Somalia Presidential Election Day 2022: LIVE UPDATES and Analysis

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Dude, your "residence" if you can even call it, is shared by a different clan. I have my own state and I'm expanding without care and effortlessly. You can't even free yourself.
We are not the same, don't trip on your way out. :francis:

Free yourself? You f'ckers have been evicted in Galguduud by Al-Shabaab this week. They didn't even allow you to take your livestock and belongings. :heh:

Bish, this is Buuhoodle. The entire HAG can't defeat 4,000 masked Al-shabaab men when they have 25,000 SNA, 20,000 ATMIS, and US air force plus NISA and local militia. These fockers express online whole kinds of shit when they have whole armies and different militia running through them. HAG is the epitome of an embarrassment. They're keeping an entire country a hostage. :nahgirl:

The whole Naarul-Xaamiya (aka Haiwye) can't accomplish what reer Buuhoodle have accomplished:

Free yourself? You f'ckers have been evicted in Galguduud by Al-Shabaab this week. They didn't even allow you to take your livestock and belongings. :heh:

Bish, this is Buuhoodle. The entire HAG can't defeat 4,000 masked Al-shabaab men when they have 25,000 SNA, 20,000 ATMIS, and US air force plus NISA and local militia. These fockers express online whole kinds of armies and different militia running through thm.

The whole Naarul-Xaamiya (aka Haiwye) can't accomplish what reer Buuhoodle have accomplished:

Miskeen you mad ain't ya


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
Did a parasite like you really think you had a chance against me?

Waryah don’t take credit for HSM, stick to your own sub-clan. It’s laangaab behaviour to claim another clan’s achievements as your own.

It’s like me claiming Farmaajos 2017 victory because we’re both Darood. Absolutely pathetic and reeks of weakness.

Waryah don’t take credit for HSM, stick to your own sub-clan. It’s laangaab behaviour to claim another clan’s achievements as your own.

It’s like me claiming Farmaajos 2017 victory because we’re both Darood. Absolutely pathetic and reeks of weakness.


I knew you'll break sooner or later welcome mr qabiil agnostic 😂😂
Waryah don’t take credit for HSM, stick to your own sub-clan. It’s laangaab behaviour to claim another clan’s achievements as your own.

It’s like me claiming Farmaajos 2017 victory because we’re both Darood. Absolutely pathetic and reeks of weakness.


I support president Hassan same way reer Lascanood, reer Badhan and reer Goldgob support Farmajoo.

President Hassan Sheiikh is my adreer, so waste man stop reapeating nonsense.
Free yourself? You f'ckers have been evicted in Galguduud by Al-Shabaab this week. They didn't even allow you to take your livestock and belongings. :heh:

Bish, this is Buuhoodle. The entire HAG can't defeat 4,000 masked Al-shabaab men when they have 25,000 SNA, 20,000 ATMIS, and US air force plus NISA and local militia. These fockers express online whole kinds of armies and different militia running through thm.

The whole Naarul-Xaamiya (aka Haiwye) can't accomplish what reer Buuhoodle have accomplished:

1 State where they are the majority.
40% of the xaafads in the Capital.
Lower Shabelle control.
DDSI expansion.
Politcally powerful in Somalia ( Rooble singlehandedly forming a coalition to oust Farmaajo)

No State
Shares every single region with another clan.
Kills themselves fighting each other.
Highest position politically is being VP of Puntland.
Mentally and Physically enslaved.

Now who is the real loser here? Me? Or you? :dead:
I just genuinely don’t understand the cuqdad. Why do you folk habour so much hatred for hawiye when it’s lsaaq that’s currently occupying and farmajo that said on live television that he couldn’t care less? This isn’t FKD btw, just a genuine question.

This is the general in Sool, and he goes by General Mahad Canbaashe.

Now, how many Ugandan and Burundian relatives do you have?

I aint hold any cuqdad against anyone but can return insults if you start throwing it at me. That is all.


To answer your question, Darood would do the exact same thing anywhere other than this forum. Your clan are specifically known for riding out for darood even when they get nothing in return.

4,000 Al-Shabaab run your territory and you couldn't remove them when you have 25,000 SNA, 20,000 ATMIS, and US air0force. Don't point fingers. Look inward.

I don’t hail from the noble Xawadle, so I’ll just leave your cuqdad paragraph at that

I take back my words against Hawaadle. I thought you were. And who are you, btw?
This is the general in Sool, and he goes by General Mahad Canbaashe.

Now, how many Ugandan and Burundian relatives do you have?

I aint hold any cuqdad against anyone but can return insults if you start throwing it at me. That is all.


4,000 Al-Shabaab run your territory and you couldn't remove them when you have 25,000 SNA, 20,000 ATMIS, and US air0force. Don't point fingers. Look inward.

I take back my words against Hawaadle. I thought you were. And who are you, btw?

The ppl that whooped your adheer this election .the same ppl who took your adheers Qatari money and told him to fock off
This is the general in Sool, and he goes by General Mahad Canbaashe.

Now, how many Ugandan and Burundian relatives do you have?

I aint hold any cuqdad against anyone but can return insults if you start throwing it at me. That is all.


4,000 Al-Shabaab run your territory and you couldn't remove them when you have 25,000 SNA, 20,000 ATMIS, and US air0force. Don't point fingers. Look inward.

I take back my words against Hawaadle. I thought you were. And who are you, btw?

Bitter parasite can you leave us alone please. We want to celebrate without nonsense.
Good for you if you like to suck Isaac balls. Believe me I am happy for you. As a Iriir Samaale I am empowered.
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