Somalia should have a dictator!

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@Kaleel need to keep an eye on people like you.

How are you going to ask a man what he believes?

No amount of Xiniyo can help you add value to Somalia.

Tread carefully brother.
As always the same story from every other person like you.
Im familiar with your kind bro.
When your opinion isnt taken, you start complaining. And telling lies and hate on men who have the courage to lay their lives for their religion and dignity because you dont have the balls to do so and it kills and deeply hurts you inside that Allah didn't plant that kind of courage in you.
If you cant do what they did appreciate it and dont hate.

The difference between us is clear when you arrived on my Singapore thread.

I'm the type who plants the seed, waters it and Then and only then says "Insha Allah"

You on the other hand say "Insha Allah" without working to get the seed or find the water.

Somalia requires work not talk. It's the same in business.

Take care brother, I'm off this.



The difference between us is clear when you arrived on my Singapore thread.

I'm the type who plants the seed, waters it and Then and only then says "Insha Allah"

You on the other hand say "Insha Allah" without working to get the seed or find the water.

Somalia requires work not talk. It's the same in business.

Take care brother, I'm off this.
See there you go again.... The boast, the hard talk.... The "my kind work harder and somalia needs us..and the ones like you sit on your ass and still live with hooyo " as if you know anything about my life or any other person's life in this forum. SHIT!! It's ridiculously funny but more SAD than funny.
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I realise this, but I'm desperate. The great reckoning is approaching. The world will plunge into open warfare judging by the geopolitical climate. When the wolves are at each others throat, our neighbours will have a free reign to do as they like. With American, Russian, Arab, and Chinese eyes averted, what would stop Ethiopia/Kenya/insert country from marching in and subjugating us if not completely wiping us out? No international community to appeal to then.

We must wake up now. The beasts have been circulating the caravan for a while now, waiting for complete darkness, and it's almost maghrib.

Eebe hana ilaaliyo.:wow:
Then there needs to be harsh consequences for corruption, stealing, lying to the public. Because those who engage in "musuq maasuq" are able to do so without any consequences and as a matter of fact are rewarded for it, the regular citizen does the same. If you are truly a Muslim then you honor people. There needs to be a system in place that protects people.

Even Somalis who live in the diaspora get caught in corruption and face jail time because of it. That has stopped them. The same needs to be done in Somalia. And most importantly, with real institutions people would be able to become literate and thus understand the law, rights, and responsibilities. Then that would allow for them to vote and know who to vote for.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Shariah law is despised by the cabal bankers who control fiat currency which is interest based currency cause Islam prohibits usuary & the shariah has its own system which is interest free one that's based on tangible wealth gold & silver.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
For the first time in Somali history, there are religious political parties in office and yet truly unprecedented corruption that makes dictators blush.

Doesn't bode well for your theocracy does it.
Then there needs to be harsh consequences for corruption, stealing, lying to the public. Because those who engage in "musuq maasuq" are able to do so without any consequences and as a matter of fact are rewarded for it, the regular citizen does the same. If you are truly a Muslim then you honor people. There needs to be a system in place that protects people.

Even Somalis who live in the diaspora get caught in corruption and face jail time because of it. That has stopped them. The same needs to be done in Somalia. And most importantly, with real institutions people would be able to become literate and thus understand the law, rights, and responsibilities. Then that would allow for them to vote and know who to vote for.

Absolutely agree. Justice and cadaalad should be the first two items on our agenda to reform. Favouritism, corruption, etc. must be harshly stamped out. This should start at home. As an individual, you should be willing to throw your clan under the bus in the name of haq. But who has the will to do this? It's a terrifying thing to stand up to your parents/elders. I can sympathise.

Every Somali who grew up in the diaspora should constantly have the 'Great Return' in the back of their minds. If we prepare the youth mentally to always keep conscious of Somalia and their place in it, we'll be in a better position come the exodus.

Any Somali who believes they belong in their adopted homes in the West, East, or Carabaha is delusional and counterproductive to the cause. The horn of Africa is part of our DNA; our natural habitat. Jubbaland, Somaliland, Puntland, Galmudug, Djibouti, etc. all garbage imposed on us by our impotent elders. I don't recognise the borders drawn in the horn, and neither should anyone else.

