Somaliland Ready To Take In Afghan Refugees


🇨🇦 🇷🇺 The hate starts here
Staff Member
ain’t you a gaal we can’t hold them they should be send up north to Egypt Sudan or any other good and stable Muslim nation we are dealing with 3 things we don’t need new problems to occur

I am making Somalis accountable. Practice what you preach to western kufaar nations. Where is your Islamic obligation to the Pashtuns? Hypocrites.
I am making Somalis accountable. Practice what you preach to western kufaar nations. Where is your Islamic obligation to the Pashtuns? Hypocrites.
We are a nation in poverty we can’t help them anymore than they can help us. If it our Islamic obligation send them to stable Muslim country like Egypt Sudan Algeria morocco kazakhstan Malaysia Indonesia Oman why are we forced to take in Afghan When they can go to any other nation. I’m not risking more future al shabaab fighter you clearly havent heard the news of the prison break the taliban committed. There are most definitely isis fighter in those refugee
It would be pretty hypocritical for Somalis to have been accepted as refugees by so many countries worldwide to now not return the favour at least temporarily for others.

Also, to me it sounds more like a political move. Anyone in the UK knows the current Tory administration don't want mass immigrants moving in, so if they can get help offloading Afghans elsewhere I'm sure they'll jump at that opportunity. For Somaliland government, this helps bridge closer ties with UK - which is exactly what they want.


I don't look at it at that angle and I disagree with that.

But I totally agree with you that they need to be poured into the country like rain in the rainy season. Somalis and Pashtuns in the west, at least where I live, are like Tom and Jerry. They follow each other around and love each other's presence. I have never seen two ethnic groups that love each other more than Somalis and Pashtuns. They are a perfect people to integrate into Somalia. Somalia has the moral and Islamic obligation to welcome millions of fleeing Pashtuns into their country. Somalis should be worried about the dambi they will get for watching their Sunni brothers seek refuge in dirty kufaar nations while they stood by and did nothing. They should consider what they have done for the ummah.
kkk pashtuns are easy to get along with i dont mind them.
Honnestly i dont want them to come. But if they come i want the elite afghanis to come like doctors/teachers. Hell i even take roadworkers or trashpickers :mjdontkno:
those are the small number of cadaan loving pashtuns and yaryar persian speakers.


🇨🇦 🇷🇺 The hate starts here
Staff Member
We are a nation in poverty we can’t help them anymore than they can help us. If it our Islamic obligation send them to stable Muslim country like Egypt Sudan Algeria morocco kazakhstan Malaysia Indonesia Oman why are we forced to take in Afghan When they can go to any other nation. I’m not risking more future al shabaab fighter you clearly havent heard the news of the prison break the taliban committed. There are most definitely isis fighter in those refugee

They are only asking for a safe place to live. The United Nations and other NGOs will help them. They have big western nation donors who will make sure of that. Somalia just has to let them live with them. Somalis will not be asked to spend a nickel on them. Other Islamic countries will be asked to take them in. Stop passing all the responsibility on them. Somalia must provide their fair share of help too. You are being asked to provide the bare minimum. The heavy lifting and resources will come from the kufaar.
It would be pretty hypocritical for Somalis to have been accepted as refugees by so many countries worldwide to now not return the favour at least temporarily for others.

Also, to me it sounds more like a political move. Anyone in the UK knows the current Tory administration don't want mass immigrants moving in, so if they can get help offloading Afghans elsewhere I'm sure they'll jump at that opportunity. For Somaliland government, this helps bridge closer ties with UK - which is exactly what they want.

The US & UK are partially responsible for messing up Somalia under colonial and military chaos and that is a FACT.

Somalis therefore are rightfully owed some of that stolen peace. We are not accepting nobody.
They are only asking for a safe place to live. The United Nations and other NGOs will help them. They have big western nation donors who will make sure of that. Somalia just has to let them live with them. Somalis will not be asked to spend a nickel on them. Other Islamic countries will be asked to take them in. Stop passing all the responsibility on them. Somalia must provide their fair share of help too.
:draketf:If they want a place to live they can go up north to Djbouti warya you act like we can feed more mouth we are facing 3 things right now we can’t have more add on problems lemme ask you this what would happen to the Afghan if somaliland collapse? Where will they go?


🇨🇦 🇷🇺 The hate starts here
Staff Member
You know what's crazy? It's very easy to get thousands of Somalis to do a banaan bax calling on Somalia to welcome Pashtun refugees. They did it for Angela Davis and came out in the hundreds.



🇨🇦 🇷🇺 The hate starts here
Staff Member
:draketf:If they want a place to live they can go up north to Djbouti warya you act like we can feed more mouth we are facing 3 things right now we can’t have more add on problems lemme ask you this what would happen to the Afghan if somaliland collapse? Where will they go?

No one asked you to feed them. You can't even feed yourselves. You are fed by remittances and UN money. The Pashtuns will be fed by the UN.

mr steal your naag

banu hashim and shiettt
You know what's crazy? It's very easy to get thousands of Somalis to do a banaan bax calling on Somalia to welcome Pashtun refugees. They did it for Angela Davis and came out in the hundreds.

This goes back to my theory that xalimos are madows. And faraxs are honorary arabs :mjlaugh:

They are part of the quota allocated to the UAE, they dont want to take them in so they tried dumping them in SL who accepted. Its been blocked by the central government, who was tipped off by the US.
They are part of the quota allocated to the UAE, they dont want to take them in so they tried dumping them in SL who accepted. Its been blocked by the central government, who was tipped off by the US.

Who will allocate the funding? UN? Arab league?

Bernie Madoff

Afhayeenka SL
These Afghans aren’t permanently resettling. It’s likely more of a transitional thing until the US can process and grant them asylum.

even neighbouring countries like Uzbekistan and Tajikistan are making tent cities for the refugees.


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