Somali model exposes sheikh on Instagram

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The average age that women are marrying in developing countries is 28-30, saying men wouldn't want to marry a 30 yr old is a lie as that is literally the average age now.
Due to high cost of living etc. Still studies have shown that men prefer 18-25 range.
Due to high cost of living etc. Still studies have shown that men prefer 18-25 range.
From your own sources:

The findings show that despite older men finding much younger women extremely attractive, they were highly unlikely to actually message any of them on an online dating site.

Men will most often message women actually closer to their own age.

You said men wouldn't marry a 30 yr old, yet your OWN sources contradict you and you just contradicted yourself. Hence they do indeed.

Relationships are so much more than just being attracted to an age range.
To be honest the recording sounded hard to understand, but it sounded like him. Who knows allahu alum the voice could be someone else. He has a Canadian accent
get a random recording of him, play it in background, say u were in same rom as him, ruin his reputation
Still it’s encourage to marry young, due to what I said above and how I backed up my claim. Even prophet Muhammad encourages us to marry young.
We arent talking about the ideal situation we are talking about the actual situation.
Plus marriage at a young age is too inconvenient and difficult for ppl nowadays
Uno what its like to be a public figure, u got ppl exposing u every minute, u think ppl have time to deny it all the time?
He should make a response but its only been one day u gotta give him time
Public figure? He is just a young dude who went to jail and us trying to be religious

he is not an actual scholar. Bro every city in Uk you find guys like him
From your own sources:

The findings show that despite older men finding much younger women extremely attractive, they were highly unlikely to actually message any of them on an online dating site.

Men will most often message women actually closer to their own age.

You said men wouldn't marry a 30 yr old, yet your OWN sources contradict you and you just contradicted yourself. Hence they do indeed.

Relationships are so much more than just being attracted to an age range.
Obviously it’s more likely that they would marry within their age range. However a 40 year old man for example will definitely choose a 25 year old lady than a 40 year old lady if given a chance. You have to be honest women value decline after 30. You say on average men and women are marrying late etc, this is due to the cost of living, but we also see a rise in single men and women, marriage is declining in the west etc. I guarantee you if the living cost etc decrease, the average would be getting married after uni at 21/22.
He probably tried to put a Hijab on a h*oe, dumped her, now she crying making up stories. If she had some dhaqan and xishood, she would contact the local Imams and deal with the situation. Come on people, she a h*oe, keep it moving Naayaa.
We arent talking about the ideal situation we are talking about the actual situation.
Plus marriage at a young age is too inconvenient and difficult for ppl nowadays
It’s difficult due to lack of iman, obsession with materialism etc. As a Muslim we stick by the sunnah and we follow the sunnah.
It’s difficult due to lack of iman, obsession with materialism
I used to think that until I awoken myself to the real world and saw how the west makes obstacles in the way of marrying young, doesnt matter if u got iman high as the mountains marrying young will still be a massive burden and test on u.
Plus the maturity of people is just going down and down, u find 25 year olds with the maturity of 15 year olds
Obviously it’s more likely that they would marry within their age range. However a 40 year old man for example will definitely choose a 25 year old lady than a 40 year old lady if given a chance. You have to be honest women value decline after 30. You say on average men and women are marrying late etc, this is due to the cost of living, but we also see a rise in single men and women, marriage is declining in the west etc. I guarantee you if the living cost etc decrease, the average would be getting married after uni at 21/22.
YOUR article said otherwise. Most don't even message them despite finding them more attractive. Suprisingly, a lot of adult men value maturity and having a lot in common. Also, the average 25 yr old woman wouldn't go for a 40 yr old, so the ball isn't always in the man's court. Relationship are so much more complicated than that and statistics shows that people usually only have a 2- 5 year age gap.