We must revive a more efficient modern YSL with the youth in the diaspora. And we must plot as our juhala neighbours plot. Any Somali in the diaspora who engages in qabyalad fadhi ku dirir is a failure to himself, his people, and his Creator. They must be removed from the movement, and dealt with harshly. They must understand that they're peddling the poison of their fathers who's actions have caused us to scatter in the winds. Wallahi if we come together we have so much potential. Who's more enterprising, altruistic, and dogged (hardheaded) than the Somali?
Reading the last pages of this thread was interesting @LarryThePuntite and particularly @Rorschach are spot on and well informed brothers, @Cognitivedissonance is well informed too but laced with the old bari qabyaalad, for him only his uncles can ever be right in political or religious discourse.

@Cukaash is the type were his heart is too much in the right place, but his mind is all over the place, he is the perfect type that is recruited by al-shabab, isis and after some time will bomb his own people in a cafe, and rationalise how they must be 'disbelievers', he is controlled by his emotions just like a women.

He reminds me of that infamous Journalist killing fat dude that was executed in Mogadishu, in his 2 hour interview, he astonishingly told the reporters he had plans to migrate to 'Germany' an 'infidel' country from a Muslim Somalia he was helping to destroy, such is the lunatic disconnect with these people.

However I argue, it's easier to deal with potential truck bomber naive brainwashed Cukaash types then it is with influential political Qabiilists, because I can use a combination of the same emotional based arguments, nationalist sentiments and job creation to fight back

But the political Qabiilist it's impossible, you can never win that war without causing lots of blood shed, there is no other way to quench their insatiable greed, and what makes it most difficult is that these people use Qabiil for political reasons, they don't give a damn about it, but their supporters will come at you in waves prepared to die for it, hence why every president tries to bribe them instead which keeps them quiet temporarily until funds run out

There is a reason why Allah allows this to fester, and keeps exposing them with their gross incompetence, with every passing of time, more and more people dump them and loose faith in the entire qabiil ideology. I have seen hardcore Fadhi Ku dirir types abandon the whole thing.

10 years ago the likes of @waraabe in a more virulent form were rampant everywhere, today they are a fringe group confused, one day insulting their leaders for incompetence, the other day praising them, going back and forth.

After another decade of this gross incompetence, we will become like the Han Chinese, I see this change in Mogadishu and Diaspora only, people openly campaigning for candidates of rivals clan's, 10 years ago, the entire 'tol' would have abandoned you for this, now it's slowly becoming fashionable.
Religion and state should be kept separate. We should be emulating stable and prosperous countries like Sweden not oilrich extremist shit-holes like Saudi Arabia.

Why do we have so many holier-than-thou extremists who most likely can't even recite juz camma but suddenly think they're are Islamic jurists on the scale of Imam Malik?

Every instance where religion has infiltrated the political arena has turned into an unmitigated disaster and civil war. Even the Rashidun Caliphates collapsed into violence and murder - and they were the Sahaba!:mindblown:
For the first time in Somali history, there are religious political parties in office and yet truly unprecedented corruption that makes dictators blush.

Doesn't bode well for your theocracy does it.

Cognitive dissonance is a trait of many "religious" people. It's why some morons on here can go on about "Kaffirs" whilst enjoying all the comforts of a western liberal democracy.:francis:


Reading the last pages of this thread was interesting @LarryThePuntite and particularly @Rorschach are spot on and well informed brothers, @Cognitivedissonance is well informed too but laced with the old bari qabyaalad, for him only his uncles can ever be right in political or religious discourse.

@Cukaash is the type were his heart is too much in the right place, but his mind is all over the place, he is the perfect type that is recruited by al-shabab, isis and after some time will bomb his own people in a cafe, and rationalise how they must be 'disbelievers', he is controlled by his emotions just like a women.

He reminds me of that infamous Journalist killing fat dude that was executed in Mogadishu, in his 2 hour interview, he astonishingly told the reporters he had plans to migrate to 'Germany' an 'infidel' country from a Muslim Somalia he was helping to destroy, such is the lunatic disconnect with these people.

However I argue, it's easier to deal with potential truck bomber naive brainwashed Cukaash types then it is with influential political Qabiilists, because I can use a combination of the same emotional based arguments, nationalist sentiments and job creation to fight back

But the political Qabiilist it's impossible, you can never win that war without causing lots of blood shed, there is no other way to quench their insatiable greed, and what makes it most difficult is that these people use Qabiil for political reasons, they don't give a damn about it, but their supporters will come at you in waves prepared to die for it, hence why every president tries to bribe them instead which keeps them quiet temporarily until funds run out

There is a reason why Allah allows this to fester, and keeps exposing them with their gross incompetence, with every passing of time, more and more people dump them and loose faith in the entire qabiil ideology. I have seen hardcore Fadhi Ku dirir types abandon the whole thing.

