BREAKING NEWS Somalia Presidential Election Day 2022: LIVE UPDATES and Analysis

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What’s up with dhulbahante and going at hawiye. It’s was PL and SL that tag teamed to stop khaatumo state happening. It was Farmaajo who couldn’t even answer a question about what he can do for reer ssc but yet u wanna go for hawiye presidents that at least came out publicly and said they prefer unity over recognising SL and giving way ur lands to isaaqs.

Ur enemies are ur neighbours not the ones who don’t border u


It’s already begun


when do you think the first ship will leave?


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Back to the UAE being our master while calling our people Abeed

Back to every national property being sold to Hawiye individuals

Back to the Hotel bombings

Back to 8 months of no salary to the national army


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Back to getting slapped around and polishing my shoes
Your beloved Galmudug will be starved of funds now and will no longer receive help against AS and ASWJ. You are the biggest loser here as Farmaajo used to baby you.

Alhamdullilah that is over now and I cant wait
to post more news about Ahlu Sunnah karbaashin you.


Xagar Badhaadhe Bu'ale
cabdulle is like the Indian Ocean. What comes after it bro. Feel free to give me a degmo in Ogadeniya like Danan. Garbo so I can have a clue who I deal with.

I am close to Sultan Ahmed Magan. Sultan Magan Yusuf. Ugaas Nuur Cubudiye.
Your royalty markaa..amaadin


Reer guri
Who will be prime minister? I seen farmajo and hsm having laugh together during the final round you think those two might put there differences aside and come together?
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