Somalia should have a dictator!

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Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
Look what it has come to. When you give too much freedom to people they will destroy themselves. Somalia needs a dictator who will bring success to the country. Who has no alliance with any qabil. Who's for the Country first.

Do you agree with me SSpot?
Look what it has come to. When you give too much freedom to people they will destroy themselves. Somalia needs a dictator who will bring success to the country. Who has no alliance with any qabil. Who's for the Country first.

Do you agree with me SSpot?

We had a dictator, it lead to a civil war. We need to try something new and learn from our history, ma'am:ufdup:
But Somalia was on top of the world under his presidency.

:ayaanswag:No...No it wasn't. It was a poor underdeveloped African nation that was heavily dependent on Aid, first from the USSR and then America. He spent all of our money on the military and bankrupted our nation with the Ogaden War. Our biggest and most important export was the banana - we were literally a banana republic!

Do you think people revolted because things were so good?:siilaanyolaugh:
But Somalia was on top of the world under his presidency.

It is was short-lived for a reason, dictators always favour their own and in a divided society like Somalia that led to a civil war, and the same will happen for the next dicator.

A federal system model on the UK as example would work better for Somalia, where power is devolved to region staten will protect somalis against unwanted advances by a dictator and with free and fair democratic election it would provide a means for holding the government accountable while also giving legitimacy that dicators don't have, they need to bribe and use national ressources to calm dissent. Those ressources could then have been put to better use building infrastructure or other improvements.

Somali society is not homogeneous enough for having one dictator, and therefore we need system of accountability and legitimacy stemming from the people.
Even without a functioning central government, Somalia is doing better now than when Afweyne was in power.
Even without a functioning central government, Somalia is doing better now than when Afweyne was in power.

That as a fucking lie, which you have to spout because your clan started this miserabel civil war that we are all suffering from :ufdup:

We would need to live and work in forreign countries if things were as good as pre-civil war. :umwhat:

Regular bombings is NOT an improvement, you illiterate and historyless f*ck :snoop:
That as a fucking lie, which you have to spout because your clan started this miserabel civil war that we are all suffering from :ufdup:

We would need to live and work in forreign countries if things were as good as pre-civil war. :umwhat:

Regular bombings is NOT an improvement, you illiterate and historyless f*ck :snoop:
Wasn't it the SSDF that first started rebelling against the regime? Don't hate us because we finished what you started. :umad:

Regardless of the bombings, Mogadishu, Bosaso, Hargeisa are better now than they would ever have been if Afweyne was in power.

If he was still president Somalia would be the African North Korea.

You can come back anytime. No one is forcing you to stay in the West.
:ayaanswag:No...No it wasn't. It was a poor underdeveloped African nation that was heavily dependent on Aid, first from the USSR and then America. He spent all of our money on the military and bankrupted our nation with the Ogaden War. Our biggest and most important export was the banana - we were literally a banana republic!

Do you think people revolted because things were so good?:siilaanyolaugh:
Yeah his socialist dictatorship was a complete flop, no wonder everyone disliked him. If we had a right wing dictator, like Park chung hee that focused primarily on developing the economy, then we probably wouldn't be in this mess.
Wasn't it the SSDF that first started rebelling against the regime? Don't hate us because we finished what you started. :umad:

Regardless of the bombings, Mogadishu, Bosaso, Hargeisa are better now than they would ever have been if Afweyne was in power.

If he was still president Somalia would be the African North Korea.

You can come back anytime. No one is forcing you to stay in the West.

Arguing with you is like arguing with a wet towel

Somalia has no instutitions or ways to enforce the law, those were not problems when Afweyne was in power.

Somalis are not going to accepts a dictator of any kind who is not from their qabil, and they can only be one. Another war will come soon after and Somalia will become Balkanized soon after, the only hope is a Federalization process with checks and balances
We need a heartless, calculating, savage dictator who will completely uproot the clan system. His brutally against all rebellious Somali will have the clan elders join forces to topple/oppose him under the guise of Islam or Somalinimo. They would attack him in unison and God willing he would absolutely destroy them; killing the eldest male child of each clan leader, confiscating their land, and absorbing their wealth/maal. Because he's calculating, this purge would mostly effect the upper tier of each clan, generals of their army, and their propoganda wings.

A bloody reckoning that would absolutely karbash the Somali people into civilisation. He might be hated for the first couple of decades. We might not enjoy the public display of crucified rebels/agitators/traitors, nor the zealous secret police that would seek out qabiil stirrers and torture them to a pulp. But in the future, poems, lore, monuments would be dedicated to this man.