10 years ago the likes of @waraabe in a more virulent form were rampant everywhere, today they are a fringe group confused, one day insulting their leaders for incompetence, the other day praising them, going back and forth.

After another decade of this gross incompetence, we will become like the Han Chinese, I see this change in Mogadishu and Diaspora only, people openly campaigning for candidates of rivals clan's, 10 years ago, the entire 'tol' would have abandoned you for this, now it's slowly becoming fashionable.
Shantada salaad iska tuko saaxib.
Xalgamayaasha uu daa shagada xoreenta. Siilka iyo ceyrta iska daldal bratha.
I see you get off calling men women.
Neo-Islamists are a very emotional people. Emotions should never dictate
Shantada salaad iska tuko saaxib.
Xalgamayaasha uu daa shagada xoreenta. Siilka iyo ceyrta iska daldal bratha.
I see you get off calling men women.

If you don't mind me asking, are you currently living in the qurbaha?

Although I wouldn't call you a woman, your sentiment echoes with those who exude feminine characteristics, from my experience anyways. This is a global phenomenon by the way, so it isn't exclusive to the 'Islamist' foot-soldiers. Our feelings have come to dominate our actions.

The young naive 'Islamist' is so angered by the injustice in the Muslim land (valid emotion) that he is willing to blow up a market place; all justified to him due to feeling a strong emotion to mete out revenge on those who caused this feeling in the first place. The Islamist foot-soldier will of course bend Islamic text with the help of his overlord (read: shill) to ease the cognitive dissonance. "This murtad/munafiq is in the pocket of the enemy, hence it's justifiable to send dozens of innocent lives to their grave."

You see the death and destruction in our Muslim lands and since you have a strong bond with the oppressed, you're consumed by anger. This is a very natural feeling that all Muslims (should) experience, so we aren't bashing you for that. The sharc of Ilahey is perfect and above all other laws concocted by men, so in this we also agree.

Our disagreement is in the approach. Why do you fail to see the problem with these 'Islamist' groups? Why can't you see that their leaders are controlled opposition, while they exploit people like you who's hearts are in the right place?

Why would you believe the West have infiltrated all areas of the Muslim world, but for some reason the 'Islamists' remain unscathed?

It's a farce ninyohow, wake up! 'Islamists' are a conduit for the same enemy they supposedly oppose. A gate-key to enter a country if you will. The new Communism. They hide behind these groups because outright invasion would expose them as the evil men that they truly are (see backlash from Iraq war). So now they have useful idiots, led by munafiq/immoral men, who they've got on speed dial.

If I wanted regime change in country 'x', I'd infiltrate a credible movement there (or build sentiment), handpick its leaders, set the agenda, provide them with arms, and unleash them on the state/populous. It's been happening since kingdom come.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Reading the last pages of this thread was interesting @LarryThePuntite and particularly @Rorschach are spot on and well informed brothers, @Cognitivedissonance is well informed too but laced with the old bari qabyaalad, for him only his uncles can ever be right in political or religious discourse.

@Cukaash is the type were his heart is too much in the right place, but his mind is all over the place, he is the perfect type that is recruited by al-shabab, isis and after some time will bomb his own people in a cafe, and rationalise how they must be 'disbelievers', he is controlled by his emotions just like a women.

He reminds me of that infamous Journalist killing fat dude that was executed in Mogadishu, in his 2 hour interview, he astonishingly told the reporters he had plans to migrate to 'Germany' an 'infidel' country from a Muslim Somalia he was helping to destroy, such is the lunatic disconnect with these people.

However I argue, it's easier to deal with potential truck bomber naive brainwashed Cukaash types then it is with influential political Qabiilists, because I can use a combination of the same emotional based arguments, nationalist sentiments and job creation to fight back

But the political Qabiilist it's impossible, you can never win that war without causing lots of blood shed, there is no other way to quench their insatiable greed, and what makes it most difficult is that these people use Qabiil for political reasons, they don't give a damn about it, but their supporters will come at you in waves prepared to die for it, hence why every president tries to bribe them instead which keeps them quiet temporarily until funds run out

There is a reason why Allah allows this to fester, and keeps exposing them with their gross incompetence, with every passing of time, more and more people dump them and loose faith in the entire qabiil ideology. I have seen hardcore Fadhi Ku dirir types abandon the whole thing.

10 years ago the likes of @waraabe in a more virulent form were rampant everywhere, today they are a fringe group confused, one day insulting their leaders for incompetence, the other day praising them, going back and forth.

