Somalia Is A Arab Nation

If most Somalis spoke Arabic, I would have no problem saying we're an Arab country, Somalis love claiming Arab but don't want to speak their language.

These two aren't the same people (Morocco and Qatar) but they speak Arabic and hence are Arabs, imagine this Qatari guy was speaking to a Somali guy, what are the chances he'd be able to speak Arabic?



I have just been to Somalia in 2021, and I do not call that speaking.
I do not even know what they speak in Xamar.
Bari and Waqooyi are slightly better.
If you say this there's two options: either you don't speak af soomaali properly or you are making it a north vs south issue by belittling the southern accent. People in Xamar speak normal af soomaali with their own accent.
Back home, they speak what could be classified as pedgin Somali, and most of them do not even know how to write, and here we are conversing in Eng.

The Somali spoken today is not the Somali I speak, or that my parents spoke, or my grandparents. It is caricature derivative at best.
Pidgin? Bro i think you don't know what a pdgin language is, using a few foreign words doesn't make af soomaali spoken today a pdgin language. What are you talking about? If it's youth slang then that's normal everywhere, if it's different accent it's still normal, if it's loanwords then we always had them
We use English on this website cause many diaspora people aren't fluent in af Soomaali.
You should really make an example to support your claims. How is af soomaali in today's somalia any different from what you or your parents speak?
Somali genetics are Ancient Egyptian + Ancient Nilotic + extinct Horn of African hunter gatherer. Not Yemeni. But this is 5000+ years ago. Habeshas have significant Yemeni admixture.
This is factually incorrect Look.
Principal component analysis with PLINK software showed approximately 60% East African and 40% West Eurasian genes in the Somali population, with a close relation to the Cushitic and Semitic speaking Ethiopian populations. It is believed to be from the Sabeans


This is factually incorrect Look.
Principal component analysis with PLINK software showed approximately 60% East African and 40% West Eurasian genes in the Somali population, with a close relation to the Cushitic and Semitic speaking Ethiopian populations. It is believed to be from the Sabeans
The West Euroasian genes are Ancient Egyptian, and the East African is Ancient Nilotic and Horn of African hunter gatherer.


LOL I can't believe called you Salah al Din an arab when he is clearly a kurd ridiculous I will not be suprise if you actually believe what persians did for islam wasn't done by them but it was the arabs
Unlike what the anti-Arab brigade will tell you, most scholars during the Islamic Golden Age were Arab, whether in Iberia, Iraq, Shaam, Hijaaz or North Africa.
Somalia is politically apart of the Arab league but we are not culturally, linguistically or ethnically Arabs. Somalis are just as related to Arabs as Persians, Turks, Punjabis and Bengalis are. This cringe trolling and begging to be Arabs needs to stop.
crazy howw porkistanis beg to be called arab meanwhile us s will do anything to escape the arab forced upon us. :drakelaugh:

