Somali sheikh bans interracial relationships

mr steal your naag

banu hashim and shiettt
don't pay attention to @mr steal your naag
he's a Somali-hating secessionist , Banu Hashimist and shiet , his opinion doesn't count , also he's from Holland,so he's probably high on some heavy weird shit rn .

Why am i a self hater? because i dont want to deal with the average Farax or xalimo that are very dramatic :wtfdis: The only place i connect with other somalis is on the internet

mr steal your naag

banu hashim and shiettt
I'm just like you bro , the last Somali I saw was about 2 months ago in a supermarket , it was this xaliimo I had history with in another life ,
when I saw her I was like .

Lol its better Bro i dont want to deal with that shit especially the xalimos that act uppity


As Muslims, a girl’s mahram is supposed to help her find a suitable match. You all were saying xalimos are “easy” compare to Asian or Arab women, and I was pointing out that their mahrams are often very involved whereas xalimos are left to their own devices. Women are more vulnerable and easily manipulated - so without any mahram involved, there’s higher chance they’ll end up with losers. A girl has to get a permission from her father to get married for a reason, but most Somali fathers nvm finding a suitable match but don’t even take enough care to seriously investigate who their daughter brings before allowing the marriage to go forward. I have seen so many lopsided marriages, where you wonder why the hell didn’t the girl’s father object.
Somali women that marry ex-converts usually reject every farax their family tries to set them up with. If their mahrams try to ‘protect’ them then the xalimo just abandons the family or calls the feds. Happens all the time. Also this bs about Arab men being good mahrams needs to stop, they’re mostly dayuus. The truth is that Arab/Asian women respect their family more than xalimos and obey their parents. They won’t forsake their parents for Tyrone like xalimos and cadaan women do
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I've been with Somali women only lol. No STDs. You wanna meet up in Uptown to test out my build? Chances are I can f*ck you up bro so be careful not to talk that way to brothers in real life. You started being harsh first. I got experience fist fighting mathow. Also what does me fucking Somali women have anything to do with me knowing about the prisoners and fake Muslims terrible matched up with Somali women? Lol @ Lugo baasto thanks for giving me laugh for the evening. My legs are dense muscular, chances are I can kick your legs with my shin and you'll crack. We can test it out of you want. I stay in Uptown bro.
Remind her of your Korean bone density... she is clueless

Bernie Madoff

Afhayeenka SL

A South Sudanese woman with an Arab man; a South Sudanese man with an Arab woman would also be vexing.

Arabs are the only group I won't even entertain accepting -- not even begrudgingly; Arabic has (unfortunately) not been phased out and the death-deserving cretins in Juba have not provided our people with economic opportunities, so some of our people still remain in Sudan and Egypt.
Bro ur south Sudanese?? I got few good friends who are ss but they all neur tho. What are you??
This is fake news the only criminals targetting xaalimos are the criminals of islam on sspot all the zina, adultery, sodomy, abusive, and terrorist faraxs are targetting xaalimos, they are criminals per sharia court, most are still serving time, they aren’t even ex- they are current
Don't get me wrong , there is no point of denying those jail reverts wont get any women ,but somehow xalimos are dying to marry out its nothing new it's in uk,usa&Canada well known.

& wlh blh tlh I didnt belive it myself ,but let me tell you something I'm from Europe country with little to no Somalis & just 3months ago i met a niin cadaan revert who married a xalimo & hes involved in khat he looked like a proper ex convict


Don't get me wrong , there is no point of denying those jail reverts wont get any women ,but somehow xalimos are dying to marry out its nothing new it's in uk,usa&Canada well known.

& wlh blh tlh I didnt belive it myself ,but let me tell you something I'm from Europe country with little to no Somalis & just 3months ago i met a niin cadaan revert who married a xalimo & hes involved in khat he looked like a proper ex convict
Xalimos just love ex-con reverts. :pachah1: Why don’t people understand that xalimos generally want to marry these types of men. They aren’t getting manipulated or anything. Just let them live their lives you white knight cucks:childplease:
I went tru 9 pages of this shit. And my conclusion is if its not your sister or daughter marrying a ajnabi revert why would you care? My guess is the reason somali women marry prison revert is because they have low self esteem The sheikh is wrong for banning it. Let them do what ever they wanna do

No he's not wrong ! Wtf does a women want with an ex convict ?! Its the imams responsibility to make sure those men arent abusers & take care of those women & majority don't do that ! What happened at the end the women comes back to the community with new problems that we don't need