Somalia should have a dictator!

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You're right there is no such thing as 'Somalinimo' which is why we are where we are. I agree with you that there's nothing wrong with 'loving your qabil'. In fact I'm convinced dismantling the qabil system overnight as many are calling for is the worst thing that could possibly happen to Somalia right now. If Somalinimo was real a new regime/democratic government would've taken over and life would've continued but instead we opted for perpetual conflict. Everyone developing their own regions sounds nice and dandy but it also inherently brings conflict and competition. Different regions/administrations have different agendas so a conflict of interest is inevitable and easily exploited by external players. Somalia can never compete on a world scale if it doesn't

What will you replace the clan system with? Why would people give up their clan identity in return for a Somali identity which offers them nothing? People gravitate towards the hand that supports and feeds them.

Read my previous posts. I want the Somalis to be consolidated under a unified governing body led by an anti-clanism leader.
I'm not a brother walaal. I'm a sister, and I'll just agree to disagree about the clan thing kow dheh dee.

Illiteracy is a big issue, yes there was a campaign but illiteracy was not high. The regime had those being educated in high school stay for a period of time with a reer miyi family and learn about their life while teaching them to read and write in Somali.

The average Somali either in IDPs or refugee camps are illiterate. That's why Somalis live and die by "waxaa la yidhi" soo garan meysid. There's little respect for institutions, no identity papers or verification, and no birth certificates. This is also why Somalis are seen as "bad at integrating"

Also Somalis back bite instead of not judging the person and giving them helpful advice. They will listen to a persons problems or see them and run and tell heblaayo. This is a disgusting thing that must be done away with.

If Somalis were majority literate they would see how useless dying for their clan is, and also how futile Somalinimo is because everyone has a bias.

Why do I keep getting peoples gender wrong! Apologies.

This is purchasing the cart before the horse. Illiteracy, personal freedoms, etc. are definitely problematic in the Somali community. But before that comes law & order, anti-corruption, anti clan favoritism, and defined territory (sovereignty), as well as the economic side of things like trade etc.

This can be accomplished by a strong governing body without the need for solving micro problems. Those problems can be dealt with when there is peace and stability.

The most evil of people are usually the most educated. It is they who understand and play the global chess game.

Let's treat the cancer first before moving on to the lacerations.
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