Somali women are superior.

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If you say things like that, you'll be seen as a troll here.

It is our fate that females will outnumber us at some point. I don't have current data to support that but the trend looks that way. Stating the obvious is cool even if some disagree Sense. I am cool with being called names and people disagreeing with me. It is all fun.


Years to look forward to

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That too.



USC | Ururka Bililiqada iyo Kufsiga
The average Ethiopian man in the US is superior to average Somali man. Shoot me.

Inquring minds will say it's bc we're mostly a refugee population, but that doesn't explain it :zhqjlmx:

:kodaksmiley: the raw meat eater is superior to my cousins. Nikkas haven't even discovered fire yet.


Yh, it probably is the refugee problem. A lot of somali males are starting to do well... I've noticed that children born of refugees, particularly males tend not to do as well as the women. :cosbyhmm:
Ethiopians are a mixed bag. Some of them are affluent migrants, but a vast majority of them are migrants from the 1980's, from various famines, or political refugees from an oppressive government. We're sensitive to the Somali tahreb phenom as Somalis, but there are many Ethiopians and Eritreans crossing the Sinai, and making the death quest of getting into those boats we hear so much about. They are mostly from modest backgrounds in everything from literacy to class, and even in religion I believe they are a mixed bag with a 70/30 Christian to Muslim ratio. Even so, they're doing quite well for themselves in the US. Ethiopian women too! Somali women are doing well relative to Somali men. We could do so much better. There must be some cultural component. They aren't allergic to hardwork from what I've seen. Nigerians are another group that do well for themselves in the diaspora, men and women, but they're known for crime too. At least, they have a well-accomplished, exemplary side to their diasporan community to counter that.
Ethiopian guys are manlets with beak noses
As a woman, I'd say I'm a better judge of that. A number of them may be short, which I don't consider shorter guys in general undateable tbh, but they are attractive if you want to date men from the Horn, or from Africa in general. There are all kinds of attractive men in the world, so I'm not stuck on them, but they have some very attractive guys, no doubt about that.
I wonder

Why are some hostile here? it is not like people know each other personally and what someone writes carries too much weight, so it is better not to get personal for any reason. If you got bright ideas to share, do so, if you have to defend a cause, be eloquent in the defense so others can see the superiority in your logic. There is no need to get personal. I signed up to kill time today and had been writing on commute, at work earlier and now at home though am ready for gaming.

Chill out guys, it is not worth getting worked over someone's immaturity. sometimes letting an insult stand makes greater point than responding to it.

Their life sucks and they take out here the hostility and anger
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