Somalia should be for Somalis only

When Somalia becomes peaceful it will become a minority-dominated economy if we do not do like the gulf Arabs did requiring companies be 51% owned by a local or it is against the law.

These countries are dominated by a foreign ethnic/racial groups economically.

Mozambique- Portuguese
Angola- Portuguese
Liberia- Lebanese
Ghana- Lebanese
Cote D’ivoire- lebanese
South Africa- white
Botswana- white
Namibia- white
Malawi- white
Djibouti is dominated by Somalis who are originally from Somaliland not Yemenis


Cabdul's Status CLOSED until further notice.
You are right. Based off this users other posts their intention always seems to be promoting hate and division amongst Muslims while pretending to care about Somalis. You are right, it is a pathetic psy-op as they focus their energy on here to attack the ummah and foment hate.

You were right to tell them to mind their own business and leave Somali business.
Precisely, I kinda over reacted a little because I was so frustrated. How can people fall for this ? Their goal is divide, thats it. Whats even more concerning is there are people who are less obvious then this user and go by undetected. I've called them out before, people need to be careful


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
It's already patrilinial though. I recall half Italians in somalia complaining about it not long ago

It used to not be prior to the civil war, or at the very least, inconsistent. Because I know many matrilineal Somalis with citizenship.
You have a cuck fetish. Why is the first thing that comes to your mind is Somali women being servants in their own land.

Seek help.
Because my people put out the red carpet for these ajnabi and think more of them then our own people. Hence these people who are moneyed will swoop in, and dominate our country we have been at war for decades our people have no self love for themselves.
Precisely, I kinda over reacted a little because I was so frustrated. How can people fall for this ? Their goal is divide, thats it. Whats even more concerning is there are people who are less obvious then this user and go by undetected. I've called them out before, people need to be careful
Lmao this ummah mumbo jumbo is only spewed by black Muslims nobody else. Why are black Muslims slaves in Libyan markets if we are all one ummah? Go see if the Arabs have love for you because your a Muslim they will sell your black ass to the highest bidder. Your type is a danger to us wadani who want to built a secular powerful nation which is nationalist. You would rather have Arabs flood our nation, and rule us then another Somali person.

Yep they own many businesses in Djibouti and were even brought in to build their port instead of using locals, their are many Yemeni restaurants just go to downtown Djibouti ville and you will see how they dominate that country.
And? It just seems like you hate Arabs, which is weird. They’re not harming anyone.

Meanwhile Afars are 30-40% of the population and they’re actually murdering Somalis whilst calling Djibouti their home.

Why are you more worried about a few hundred Yemenis instead of the Afar hordes, who are actually trying to take over Somali territory through campaigns of violence and terror?

A lot of “nationalists” don’t actually care about Somalia, they just hate Arabs.
And? It just seems like you hate Arabs, which is weird. They’re not harming anyone.

Meanwhile Afars are 30-40% of the population and they’re actually murdering Somalis whilst calling Djibouti their home.

Why are you more worried about a few hundred Yemenis instead of the Afar hordes, who are actually trying to take over Somali territory through campaigns of violence and terror?

A lot of “nationalists” don’t actually care about Somalia, they just hate Arabs.
That is up to the Djiboutian government to take care of they’ve should’ve pushed Somali, and Somalinimo on those afar instead of bullshit french. While you might think it’s me hating Arabs I just am a wadani who wants Somalia for Somalis unlike you who thinks Arabs should rule over us because of your inferiority complex.

Yep they own many businesses in Djibouti and were even brought in to build their port instead of using locals, their are many Yemeni restaurants just go to downtown Djibouti ville and you will see how they dominate that country.
anyone who applied for Djiboutian nationality was shamed by other members of the community as a fool, or “betrayer.” She added of Djiboutian nationality: “we don’t want it,” and “we piss on it!”
@Khaemwaset waxaan Iska qabta:silanyolaugh:
That is up to the Djiboutian government to take care of they’ve should’ve pushed Somali, and Somalinimo on those afar instead of bullshit french. While you might think it’s me hating Arabs I just am a wadani who wants Somalia for Somalis unlike you who thinks Arabs should rule over us because of your inferiority complex.
I never said anything about Arabs ruling Somalia, you have done nothing but twisted my words. I said that you should stop hating them, what have the Yemenis in Djibouti ever done to you? I never said that I’d prefer Arabs ruling Somalia. Thats just bs you pulled out your ass.

They’re only like 5% of the population anyway, hardly a threat. The Afars, who are 30-40% of the population are a much larger threat. And unlike Yemenis, Afars kill innocent Somalis.

I agree with you, the Djiboutian government SHOULD push Somalinimo. But your hatred has blinded you.


Früher of the Djibouti Ugaasate 🇩🇯
anyone who applied for Djiboutian nationality was shamed by other members of the community as a fool, or “betrayer.” She added of Djiboutian nationality: “we don’t want it,” and “we piss on it!”
@Khaemwaset waxaan Iska qabta:silanyolaugh:
These sand ngers never had this type of mindset when i was in Djibouti. I wouldn't take some stupid Arab website as a fact.

Djiboutian nationality is more real than their failed state they ran away from. Their kind rock up on ships then get put in some random camp in the Deserts waiting to be relocated to thr city by thr government .
I never said anything about Arabs ruling Somalia, you have done nothing but twisted my words. I said that you should stop hating them, what have the Yemenis in Djibouti ever done to you? I never said that I’d prefer Arabs ruling Somalia. Thats just bs you pulled out your ass.

They’re only like 5% of the population anyway, hardly a threat. The Afars, who are 30-40% of the population are a much larger threat. And unlike Yemenis, Afars kill innocent Somalis.

I agree with you, the Djiboutian government SHOULD push Somalinimo. But your hatred has blinded you.
Lmao self preservation is hatred to you brain dead Somalis that is why in the west you pack arab/indian restaurants when they would never set foot in ours. I don’t visit or eat at Asian, Arab, etc places I only shop at Somali grocery stores eat at Somali restaurants the only places I might go is chain stores. Self love makes you self hating Somalis uncomfortable this is why when we suggested raising money for our country y’all would say what about Palestine.
Lmao self preservation is hatred to you brain dead Somalis that is why in the west you pack arab/indian restaurants when they would never set foot in ours. I don’t visit or eat at Asian, Arab, etc places I only shop at Somali grocery stores eat at Somali restaurants the only places I might go is chain stores. Self love makes you self hating Somalis uncomfortable this is why when we suggested raising money for our country y’all would say what about Palestine.
Once again you are twisting my words and making assumptions about me. How are you accusing me of kissing up to Arabs when I agreed with you? This type of behaviour is self destructive.

Who’s “ya’ll”? Have you seen me saying any of that shit you’re accusing me of?

I can’t tell if you’re trolling or just genuinely retarded. All I said was that you should calm down with the unwarranted hatred of random Arabs and you start accusing me of kissing their ass and being a self hating Somali. what kind of nonsense is that??? You dumbass I was literally agreeing with you.

