Somalia should have a dictator!

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Somalia is not a laboratory for rich Arabs and their strange interpretation of Islam. Why on earth would the poorest and most dysfunctional state on the planet experiment with something that's never been done?
So youre saying Allah's rule has never been the law. In any given time in history...?

Please answer honestly
Stop with bush beating and just say religiin has no place in "modern civilisation" and that state and religion should be separated.

Stop the hipocracy

I did not say that, nor have I implied it. You'd do well not assume evil from your brother.
I respectfully disagree. Their model worked for them; we'll need our own

Come to Singapore and spend 1 week here.

There are so many things Lee Kwan Yew did that many people forgot about.

You see it in the street signs, the fines people pay, the governance and policy making is outstanding.

There is no caalacaal here
What model will work for Somalia then?

He did great by transforming Singapore from a 3rd world into a 1st world country, no doubt, so this isn't a slight on him. Much respect to the man. But he was dealing with multiracial society, and a people with different mindsets. His achievements should be aimed for, but the methods should suit the population you're dealing with.


He did great by transforming Singapore from a 3rd world into a 1st world country, no doubt, so this isn't a slight on him. Much respect to the man. But he was dealing with multiracial society, and a people with different mindsets. His achievements should be aimed for, but the methods should suit the population you're dealing with.
I agree with you on this.
He did great by transforming Singapore from a 3rd world into a 1st world country, no doubt, so this isn't a slight on him. Much respect to the man. But he was dealing with multiracial society, and a people with different mindsets. His achievements should be aimed for, but the methods should suit the population you're dealing with.

The man had clash of civilizations to deal with.

Somali needs a Lee Kwan Yew.

We need a great one party rule with a 50 year vision. Not a 4 year pay cheque


The man had clash of civilizations to deal with.

Somali needs a Lee Kwan Yew.

We need a great one party rule with a 50 year vision. Not a 4 year pay cheque
What somalis need is Allah and they already have a lifetime vision we have which is qiyaama.
Coz that's where you're heading fam

You do not know this for certain. Topics like these aren't black and white. It's always either join the atheist degenerate neo-liberal team, or zealous kharajites in these convos. We have taken all intellectualism away when debating the religion and it's governance. An illiterate farmer with a Kalashnikov and couple of ayat is suddenly an expert in Islam and it's place in geopolitics. You cannot debate Islamic geopolitics and governance by just being a xaafidh! You must study both the field of politics and Islam side by side for that.

(This is not an attack specifically aimed at you btw)


You do not know this for certain. Topics like these aren't black and white. It's always either join the atheist degenerate neo-liberal team, or zealous kharajites in these convos. We have taken all intellectualism away when debating the religion and it's governance. An illiterate farmer with a Kalashnikov and couple of ayat is suddenly an expert in Islam and it's place in geopolitics. You cannot debate Islamic geopolitics and governance by just being a xaafidh! You must study both the field of politics and Islam side by side for that.

(This is not an attack specifically aimed at you btw)
Again all im seeing is reasons and excuses. Saaxib.
What somalis need is Allah and they already have a lifetime vision we have which is qiyaama.

For Example to the drought: Praying for rain is one thing and building drought management systems is another.

Allah will always be with us Somalis, its just Somalis don't want to work together.

We are divided by Qabil not by Deen. And so far the Deen is at risk in Somalia through Arabization.

You seem like the type to say "Insha Allah" while staying in bed hoping for change.

Get off your ass and start executing and experiencing life. Allah appreciates hard work over laziness.


@LarryThePuntite i wanna ask you a question brotha. I want you to answer it honestly. ..
Kitaabka Ilaahey iyo hukunka Allah maxaa ka aa minsantahay?
Adigoo raali ah kajawaab.
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