Somali Region is pushing back against Afar invasion

@Cigaal AB @Abaq
So far one thousand and two hundred canfar have been neutralised over the period of 7 days. If you do the math, they were extinguishing about 173 of afar militias each day. I did the math, 173 bodies a day is a good estimate. The generals that were captured include Mohamed Ali, Mohamed Ali barar and Hussein barar it seems the three of them are brothers or were brothers if they’re still alive😅
@Cigaal AB @Abaq
If this war continues for the next 3 weeks it will be 3,600 canfars dead😅but I don’t think it will continue I think the 1200 afar militias they had stationed in Sitti have been put out of their misery. I don’t think they will send another 1200 to continue this conflict and force our men to do more dhaanto on more bodies. They claimed to have killed 18 Ogaden men though I doubt it to be true. But this conflict really reminds me of operation restore hope or Blackhawk down, Americans claimed to have killed more than 1000 of Aidiid’s soldiers and lost about 18 soldiers.
Liyuu brought Somalis to the town they liberated and kicked out all the illegal afar squatters from😂look at how happy that hooyo is man😂she dancing off all the grudge and ciil she had for afar invaders


سبحان اللهِ وبحمدِه Free Palestine
Muslims are brothers of Muslims we should forgive and work with each other

save that energy for kuffar
Muslims are brothers of Muslims we should forgive and work with each other

save that energy for kuffar
Muslims don’t have a blanket cheque to conquer your territories and displace Somalis with arms from the Ethiopian government.

You saying Somalis can’t defend themselves Muslims who are doing the bidding of the Ethiopian government?
Muslims don’t have a blanket cheque to conquer your territories and displace Somalis with arms from the Ethiopian government.

You saying Somalis can’t defend themselves Muslims who are doing the bidding of the Ethiopian government?
Somalis, Afars and Oromos are all nomads therefore have shifting borders and competition for grazing land and resources. Its the Ethiopian government's fault for not properly demarcating the borders and settling nomadic disputes

Garaad Awal

Former African
Muslims don’t have a blanket cheque to conquer your territories and displace Somalis with arms from the Ethiopian government.

You saying Somalis can’t defend themselves Muslims who are doing the bidding of the Ethiopian government?
Somalis massacre each other all the time, and you actively supported fighting fellow Somalis on this very forum. Quite ironic if you ask me.

Many on this very thread have campaigned for genocide against opposing Somali tribes or political entities. None of you genuinely care about the Ciise-Canfar blood feud
Somalis massacre each other all the time, and you actively supported fighting fellow Somalis on this very forum. Quite ironic if you ask me.

Many on this very thread have campaigned for genocide against opposing Somali tribes or political entities. None of you genuinely care about the Ciise-Canfar blood feud
Where did I say there was anything wrong with fighting with other Somalis if they were the transgressing party?

There is nothing contradictory in supporting Issas to defend themselves against Afar invaders while at the same time supporting SSC against Isaaq/Oromo invaders/muharibeen. And this was my precisely point to the other individual: transgressors of Muslim faith can be fought in self defensive wars ( or even offensively depending on the severity of their threat).

What is “ironic” is that you were on here a while ago praying for UAE drones and RSF alliances to attack reer SSC.


سبحان اللهِ وبحمدِه Free Palestine
Somalis, Afars and Oromos are all nomads therefore have shifting borders and competition for grazing land and resources. Its the Ethiopian government's fault for not properly demarcating the borders and settling nomadic disputes
There should be more intra communication and shiir, to elucidate the economic or political motivation were all Muslims and ultimately our goals align