How does a woman's value decline at 30 when women at 30 are still fertile? Majority of women/men usually want 4 kids tops and a woman at 30 who is healthy can easily give him that. 30 isn't old and women don't shrivel up when the clock strikes midnight and she turns 30. Also, fertility starts to decline at 36+ plus and women start to come menopausal at 45+.
I used to think that until I awoken myself to the real world and saw how the west makes obstacles in the way of marrying young, doesnt matter if u got iman high as the mountains marrying young will still be a massive burden and test on u.
Plus the maturity of people is just going down and down, u find 25 year olds with the maturity of 15 year olds
Listen, when your iman is high, nothing will stop you by the will of Allah. Who cares about western influences or the environment. It’s beneficial to marry young, if prophet Muhammad say marry young, as a Muslim you should see his advice and be motivated to marry young. In this short life we have, we are always being tested any ways, not matter what age, marriage is a test whether you are 25 or 40.
Listen, when your iman is high, nothing will stop you by the will of Allah. Who cares about western influences or the environment. It’s beneficial to marry young, if prophet Muhammad say marry young, as a Muslim you should see his advice and be motivated to marry young. In this short life we have, we are always being tested any ways, not matter what age, marriage is a test whether you are 25 or 40.
Look living in the sest u will never be able to properly establish ur deen and anyone who says otherwise is lying, if ur that adament on following every part of the deen u will have to move outside of the west in order to do that
YOUR article said otherwise. Most don't even message them despite finding them more attractive. Suprisingly, a lot of adult men value maturity and having a lot in common. Also, the average 25 yr old woman wouldn't go for a 40 yr old, so the ball isn't always in the man's court. Relationship are so much more complicated than that and statistics shows that people usually only have a 2- 5 year age gap.

How does a woman's value decline at 30 when women at 30 are still fertile? Majority of women/men usually want 4 kids tops and a woman at 30 who is healthy can easily give him that. 30 isn't old and women don't shrivel up when the clock strikes midnight and she turns 30. Also, fertility starts to decline at 36+ plus and women start to come menopausal at 45+.
Angelina, there’s a saying “truth hurts” indeed it does. Firstly, men and women are designed differently in terms of what they want. Men want a young lady who’s mainly in 18-25 range, at the range they’re the most fertile and the most attractive, this is the age range where they can easily deliver a safe child who’s chances of birth defects etc are slim to none. This is the age range where parents can see their child grow up as a adult and the parents will be middle age by the time their children reach adulthood.

On the other hand, women prefers security and financial backing or secure financial savings etc. Men and women range of their “attractiveness or prime is different”. Mens value actually goes up when they get older, due to becoming more wealthy ie more money etc and like I said, women prefer a guy to have more money etc. Now obviously men do decline don’t get me wrong. But they decline a much later date than a women. Mens peak range is around 25-45 ish.

A women fertility doesn’t start declining at 36. It starts at late 20s or 30 should I be more precise. That means that a women who’s in her 30s who’s pregnant has more of a chance of suffering from miscarriage, birth defects, Down syndrome etc even death from pregnancy. So it’s encouraged for a women to marry young, and here in London I’ve seen soo many single Somali ladies who are above 30, looking to get married but it’s soo hard for them to.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Angelina, there’s a saying “truth hurts” indeed it does. Firstly, men and women are designed differently in terms of what they want. Men want a young lady who’s mainly in 18-25 range, at the range they’re the most fertile and the most attractive, this is the age range where they can easily deliver a safe child who’s chances of birth defects etc are slim to none. This is the age range where parents can see their child grow up as a adult and the parents will be middle age by the time their children reach adulthood.

On the other hand, women prefers security and financial backing or secure financial savings etc. Men and women range of their “attractiveness or prime is different”. Mens value actually goes up when they get older, due to becoming more wealthy ie more money etc and like I said, women prefer a guy to have more money etc. Now obviously men do decline don’t get me wrong. But they decline a much later date than a women. Mens peak range is around 25-45 ish.

A women fertility doesn’t start declining at 36. It starts at late 20s or 30 should I be more precise. That means that a women who’s in her 30s who’s pregnant has more of a chance of suffering from miscarriage, birth defects, Down syndrome etc even death from pregnancy. So it’s encouraged for a women to marry young, and here in London I’ve seen soo many single Somali ladies who are above 30, looking to get married but it’s soo hard for them to.
Bro spitting real facts, 18~25 is the golden age for females. Anyone who denies this is denying biology.
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