Somalia Presidential Election Day 2022: LIVE UPDATES and Analysis

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Bantu Liberation Movement
Someone make a thread with N&N bot reactions.

Proud Of You Reaction GIF
Somalia is going to get even more worse now we have the teddy bear as our president same guy hoping to throw thousands of innocent somali girls to the middle east to work as maids. Truly dark times.


Soomaali waa Hawiyah Iyo Hashiyah
We don’t even know reer hutu to feel cuqdad for them. We don’t even mention your clan by name. Anything we know about you comes from MJs :ftw9nwa:
That whole “we don’t border you so we don’t know you” argument is just pure cap and only really applicable for dhulbhante nomads in a random towns in sool. Most of your Media exposed and diaspora clanmen have serious cuqdad for hawiye. From being siyad barres last push to being the cofounders of CBB your folk are the only ones keeping the darood vs hawiye argument going. Where does this hatred stem from?
This is the general in Sool, and he goes by General Mahad Canbaashe.

Now, how many Ugandan and Burundian relatives do you have?

I aint hold any cuqdad against anyone but can return insults if you start throwing it at me. That is all.


4,000 Al-Shabaab run your territory and you couldn't remove them when you have 25,000 SNA, 20,000 ATMIS, and US air0force. Don't point fingers. Look inward.

I take back my words against Hawaadle. I thought you were. And who are you, btw?
So your argument is somaliland who put your women in jails for wearing a flag in your own capital=good but alshabab=bad? Focus on your own problems saaxib, things ain’t rosey in laaska either. And to answer your question I’m abgaal, your new president


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
His first executive order will be to release the ban on Kenyan khat, Kenyans are very happy
1 State where they are the majority.
40% of the xaafads in the Capital.
Lower Shabelle control.
DDSI expansion.
Politcally powerful in Somalia ( Rooble singlehandedly forming a coalition to oust Farmaajo)

No State
Shares every single region with another clan.
Kills themselves fighting each other.
Highest position politically is being VP of Puntland.
Mentally and Physically enslaved.

Now who is the real loser here? Me? Or you? :dead:

The same Habar-Kintir who couldn't build a maamul for themselves and needed Farmaajo to put it together for them.

The same Habar-Kintir who couldn't remove 100 Suufi militia from their capital and needed President Farmaajo to send Gorgor and Haramcad in order to free their capital.

The same Habar-Kintir who has their whole districts of Hobyo, Xarar-Dheere, Wisil and others dominated by Al-Shabaab.

The same Habar-Kintir who beg Puntland in order to defend South Mudug from Al-Shabaab. Anything north of Wisil and Bandiiradley is defended by Omar Mohamud-led PL forces.

The same Habar-Kintirs who have their nomads being evicted from eastern Galguduud this week by Al-Shabaab without any livestock and belongings. These foclers couldn't lift a finger.

The same Habar-Kintirs who were irrelevant in Somali politics and beg President Farmaajo to give them a PM. And how they rewarded him? They turned on him. The most ungrateful people in the Somali peninsula.

Yet, these mooryaans have the audacity to take ill on others when their conditions are far worse than anyone else.

Habar-Kintirs are going thru a major DNA change. The ones around Bandiiradley will have Omar Mohamud DN.A. The ones in Dhuusamareeb and Guriceel will have MX, Dblock, Warsans, D/M, and Madowweyne DNA since the Haramcad and Gorgor forces deployed in those towns hail from these clans. And the ones in Hobyo, Wisil, and Xaradheere will have D/M and Madowweyne DNA since the most of the Al-Shabaab forces deployed there hail from these clans. And the ones in Mogadishu, Ugandan and Burundian DNA will be found within the Habar-Kintirs.

Ladies and gentlemen, that is the fate of Beesha Ayax Diirato aka Habar-Kintir aka HG.

Good day.

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The same Habar-Kintir who couldn't build a maamul for themselves and needed Farmaajo to put it together for them.

The same Habar-Kintir who couldn't remove 100 Suufi militia from their capital and needed President Farmaajo to send Gorgor and Haramcad in order to free their capita.l.

The same Habar-Kintir who has their whole districts of Hobyo, Xarar-Dheere, Wisil and others dominated by Al-Shabaab.

The same Habar-Kintir who beg Puntland in order to defend South Mudug from Al-Shabaab. Anything north of Wisil and Bandiiradley is defended by Omar Mohamud-led PL forces.

The same Habar-Kintirs who have their nomads being evicted from easten Galguduud this week by Al-Shabaab without any livestock and belongings

The same Habar-Kintirs who were irrelevant in Somali politics and beg President Farmaajo to give them a PM. And how they rewarded him? They turned on him. The most ungrateful people in the Somali peninsula.

Yet, these mooryaans have the audacity to take ill on others when their conditions are far worse than anyone else.

Habar-Kintirs are going thru a major DNA change. The ones around Bandiiradley will have Omar Mohamud DN.A. The ones in Dhuusamareeb and Guriceel will have MX, Dblock, Warsans, D/M, and Madowweyne DNA since the Haramcad and Gorgor forces deployed in those towns hail from these clans. And the ones in Hobyo, Wisil, and Xaradheere will have D/M and Madowweyne DNA since the most of the Al-Shabaab forces deployed there hail from these clans. And the ones in Mogadishu, Ugandan and Burundian DNA will be found within Habar-Kintirs.

Ladies and gentlemen, that is the fate of Beesha Ayax Diirato aka Habar-Kintir aka HG.

Good day.


Again, I think your describing your own Dhulbaante people.
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