replacing lazy natives with hardworking immigrants. Now they are somali-afgansWhy bring more problems when we’re still struggling.
you got a article About it?Why bring more problems when we’re still struggling.
make somalia a mixed country of only 50-60% somalis. we would be more civilized.I hope it's wrong. I hope they settle a million Afghans, not just 10,000 (a pathetic puny number which is smaller than my sub sub sub sub clan). The ones fleeing are just like Somali(landers): Sunni and same traits and values like having big families, place high importance on clan lineage, and are a very prideful people. The Pashtuns are basically olive skinned Somalis. It will be so easy for them to integrate into the cities and the rural areas.
Somalis are big supporters of western countries helping fellow Sunni refugees. They should be more than willing to help many Afghans in the Somali homeland. They are their brothers
Has that ever been true? More racial diversity (and other types of segmentation) generally cause more strifemake somalia a mixed country of only 50-60% somalis. we would be more civilized.
isnt Afghanistan have the same tribal problems as Somaliamake somalia a mixed country of only 50-60% somalis. we would be more civilized.
make somalia a mixed country of only 50-60% somalis. we would be more civilized.
I don’t know why you are so adamant that we welcome thousands of foreigners when we don’t have the recourses nor facilities to take care of them.I don't look at it at that angle and I disagree with that.
But I totally agree with you that they need to be poured into the country. Somalis and Pashtuns in the west, at least where I live, are like Tom and Jerry. They follow each other around and love each other's presence. I have never seen two ethnic groups that love each other more than Somalis and Pashtuns. They are a perfect people to integrate into Somalia. Somalia has the moral and Islamic obligation to welcome millions of fleeing Pashtuns into their country. Somalis should be worried about the dambi they will get for watching their Sunni brothers seek refuge in kufaar nations while they stood by and did nothing. They should consider what they have done for the ummah.
replacing lazy natives with hardworking immigrants. Now they are somali-afgans
I hope it's wrong. I hope they settle a million Afghans, not just 10,000 (a pathetic puny number which is smaller than my sub sub sub sub clan). The ones fleeing are just like Somali(landers): Sunni and same traits and values like having big families, place high importance on clan lineage, and are a very prideful people. The Pashtuns are basically olive skinned Somalis. It will be so easy for them to integrate into the cities and the rural areas.
Somalis are big supporters of western countries helping fellow Sunni refugees. They should be more than willing to help many Afghans in the Somali homeland. They are their brothers
I don’t know why you are so adamant that we welcome thousands of foreigners when we don’t have the recourses not facilities to take care of them.
Every Afghan that arrives is taking vital resources from a Somali. I don’t know where you got this kumbaye narrative from but this is reality. We are minding our business first.
Islam comes first. Everything is imported into Somalia anyway and Somalia has lots of empty land. 99% of the land is empty. The Pashtuns will bring their resources with them. Somalia is a country that is rebuilding and they will have lots to contribute.
ain’t you a gaal we can’t hold them they should be send up north to Egypt Sudan or any other good and stable Muslim nation we are dealing with 3 things we don’t need new problems to occurIslam comes first. Everything is imported into Somalia anyway and Somalia has lots of empty land. 99% of the land is empty. The Pashtuns will bring their resources with them. Somalia is a country that is rebuilding and they will have lots to contribute.
We are almost done with Al-Shabaab yet you want to bring us back to ground zero?Islam comes first. Everything is imported into Somalia anyway and Somalia has lots of empty land. 99% of the land is empty. The Pashtuns will bring their resources with them. Somalia is a country that is rebuilding and they will have lots to contribute.