The legendary Horned Camel of Somalia, who drove his people to the brink of death, just so he could show them how to appreciate the fruits of life. I pray this man comes in my lifetime so I could aid him in his vision, even if I would have to sacrifice a couple of my own MJ subclans in the process.

One day Insha'Allah.:fittytousand:
Arguing with you is like arguing with a wet towel

Somalia has no instutitions or ways to enforce the law, those were not problems when Afweyne was in power.

Somalis are not going to accepts a dictator of any kind who is not from their qabil, and they can only be one. Another war will come soon after and Somalia will become Balkanized soon after, the only hope is a Federalization process with checks and balances
Since when was there rule of law back then? Students arrested, Politicians jailed, summary executions etc. Although today's government is weak, people are more free now than before.

Federalism is already failing. There's no definition of borders, federal states claim authority over the same territory and most can't function at all independently without help from the central government. I don't see this lasting long.

Once the central government becomes strong enough Federalism will cease to exist. Maybe HSM will be the dictator that will make it happen. :siilaanyolaugh:


Having a dictator will not help with the countries development; Somalia desperately needs to modernize. It needs infrastructure and actual institutions.

The problem is you have people that are so entitled because Afweyne handed them everything. The dictatorship was only good for those who were on the gravy train. Now they are dreaming about it.

One good thing that happened was the development of different cities and lands, Afweyne didn't allow for that. If you wanted a passport you had to go to Mogadishu. If you wanted permission to build something in your ancestral territory you had to get it signed off by an "official" in Mogadishu who didn't know basic math. Those same people "run" the country today except with foreign passports.

Somalia needs a leader with a back bone who's not afraid to stand up to them if they try to talk back. He has to be strong, but not a dictator. He has to have an education, and stop the favoritism. I don't think there's anything wrong with loving your clan, but when you pick and choose who gets what that's when the country stays a barren, war torn area where its neighbors take advantage. If there were actual opportunities in Somalia instead of opportunists trust me it would've been a leading African nation by now.
Having a dictator will not help with the countries development; Somalia desperately needs to modernize. It needs infrastructure and actual institutions.

The problem is you have people that are so entitled because Afweyne handed them everything. The dictatorship was only good for those who were on the gravy train. Now they are dreaming about it.

One good thing that happened was the development of different cities and lands, Afweyne didn't allow for that. If you wanted a passport you had to go to Mogadishu. If you wanted permission to build something in your ancestral territory you had to get it signed off by an "official" in Mogadishu who didn't know basic math. Those same people "run" the country today except with foreign passports.

Somalia needs a leader with a back bone who's not afraid to stand up to them if they try to talk back. He has to be strong, but not a dictator. He has to have an education, and stop the favoritism. I don't think there's anything wrong with loving your clan, but when you pick and choose who gets what that's when the country stays a barren, war torn area where its neighbors take advantage. If there were actual opportunities in Somalia instead of opportunists trust me it would've been a leading African nation by now.

Tried and tested already unfortunately. Even the mildest love for your clan above others leaves an opportunity for the devils to whisper in your ear. "Hawiye/Darood/Dir have always hated us! Look what they did to our daughter/son/elder etc. etc." They'll pull at your heartstrings until the most upstanding individual is consumed by the disease of clan warfare.

Our hypothetical future leader must be someone who has a pathological hate for the clan system, similar to Attaturk's (may he continue to burn in his miserable abode) hatred for Islam/Ottoman custom. People like this are usually half crazy, but I'm willing to take the risk. I don't mind if a Somali is beaten into loving his brother.


Tried and tested already unfortunately. Even the mildest love for your clan above others leaves an opportunity for the devils to whisper in your ear. "Hawiye/Darood/Dir have always hated us! Look what they did to our daughter/son/elder etc. etc." They'll pull at your heartstrings until the most upstanding individual is consumed by the disease of clan warfare.

Our hypothetical future leader must be someone who has a pathological hate for the clan system, similar to Attaturk's (may he continue to burn in his miserable abode) hatred for Islam/Ottoman custom. People like this are usually half crazy, but I'm willing to take the risk. I don't mind if a Somali is beaten into loving his brother.
I think Somalinimo is futile, everyone should take care of their regions. Regions that want to be part of the Somali nation can do so. Someone who hates the clan structure isn't beneficial, because it's an extreme on the other side of the coin.
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