Somalia should have a dictator!

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For Example to the drought: Praying for rain is one thing and building drought management systems is another.

Allah will always be with us Somalis, its just Somalis don't want to work together.

We are divided by Qabil not by Deen. And so far the Deen is at risk in Somalia through Arabization.

You seem like the type to say "Insha Allah" while staying in bed hoping for change.

Get off your ass and start executing and experiencing life. Allah appreciates hard work over laziness.
Allah swt said trust me and work hard for your goals. Islam teaches us to work hard.
You sound like those isis folks, knowing zilch about the deen, but acts like an expert.

Apparently if i believe that muslims should take quran and sunnah as primary governance i sound like ISIS...?:ayaanswag::faysalwtf:
@LarryThePuntite i wanna ask you a question brotha. I want you to answer it honestly. ..
Kitaabka Ilaahey iyo hukunka Allah maxaa ka aa minsantahay?
Adigoo raali ah kajawaab.

Waxaan aaminsanahay Quraanka iyo Rasuulka.

Lakiin. Ma Aaminsanii Laziness and believing Allah will solve all your problem while doing nothing in return.

We are focused on creating problems not finding solutions.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
So youre saying Allah's rule has never been the law. In any given time in history...?

Please answer honestly

Al-Shabaab claims to be following Allah's rule, as does Saudi Arabia, Iran, and ISIS. Do you see the problem with this form of government?

We will no longer allow Somalis to be lab rats for rich Arabs that want to fund this group or that group i.e Al-Shabaab, Al-Ictisam, Dam Jadiid, Al-Islax.
Again all im seeing is reasons and excuses. Saaxib.

What's wrong with the highlighted part? Do you disagree with it?

The Islamists have been infiltrated bro, be careful out there. They whisper in the ears of young impressionable men who love the religion. Yet while their legions of youth are tortured, maimed, and killed, they remain unscathed. The must have some magic power over the drones.

Islamists are in the pockets of the Saudis, on behalf of the Empire. "Want an excuse for something Uncle Sam? No worries, I'll arm Abu-something and his gang of youths."

We have clear proof of this from the 80's in Afghanistan. We have clear proof of this when according to the Saudi scholars certain leaders are kafir (Ghaddafi), while others require patience (Hosni Mubarak/Sisi). Study the Middle East my brother, it's an absolute farce with the Saudis at the heart of it. Who's on the haq? Who's fighting who? Who's leading who? This confusion is the devil's work.

Take heed of the hadith where the Prophet (SAW) said that during the times of fitna (now) the believer should lock themselves in their house, and if the hostile person should raise his sword to strike you, cover your eyes from the glint of the steel.


Al-Shabaab claims to be following Allah's rule, as does Saudi Arabia, Iran, and ISIS. Do you see the problem with this form of government?

We will no longer allow Somalis to be lab rats for rich Arabs that want to fund this group or that group i.e Al-Shabaab, Al-Ictisam, Dam Jadiid, Al-Islax.
I asked you what you believe saaxib not what others are doing.
Kitaabka Alle maxaa ka aamin santahay saaxib.
Do you believe in the "separating state from religion" or not?


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
I asked you what you believe saaxib not what others are doing.
Kitaabka Alle maxaa ka aamin santahay saaxib.
Do you believe in the "separating state from religion" or not?

Not a thing, and absolutely.


Waxaan aaminsanahay Quraanka iyo Rasuulka.

Lakiin. Ma Aaminsanii Laziness and believing Allah will solve all your problem while doing nothing in return.

We are focused on creating problems not finding solutions.
Bro. ...every muslim believes in quran and the prophet. Do you believe that the correct governance is that of rasuulullah which is the quran and Allah's rule.
I asked you what you believe saaxib not what others are doing.
Kitaabka Alle maxaa ka aamin santahay saaxib.
Do you believe in the "separating state from religion" or not?

You keep asking me if I'm Muslim. Are you looking for another answer?

Don't mend my words.

The Quran and Islam must govern the individual's well-being, but not the economy.

The only plausible governance I see the Quran can help with is the Corrupt Banking sector.
There's great things that happen when you dont print lots of money and hit people with interests.
But that's a whole different thread.

Economic Governance can't 100% be controlled with Quran. There's not enough pages in our Quran to solve all our problems.


Can you ban this kid? @Kaleel

You keep asking me if I'm Muslim. Are you looking for another answer?

Don't mend my words.

The Quran and Islam must govern the individual's well-being, but not the economy.

The only plausible governance I see the Quran can help with is the Corrupt Banking sector.
There's great things that happen when you dont print lots of money and hit people with interests.
But that's a whole different thread.

Economic Governance can't 100% be controlled with Quran. There's not enough pages in our Quran to solve all our problems.
I just read the read the first line and didn't bother to read the rest.



@Kaleel i thought this place is a free speech zone...i never came across anything like banning someone because of difference of opinions while reading the rules and regulations
I just read the read the first line and didn't bother to read the rest.


Seriously, don't @ me if you aren't going to read it.

I read your inputs.

Young men like you scare me brother.

I'm an entrepreneur, not a cleric.

Somalis need everything at their disposal to solve their monumental problems.

But, what scares me is when young men like yourself who have no idea how the economy works, can
walk into a room holding the Quran assuming the blueprints to building a bridge is in the Quran.

The biggest threat to Somalia right now is People who think like you. And if you are Qabilist that adds to the fire.

Why would you ask me 99 times if i'm muslim or not?

What's wrong with you?

Do you hold the Muslim registry? Because for some reason many Somalis
act like they hold a registry in their pocket that contains the status of Muslims.


Seriously, don't @ me if you aren't going to read it.

I read your inputs.

Young men like you scare me brother.

I'm an entrepreneur, not a cleric.

Somalis need everything at their disposal to solve their monumental problems.

But, what scares me is when young men like yourself who have no idea how the economy works, can
walk into a room holding the Quran assuming the blueprints to building a bridge is in the Quran.

The biggest threat to Somalia right now is People who think like you. And if you are Qabilist that adds to the fire.
Bro, continue doing what you do best and let men with xininyo, respect and dignity to defend and stand up for your women and chidren you call your brothers and sisters back home from the dirty filth AMISOM.

Next time talk like a man and dont complain to the admins coz someone doesnt believe in what you do.
Sheegato yahow.



Why would you ask me 99 times if i'm muslim or not?

What's wrong with you?

Do you hold the Muslim registry? Because for some reason many Somalis
act like they hold a registry in their pocket that contains the status of Muslims.
Can you bring the quote where i specifically asked you. If "you are muslim or not?"
Bro, continue doing what you do best and let men with xininyo, respect and dignity to defend and stand up for your women and chidren you call your brothers and sisters back home from the dirty filth AMISOM.

Next time talk like a man and dont complain to the admins coz someone doesnt believe in what you do.
Sheegato yahow.

@Kaleel need to keep an eye on people like you.

How are you going to ask a man what he believes?

No amount of Xiniyo can help you add value to Somalia.

Tread carefully brother.
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