theres nothing wrong with taking ideas this is a school of thought just like how islam has schools of thought within our religion you think that one could come to these conclusions with basic self insight? Then let me give you an example lets say you read "Atomic Habits" some improvement book it has very easy to understand information about how to be productive but then you think "Oh I can think of this myself!" No. You werent even aware of some of the points stated in the book just through basic self insight.

Islam plays a big role in what I am preaching can you say that to a fat man who does nothing but eat junk food and sit on his bum all day to just make dua to allah? doesnt work like that because when you make dua you have to really want it in your nafs and qalbi and prove to allah you want your dua to be granted by working for it and the fat man could achieve that by accepting his flaws and taking steps to improve it THATS when allah will grant his dua not when he is sitting down munching on chips and making dua without any need or desire in his soul to make the wish come true.
Ha Ha Smile GIF by The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon

You calling anyone foolish is hilarious. Look in the mirror my friend.

Blackpill is an idiotic concept for idiots.


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
Ha Ha Smile GIF by The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon

You calling anyone foolish is hilarious. Look in the mirror my friend.

Blackpill is an idiotic concept for idiots.
How does being honest with yourself and taking the initiative to strive for betterness be a idiotic concept? Its like telling some obese ugly guy he should deny his flaws and be happy with the current position he is in. That just causes torment and suffering. One would rather torment and suffer in their climb to perfection than torment and suffer for nothing to gain.
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Again this ascends beyond promiscuity and revolves around accepting your flaws and theres nothing wrong with taking ideas this is a school of thought just like how islam has schools of thought within our religion you think that one could come to these conclusions with basic self insight? Then let me give you an example lets say you read "Atomic Habits" some improvement book it has very easy to understand information about how to be productive but then you think "Oh I can think of this myself!" No. You werent even aware of some of the points stated in the book just through basic self insight.
Good luck young man:kanyehmm:


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
Its the vid of that mathow guy mate with the two self loathing somalis, it was shared constantly here.
Those guys just had self degradation kink and wallow in despair 2 people cant represent an entire ideology


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
Thats the whole point of black pill, if not what it leads to, nihilism and despair.
No what I am preaching is that you use that nihilism and despair and the cold harsh truth you gave yourself to strive for betterness and perfection you cant gain a solution without identifying the problem.
Explain how though lol everything said is undeniable facts and is literally wired into both male and female biological mind 😂 I can attest to his points personally cause I got varying and neutral expressions from women whether I approached them or made eye contact 2 years ago but now its different and when I changed and improved they all smile, express positive body language and want to be near me and I dont hate women for that or hold them accountable since I understand thats just how human nature works.

10% of people in the world are very attractive and another 10% are Below average in looks.

The other 80% are average looking and 10% of the 80% are good looking and they join the top 10% to make up the “20%”.

The looks maxing freaks take the 2 extremes and compare them side by side to make their point. They also use stats only from dating app,since they don’t have any real life interaction with women.

The black pill philosophy is the victim hood mentality version of the red pill,Where women are all evil and abuse non attractive men under 6 feet tall.

*Self improvement is not part of black pill!!
*Female psychology is ignore.
*stoicism…. Is coping.
*Female anatomy is non existent.
*Body Game is not Practiced.
*Body language is not studied.
*Attitude is not discovered yet.
*Energy is not a thing.

And the excuse used to ignore the above mentioned points is, your either part the top 10% and get women effortlessly or you’re the bottom 10% with with no hope. So why waste time trying to improve yourself when you can’t change the way you were born, whether thats your physical build or facial structure.


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
10% of people in the world are very attractive and another 10% are Below average in looks.

The other 80% are average looking and 10% of the 80% are good looking and they join the top 10% to make up the “20%”.

The looks maxing freaks take the 2 extremes and compare them side by side to make their point. They also use stats only from dating app,since they don’t have any real life interaction with women.
Theres more statistics other than dating apps and theres countless real life experiments done on this.
The black pill philosophy is the victim hood mentality version of the red pill,Where women are all evil and abuse non attractive men under 6 feet tall.
No its the acceptance of the natural primal instincts in both women and men and how women would desire the better genetics shown in the opposite gender
*Self improvement is not part of black pill!!
*Female psychology is ignore.
*stoicism…. Is coping.
*Female anatomy is non existent.
*Body Game is not Practiced.
*Body language is not studied.
*Attitude is not discovered yet.
*Energy is not a thing.
When did I state those? I keep highlighting VERY simply the base primal instincts of both man and woman as well as the accepting of the harsh truth about yourself and your flaws and using that info and what you have to improve.
And the excuse used to ignore the above mentioned points is, your either part the top 10% and get women effortlessly or you’re the bottom 10% with with no hope. So why waste time trying to improve yourself when you can’t change the way you were born, whether thats your physical build or facial structure.
Thats the thing you can change the way you are whether its through basic care or surgery it is achievable but first you must be honest with yourself and identify your flaws.


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
what does your current one do? besides getting clear skin what does each product result in?
-SPF cream protects from the Sun
-Treitonin just promotes collagen production and prevents wrinkles from forming in future
- chapstick to hydrate my lips
-vitamin c serum to lighten my skin, make it healthy and smooth out any uneven tones
-salicylic acid daily leave on liquid exfoliant basically just a facewash.

Its not even that good thats why I am updating it