Somalia is not a country for Muslims but instead Somali Muslims. It’s not for Abu Salah Abu Cubeyda but instead for Jaamac, Calasow, Qowdhan


Thread went from applauding HSM to fearmongering about bantus, its time to have honest look in the mirror. Bantus will never conquer Somalia that will happen when pigs fly nor will they take over by migrating. Are you guys even listening to yourselves. Somali bantus are hardworking people, leave them be, racism is haram
Bantu are major Shabaab foot soldiers. As well as D&M. Other Shabaab foot soldiers are foreign fighters. It’s all linked.

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
Another huge security threat in Somalia, is begging culture by Eelaay Somalis. But when people bring this up, they get offended. You will see able-bodied Eelaay men, begging for money and food in all parts of Somalia. Meanwhile, this begging man has his own home and land back home. Allegedly this begging culture has been happening before the civil war. I hate to say it, but we have our own native 'gypsies' and this needs to be clamped down on. I am convinced that Oromo sheegads hide among the Eelaay.

* Other Somalis also beg, but they beg their wealthier or diaspora family members, not on the streets.

waa bilaa dhaqan. these people don't even have our culture. I doubt all of them were muslim before all these islamist groups took over the place. used to a lot of weird shit coming out from there.

Both of your people rely on food aid from cadaans, there is no difference between them and you. False sense of superioty.
Agreed. Injustice can create situations like this. That's why Somalia needs to work on not discriminating against minority clans and giving them a sort of restitution and protection.

Absolutely. We need justice, not just as Muslims but as decent human beings.
In an economically stable Somalia, nobody will really care who their neighbour is. Right now, Somalis can't stand other Somalis. In fact, most time is spent killing their literal blood- cousins.
Both of your people rely on food aid from cadaans, there is no difference between them and you. False sense of superioty.

I don't rely on food aid from Cadaans, I am gainfully employed. My parents were refugees for a brief period of time, like many diaspora Somalis.

The fact is that some Somalis see no shame in begging on the street, even when they have economic assets. You can be offended all you like, it doesn't change reality.


Al shabaab would not exist anywhere without support from local clans, cut the bulshit niyow.
Well yes smaller clans who have cuqdad also support them which is why they benefit from shipping in Bantu/rx fighters.

But these smaller clans would have no chance against major clans if Shabaab didn’t bring in so many foreign fighters to our lands to fight alongside them.

Hence this is all linked
Bantu are major Shabaab foot soldiers. As well as D&M. Other Shabaab foot soldiers are foreign fighters. It’s all linked.

Both Communities rely mostly on farming. I believe they are displaced from their farms which forced into IDP camps.It's all linked. We need to ensure everyone gets their land back first and foremost, gets permanent housing and then relative peace will follow.

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
I don't rely on food aid from Cadaans, I am gainfully employed. My parents were refugees for a brief period of time, like many diaspora Somalis.

The fact is that some Somalis see no shame in begging on the street, even when they have economic assets. You can be offended all you like, it doesn't change reality.

Your leaders gaalo aa maamulo iyo lacag siiyo, whats the difference between them and the man on the street? Answer is nothing, in fact your leaders are worse.
Your leaders gaalo aa maamulo iyo lacag siiyo, whats the difference between them and the man on the street? Answer is nothing, in fact your leaders are worse.


Gaalo don't give food to anyone, except people that are in IDP camps and they are, you guessed it, mostly Bantu and D&M. Not only do they give them food, they build houses for them in other people's land. That's how extensive the tuugsi culture is.
You need to stop projecting your issues onto others. If you are Eelaay yourself, take a good hard look at your community and ask them why able-bodied, healthy men are begging on the streets.
You have good land, health and a large population, get a grip.

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
Well yes smaller clans who have cuqdad also support them which is why they benefit from shipping in Bantu/rx fighters.

But these smaller clans would have no chance against major clans if Shabaab didn’t bring in so many foreign fighters to our lands to fight alongside them.

Hence this is all linked
All clans support them, if major clans would not support Al-sheydaan they would have been crushed already. Its illogical to claim only langaabs support kebabis.