After another decade of this gross incompetence, we will become like the Han Chinese, I see this change in Mogadishu and Diaspora only, people openly campaigning for candidates of rivals clan's, 10 years ago, the entire 'tol' would have abandoned you for this, now it's slowly becoming fashionable.
Adigo nabad u balawara belo kale lama yirahdo hadey kugu timaadona lama booyo boowow :pachah1:
I don't agree with your point about borders. I think they are very necessary. I also think there is no such thing as Somalinimo and doing away with clan will not solve the issue. Like I said before, there's nothing wrong with loving your clan as you should. The problem is when your favor your clan over others. The youth in the diaspora need to get their acts together. The ones who can bring about change are the ones who've actually made changes in their lives by taking their family out of poverty and into economic self-sufficiency and using that degree back home to train those born and raised there.

The ones who are drug addicts or have mental issues need to stay in the West so they can get help. The ones that have done absolutely nothing with their lives should really get a wake up call and do something with their lives. Qurba joog influence Somalis back home and not in a good way. People from comfortable lives in Somalia risk their lives to tahriib, demanding thousands of dollars with no regard for whether their family is in a financial position to help. It's selfish behavior and that needs to stop asap.

Somalis also think hawada Africa will solve their problems. Of course the clean air makes you feel more relaxed but when you have health problems the last place you should be is in Africa when you have a foreign passport. It makes you seem ungrateful.

The number 1 problem is illiteracy, not hard headedness. Why? Because once you have literacy and you get educated your mind becomes more open. Being a nomad is the #1 contributor. They should start becoming farmers, fishermen, etc. get some skills. Wandering with your livestock in a harsh environment makes you extra combative and hard headed. If we had any competent leaders they'd invest in infrastructure and make sure Somalis are trained for those jobs, don't hire foreigners. Get some skills that will help you stay in one spot and comfortably feed your family. And stop being lazy, shaqeysta.

First highlighted part:

The past is the past brother. I am speaking of our potential future. The clan system must be destroyed by any means necessary. Love for your clan inevitably leads to hatred for another (via perceived slight, rumours, clashes, etc.). Humans struggle with the concept of balance. They always tilt towards one way or the other. That's why we must take their toys away from them. The clan system has benefits, but they've abused it for far too long.

Second highlighted part:

I agree, the dayuusin that have been sent back home are causing problems by normalising vice for the locals. Hence why it's our duty to rally the diaspora. I mentioned this in one of my previous posts. We must prepare the diaspora before the mass exodus. Personally from interaction our boys are good, but just caught in the same web their neighbours (ethnic minorities) are in. They are in urgent need of help, especially the younger ones. Many outstanding Somali brothers and sisters are helping in reforming our youth. This must be ramped up.

If you smell alcohol on the breath of your brother, don't turn your nose. Rather ask him if he needs a ride home etc. Wallahi sometimes all they need is an upstanding brother who they can emulate. They're stuck in their 'gangs' and balwad groups. They know that Mustafa from the mosque will tell them to f*ck off unless they are completely reformed (which absolutely defeats the purpose of dawah).

Third highlighted part:

I am not against educating the masses; if anything I advocate for it. But not being able to read is not the main problem here. I'm assuming the literacy rate in the Somali capital during the 80s was high? Give a scholar a knife and a grievance, and watch him turn into a butcher. An ignorant people with good leaders will still benefit. We must concentrate on the leaders, for a good leader by default educates his people.

My vision is for all Faraxs and Xalimos to be reduced to the tag of Somali. A unified front.

Anyways, good discussion. I agree with most of your critique, so I appreciate the effort. Our end goals might be slightly different, but our short term ones are identical.


I don't agree with your point about borders. I think they are very necessary. I also think there is no such thing as Somalinimo and doing away with clan will not solve the issue. Like I said before, there's nothing wrong with loving your clan as you should. The problem is when your favor your clan over others. The youth in the diaspora need to get their acts together. The ones who can bring about change are the ones who've actually made changes in their lives by taking their family out of poverty and into economic self-sufficiency and using that degree back home to train those born and raised there.

You're right there is no such thing as 'Somalinimo' which is why we are where we are. I agree with you that there's nothing wrong with 'loving your qabil'. In fact I'm convinced dismantling the qabil system overnight as many are calling for is the worst thing that could possibly happen to Somalia right now. If Somalinimo was real a new regime/democratic government would've taken over and life would've continued but instead we opted for perpetual conflict. Everyone developing their own regions sounds nice and dandy but it also inherently brings conflict and competition. Different regions/administrations have different agendas so a conflict of interest is inevitable and easily exploited by external players. Somalia can never compete on a world scale if it doesn't

First highlighted part:

The past is the past brother. I am speaking of our potential future. The clan system must be destroyed by any means necessary. Love for your clan inevitably leads to hatred for another (via perceived slight, rumours, clashes, etc.). Humans struggle with the concept of balance. They always tilt towards one way or the other. That's why we must take their toys away from them. The clan system has benefits, but they've abused it for far too long.

