Somali woman fears racist backlash from Lebanese society for marrying a leb man

Yes and it isn’t the case generally for Somalis to marry out. Stop acting like your community is out here having higher rates of IR, because we don’t as well.

I’ve had enough of self hating incel Abdis thinking that just because a few Somalis are marrying out why there on social media and then you have the insane amongst us blowing up the comment section doesn’t mean we too marry out in the hordes. We don’t and our IR rates is just as low if not lower than Asians.
True. A few losers who marry qaladis whether male or female isn’t an issue and I don’t know why Mods allow this shit to be posted here


Sick Hugh Jackman GIF by First We Feast
I heard wealthy lebs in west Africa specifically, Nigeria look down on mixing with the natives & they’re heavily inbred as a consequence. West Africans & South Africans are spineless lmao how are foreigners hoarding your wealth and mistreating you in your ancestral land?? Weak fucks.
Right you mean like the Native Indians that the Canadians now say we will give you guys the land back now that they are dead and fucking gone. Fucking insanity. But you want to point to Africans only?

"South Africa became a Union with its own white people government in 1910, the country was still regarded as a colony of Britain till 1961." Go use your calculator and do the math. That's shorter than a human lifetime. Colonize my ass. And now they are a minority in England. 😄 🤣 😂 😆 😄

Mandela was the 1st Obama/Ghandi but you want to say only "Black people still own that land." West Africans doing better economically than the lunacy of E.A and the M.E right now. Or Ukraine. Trump just took a got a head shot by you guessed it!! The lone white boy shooter. This shit is out of control.

M.E Muslims in M.E sharing land with Jews (who never let things go, clearly we know Hitler was not fully insane. Jews are vengeful just like us Somalis. The jig is up, their the fake religious image is now gone.) And why can't they stay on one land? Everyone kicked them out. They think they are the human race celebrities.

Chinese/Asian dudes being 2nd choice for their own women because of the ego of the "White" man.

Everyone is holding a L at this point whether economically, culturally, religion, race, nation.. this is chaos.

My focus now is A.I. I don't care about the human race anymore. I prefer animals and plants.
That’s what I’m saying see one thing I like ab turkish people is they got self respect even tho they’re looked down on a lot or even despised by other ethnic groups. I know this guy who constantly talking shit ab turkish people even tho there is barely any Turkish people in Canada like tf make it make sense. U will never see them Arab worshipping even though they’re “Muslim” the secularism prob helps tho but still.

Imma be honest I’m biased towards the Turkish people i got an affinity towards them :cosbyhmm: All the ones I met have been super chill and overly nice to me I love it

Oh Turkish and Italian people are chill. I agree. And their food is great.
I haven’t read the comments yet but I’m sure they’re sugarcoating it. Which is all BS

I used to live in a city full of lebs and they are THE most racist Arabs by far. I could never.

Sis needs to find her a Yemeni or something if she really wants an carab man. Those seem to be the only ones that marry Somalis with no issues
It is a victim complex since you’re from a group of people who look down on most people unfortunately. Somalis don’t like it when their boys or girls marry Arabs. They don’t like it when their girls and boys marry Asians, they don’t like it when they whites. I know so many cases of fathers boycotting weddings, disowning and the list continues. We’re no different to Asian and Arabs when it comes to attitudes towards foreigners but the only reason why you feel we are is because we’re black and you associate that with everyone looking down on dark skin people. Who cares? The same way they look down on us for dark skin, the same way a fob Somali habayaro and Adeero is looking down on them.
Somalis will get angry at first but they almost always come around eventually if the person their child married is Muslim. As a people we value Islam deeply and disowning a child for doing something completely halal (marrying another Muslim) is not okay in Islam. So they eventually soften up. Especially when the grandkids come.

The only time I’ve seen outright disowning is if the person their child married is a gaal, did not convert, and their child essentially left Islam too and lives a gaalo lifestyle.

This is not the case with these racist Arabs and south Asians. They dgaf about Islam. They will hate you and their grandchildren for as long as they live.
This women in pink could pass as full Lebanese at least the darker skinned ones anyway.

Ain't no way they're racist to her before they find out she's mixed, she looked full arab without a hint of somali in her. Maybe they’re colorist towards her but I'm sure a lot of full Lebanese women that are darker skinned deal with the same issues.
Definitely not. Lebanese look borderline white and their darker skinned ones are just tanned (like Kim Kardashian’s skin tone)

The girl in pink has the same skin tone as many Somalis. Only her features look a bit different, but she has the Somali colouring and could more easily pass for Somali than Lebanese
I haven’t read the comments yet but I’m sure they’re sugarcoating it. Which is all BS

I used to live in a city full of lebs and they are THE most racist Arabs by far. I could never.

Sis needs to find her a Yemeni or something if she really wants an carab man. Those seem to be the only ones that marry Somalis with no issues
How about just marry your own
Somalis will get angry at first but they almost always come around eventually if the person their child married is Muslim. As a people we value Islam deeply and disowning a child for doing something completely halal (marrying another Muslim) is not okay in Islam. So they eventually soften up. Especially when the grandkids come.

The only time I’ve seen outright disowning is if the person their child married is a gaal, did not convert, and their child essentially left Islam too and lives a gaalo lifestyle.

This is not the case with these racist Arabs and south Asians. They dgaf about Islam. They will hate you and their grandchildren for as long as they live.
As Somalis follow the sunnah of the prophet we don’t discriminate against other Muslims but we are slowly losing our pride and dignity,how can a dhegacaas be above you I just see them neutrally not different to anyone.