Gaalo don't give food to anyone, except people that are in IDP camps and they are, you guessed it, mostly Bantu and D&M. Not only do they give them food, they build houses for them in other people's land. That's how extensive the tuugsi culture is.
You need to stop projecting your issues onto others. If you are Eelaay yourself, take a good hard look at your community and ask them why able-bodied, healthy men are begging on the streets.
You have good land, health and a large population, get a grip.
Hopefully capitalism deals with this problem for us. The government will want to sell that land and businesses will want to buy it to develop on. It’s disgraceful what UN have done. If you want to build camps, go build them in the lands they’re from (oh wait they all fled and let Shabaab take over :francis:) I’m sure these people who have no ounce of Somalinimo will also want representation in the future when they’ve never sacrificed anything for the country.

These camps inshallah won’t be an eye sore and security risk for too long.
Hopefully capitalism deals with this problem for us. The government will want to sell that land and businesses will want to buy it to develop on. It’s disgraceful what UN have done. If you want to build camps, go build them in the lands they’re from (oh wait they all fled and let Shabaab take over :francis:) I’m sure these people who have no ounce of Somalinimo will also want representation in the future when they’ve never sacrificed anything for the country.

These camps inshallah won’t be an eye sore and security risk for too long.

Oh they do want representation and they already have political reps for IDP camps in Puntland.
I kid you not, an IDP settlement has political seats like it's a legitimate degmo. A Bantu man in fact.


Coping through the 1st world
We need to hold slave trading Somalis responsible. They, Arabs and the Italian colonisers brought the Bantus. I also think there are Bantus who are just economic migrant descendants. Whatever it is, they are in Somalia now and there is no getting rid of them.

I think they can be a source of strength and also a way to build a bridge with other African Nations. Somalians are part and parcel of Somalia, that also goes for the mixed-race communities who descend from Hindi/Arab/Bantu etc like Shanshi, Barawani and of course, Bajuni natives.

When you say (Somalians) you’re referring to the minorities right?

I agree with you: minorities should at least have a sense of contribution to the land.

but any agenda that consist of liberalism: anti patriarchy or conservatism should be to the deportation list.
when say you say (Somalians) you’re referring to the minorities right?

I agree with you: minorities should at least have sense of contribution to the land.

but any agenda that consist of liberalism: anti patriarchy or conservatism should be the on deportation list.


I use Somalians to refer to any non-ethnic Somali.

Somalis are a legitimate ethnic group, with DNA tests proving that most Somalis share a common ancestor. Thus, I don't see why Arabs, Bantus and mixed people would be called 'Somali' as if their tribes are native to Somalia. I think we should be called Somalis (ethnics) or Somalians (non-ethnics).
Oh they do want representation and they already have political reps for IDP camps in Puntland.
I kid you not, an IDP settlement has political seats like it's a legitimate degmo. A Bantu man in fact.

To expound on this point.

I welcome all rent-paying, tax paying Bantus and other non-natives in Puntland. But I don't agree with foreign NGO's building shanty flavellas aka "IDP camps" and then forcing us to give them political representation.

If a Bantu or other non-Puntite pays rents, pays taxes and then after a few years of living in a state, runs for office, welcome. But please pay your dues first before making demands. This is ridiculous.

We need Federal Voting laws ASAP. Otherwise, we will see bus-loads of Bantus and others, shipped from Federal State to Federal State, to mess with voting numbers. Look at what happened in Oregon with the Indian Cult called Rajneeshpuram (they transported homeless people to win political power and eventually, their own cult city).
this thread stinks
today hypocrisy GIF

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi

Gaalo don't give food to anyone, except people that are in IDP camps and they are, you guessed it, mostly Bantu and D&M. Not only do they give them food, they build houses for them in other people's land. That's how extensive the tuugsi culture is.
You need to stop projecting your issues onto others. If you are Eelaay yourself, take a good hard look at your community and ask them why able-bodied, healthy men are begging on the streets.
You have good land, health and a large population, get a grip.

Have a honest look in the mirror. This is what is happening in Puntland and all over somali lands.

Are these Eelays or bantus? No. May Allah help them prosper, ease their suffering and InshAllah the drought will end. Teeda kale Im HG, both sides for generations.
Didn’t you say you looked Bantu before? Thats why you see no difference. The rest of us can’t relate :manny:

I don’t look bantu at all and if I did, I would not see it as something bad. Humility is a good quality to have abaayo.