What will you replace the clan system with? Why would people give up their clan identity in return for a Somali identity which offers them nothing? People gravitate towards the hand that supports and feeds them.
You're right there is no such thing as 'Somalinimo' which is why we are where we are. I agree with you that there's nothing wrong with 'loving your qabil'. In fact I'm convinced dismantling the qabil system overnight as many are calling for is the worst thing that could possibly happen to Somalia right now. If Somalinimo was real a new regime/democratic government would've taken over and life would've continued but instead we opted for perpetual conflict. Everyone developing their own regions sounds nice and dandy but it also inherently brings conflict and competition. Different regions/administrations have different agendas so a conflict of interest is inevitable and easily exploited by external players. Somalia can never compete on a world scale if it doesn't

What will you replace the clan system with? Why would people give up their clan identity in return for a Somali identity which offers them nothing? People gravitate towards the hand that supports and feeds them.

This may or may not work but I remember reading that the ancient Athenians had a similar problem with tribalism and so a wise Greek called Solon devised the idea of Demes. These were districts/area codes which the state was divided into and so anyone born into a particular deme was named after it irregardless of their tribal lineage. This created a bond between people from the same area. This got rid of clan squabbling among the Athenians and they replaced tribal chaos with regional competition.


First highlighted part:

The past is the past brother. I am speaking of our potential future. The clan system must be destroyed by any means necessary. Love for your clan inevitably leads to hatred for another (via perceived slight, rumours, clashes, etc.). Humans struggle with the concept of balance. They always tilt towards one way or the other. That's why we must take their toys away from them. The clan system has benefits, but they've abused it for far too long.

Second highlighted part:

I agree, the dayuusin that have been sent back home are causing problems by normalising vice for the locals. Hence why it's our duty to rally the diaspora. I mentioned this in one of my previous posts. We must prepare the diaspora before the mass exodus. Personally from interaction our boys are good, but just caught in the same web their neighbours (ethnic minorities) are in. They are in urgent need of help, especially the younger ones. Many outstanding Somali brothers and sisters are helping in reforming our youth. This must be ramped up.

If you smell alcohol on the breath of your brother, don't turn your nose. Rather ask him if he needs a ride home etc. Wallahi sometimes all they need is an upstanding brother who they can emulate. They're stuck in their 'gangs' and balwad groups. They know that Mustafa from the mosque will tell them to f*ck off unless they are completely reformed (which absolutely defeats the purpose of dawah).

Third highlighted part:

I am not against educating the masses; if anything I advocate for it. But not being able to read is not the main problem here. I'm assuming the literacy rate in the Somali capital during the 80s was high? Give a scholar a knife and a grievance, and watch him turn into a butcher. An ignorant people with good leaders will still benefit. We must concentrate on the leaders, for a good leader by default educates his people.

My vision is for all Faraxs and Xalimos to be reduced to the tag of Somali. A unified front.

Anyways, good discussion. I agree with most of your critique, so I appreciate the effort. Our end goals might be slightly different, but our short term ones are identical.
I'm not a brother walaal. I'm a sister, and I'll just agree to disagree about the clan thing kow dheh dee.

Illiteracy is a big issue, yes there was a campaign but illiteracy was not high. The regime had those being educated in high school stay for a period of time with a reer miyi family and learn about their life while teaching them to read and write in Somali.

The average Somali either in IDPs or refugee camps are illiterate. That's why Somalis live and die by "waxaa la yidhi" soo garan meysid. There's little respect for institutions, no identity papers or verification, and no birth certificates. This is also why Somalis are seen as "bad at integrating"

Also Somalis back bite instead of not judging the person and giving them helpful advice. They will listen to a persons problems or see them and run and tell heblaayo. This is a disgusting thing that must be done away with.

If Somalis were majority literate they would see how useless dying for their clan is, and also how futile Somalinimo is because everyone has a bias.
This may or may not work but I remember reading that the ancient Athenians had a similar problem with tribalism and so a wise Greek called Solon devised the idea of Demes. These were districts/area codes which the state was divided into and so anyone born into a particular deme was named after it irregardless of their tribal lineage. This created a bond between people from the same area. This got rid of clan squabbling among the Athenians and they replaced tribal chaos with regional competition.
So people took the name of the deme they were born into as their surname and it eliminated tribalism? Not a bad idea.
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