Somalia should have a dictator!

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I think Somalinimo is futile, everyone should take care of their regions. Regions that want to be part of the Somali nation can do so. Someone who hates the clan structure isn't beneficial, because it's an extreme on the other side of the coin.

I realise this, but I'm desperate. The great reckoning is approaching. The world will plunge into open warfare judging by the geopolitical climate. When the wolves are at each others throat, our neighbours will have a free reign to do as they like. With American, Russian, Arab, and Chinese eyes averted, what would stop Ethiopia/Kenya/insert country from marching in and subjugating us if not completely wiping us out? No international community to appeal to then.

We must wake up now. The beasts have been circulating the caravan for a while now, waiting for complete darkness, and it's almost maghrib.

Eebe hana ilaaliyo.:wow:


i wonder if op would let her husband dictate. What she does, whi she calls, who she goes out with.
If NO. Then you have your answer.
i wonder if op would let her husband dictate. What she does, whi she calls, who she goes out with.
If NO. Then you have your answer.

Aboowe respectfully, the two scenarios are not even remotely the same.
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Somalia needs a pop girl band and football pitches not dictators.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ

I am glad you have finally seen the light.



Abaayo respectfully, the two scenarios are not even remotely the same.
Who the f*ck you calling abaayo?

And abt the scenerios nobody wants to be forced to do something that Allah isnt pleased. I gave the example because thats dictatorship on a small scale.


We need a heartless, calculating, savage dictator who will completely uproot the clan system. His brutally against all rebellious Somali will have the clan elders join forces to topple/oppose him under the guise of Islam or Somalinimo. They would attack him in unison and God willing he would absolutely destroy them; killing the eldest male child of each clan leader, confiscating their land, and absorbing their wealth/maal. Because he's calculating, this purge would mostly effect the upper tier of each clan, generals of their army, and their propoganda wings.

A bloody reckoning that would absolutely karbash the Somali people into civilisation. He might be hated for the first couple of decades. We might not enjoy the public display of crucified rebels/agitators/traitors, nor the zealous secret police that would seek out qabiil stirrers and torture them to a pulp. But in the future, poems, lore, monuments would be dedicated to this man.

The legendary Horned Camel of Somalia, who drove his people to the brink of death, just so he could show them how to appreciate the fruits of life. I pray this man comes in my lifetime so I could aid him in his vision, even if I would have to sacrifice a couple of my own MJ subclans in the process.

One day Insha'Allah.:fittytousand:
You wanna root out clanism and all filth...?
Let the book of Allah do the talking.


Your superior
That as a fucking lie, which you have to spout because your clan started this miserabel civil war that we are all suffering from :ufdup:

We would need to live and work in forreign countries if things were as good as pre-civil war. :umwhat:

Regular bombings is NOT an improvement, you illiterate and historyless f*ck :snoop:

Good civil war. No leeching allowed
You wanna root out clanism and all filth...?
Let the book of Allah do the talking.

The two aren't mutually exclusive. Allah (SWT) ordered the Muslims to obey their leader. It is permissible to crush rebellions harshly since it's regarded as an ugly thing in Islam.


The two aren't mutually exclusive. Allah (SWT) ordered the Muslims to obey their leader. It is permissible to crush rebellions harshly since it's regarded as an ugly thing in Islam.
Allah says to obey leaders as long as he is following the true path of Allah his book. And his prophet.
If he is not following his path then his rule is to be rebelled against at all costs until he fixes up or steps down to let somebody else lead people to the right way


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Allah says to obey leaders as long as he is following the true path of Allah his book. And his prophet.
If he is not following his path then his rule is to be rebelled against at all costs until he fixes up or steps down to let somebody else lead people to the right way

We'll let the more developed Muslim countries take that route first. I'm tired of Somalia being used as an open air laboratory for every wacky ideology.


We'll let the more developed Muslim countries take that route first. I'm tired of Somalia being used as an open air laboratory for every wacky ideology.
So, youre saying Allah's book is a wacky ideology..?
And why would you want another muslim country to take the lead its not their country that are being invaded by filthy foreigners.
Allah says to obey leaders as long as he is following the true path of Allah his book. And his prophet.
If he is not following his path then his rule is to be rebelled against at all costs until he fixes up or steps down to let somebody else lead people to the right way

You are partially right. His kufr must be clear-cut and indisputable with evidence. This means that missing prayers, or drinking, or whoring can not be given as a reason for a rebellion; this is the behaviour of the kharajites. Even then as a rebel leader you must be secure in your capabilities e.g. if your rebel army numbers 200 and the state has an army of 20,000, then you must abstain. You cannot condemn your people to uncertain chaos without being absolutely certain, and with backing from Islamic scholars. Rebellions are a last resort.

What surprises me is that today's Islamists demand for rulers who are purer than those who came during the Tabi'i period, even though we live in the age of extreme fitna. Allahu a'lam.
Somalia needs a Lee Kuan Yew within the Next 10 years.

A dictator with no vision is a Dick-Taker.

The best Somali leader is someone who can help Somaliland get recognition PERIOD!

And if all else fails. The world must divide us back into pre-colonial borders.

This shitshow can't continue for 25 years. These Odays think they are Immortal.
Somalia needs a Lee Kuan Yew within the Next 10 years.

A dictator with no vision is a Dick-Taker.

The best Somali leader is someone who can help Somaliland get recognition PERIOD!

And if all else fails. The world must divide us back into pre-colonial borders.

This shitshow can't continue for 25 years. These Odays think they are Immortal.

I respectfully disagree. Their model worked for them; we'll need our own


You are partially right. His kufr must be clear-cut and indisputable with evidence. This means that missing prayers, or drinking, or whoring can not be given as a reason for a rebellion; this is the behaviour of the kharajites. Even then as a rebel leader you must be secure in your capabilities e.g. if your rebel army numbers 200 and the state has an army of 20,000, then you must abstain. You cannot condemn your people to uncertain chaos without being absolutely certain, and with backing from Islamic scholars. Rebellions are a last resort.

What surprises me is that today's Islamists demand for rulers who are purer than those who came during the Tabi'i period, even though we live in the age of extreme fitna. Allahu a'lam.
Stop with bush beating and just say religiin has no place in "modern civilisation" and that state and religion should be separated.

Stop the hipocracy


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
So, youre saying Allah's book is a wacky ideology..?
And why would you want another muslim country to take the lead its not their country that are being invaded by filthy foreigners.

Somalia is not a laboratory for rich Arabs and their strange interpretation of Islam. Why on earth would the poorest and most dysfunctional state on the planet experiment with something that's never been done?
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