Somalilanders among 400 dead in boat capsize off the coast of Egypt

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i think what the government also needs to do is teach somalis how to swim. A lot of these people would still probably be alive today had they known how to swim.

John Michael

Free my girl Jodi!
Couldn't keep the qabiil out of it :ulachen001::uCkf6mf:

I am a for little government regulations stifling businesses, the current government income doesn't permit giving out loans, it is up to individuals to get raise the local economy, I guess entrepreneurship is alien concept to you but that is how America got rich

It's not a qabil thing I'm just puzzled @ that notion.

@waraabe what do you expect from silyaanos admin, what are the governments responsibilities? Do you think poverty will just sort itself out? How are somalilanders meant to start businesses when the vast majority are focused on survival. Also why do you think people who can acquire tens of thousands of dollars invest in tahriib rather than start a small business?

Btw this isn't an attack on anyone or any gov I'm just asking.
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Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
People back home are obsess with dhoof, Europe and north America, even if they have job opportunities/ leisures available for them it won't stop them.

I had family members who were also obsessed with tahriib and we have tried everything starting from sending them abroad so they can have better education to even opening businesses for them. It didn't work, we wasted our time and money. The only thing they were interested was to touchdown in Europe.
By Idilay bilan

Another migrant boat capsizes. Minimal headlines, muted mournings, some concept notes about youth programming and job creation in Somalia, and plenty of “Whys”.

The “why” is usually the most disingenuous part of this conversation...Often dominated by privileged folks asking a question their parents answered decades ago when they fled this burning land for foreign ones. Some, only equipped only with a relative’s address, leftover dowry jewelry, and a hope that this journey will be a temporary one.

It’s 2016, and Somalis are still dying in the seas. Tahriib. Migrants. Why? Why would they risk their lives? How could they be so foolish and naive? Why?……

ummm.........Because one’s love for one’s nation will not pay for the basics while trying to stay afloat in these hyper-inflated cities of Somalia/Somaliland. Because all the degrees abroad can still ensure you play second fiddle to your co-national, flashing that western paper.

Because the UN folks at your pretty decent job, will still tell you, the local, that you do not deserve high salaries as your expenses aren’t global. Pick a recently graduated diaspora to supervise you, while that same westerner gossips about local 'capacity'..

Because the degrees you proudly own weren’t born in colonial lands. You? I mean sure you have a masters degree in economics, but what could you possibly know of resilience in Somalia?

Because when you date a Somali diaspora, you’re told you’re doing it for their passport, as if the sum of your life's ambition rests in replicating the failed migrant narrative in the west. I mean surely what else can motivate you? You, the byproduct of post-conflict messes, can’t possibly understand with global bodies, never love them unconditionally.

Because you’re told you dress and act like a diaspora, which is equivalent to the “you’re english is pretty good for a…..” sentences that the one reducing you has probably heard a million times.

Because the “Mogadishu rising” folks are always telling you about the homes they own in the Minneapolis, the perpetually absentee degrees they’ve acquired (although their capacity to draft an email says otherwise), and all the super awesome amenities they abandoned to build the cities you call home. The same cities they inspect with condescending gazes, but flock to in search of new beginnings and jobs…..Because you’re tired of the, “this isn’t real pizza”, “OMG this would never happen in Helsinki/Dubai/Toronto/London/Columbus/Stockholm.” calacaal and just want away from us.

Because you love your country, but like all other humans, will risk it all for the dream of better possibilities. Because you’re from a marginalized peoples, and you’re the only one strong enough to make the trek. Because you're right to a dignified living is interpreted as a nuisance, ‘shahaad’, begging by those more fortunate. "Pay them only a 100 dollars, thats the standard here" they say.

Because you’re a creative, a radical, an artist, stifled by a society perpetually stuck in the bottom pool in Maslow’s cruel box of human needs.

Because your friend who went last summer is now snap chatting you from Oslo. He looks fatter, cheeks filled in, and the selfies look convincingly content. Starting school soon he says.

Because you’re a woman, and want more from life than someone’s wife or the subject of some politicians’s gaze.

Because everyone needs a, “get the hell out NOW” insurance plan when the technicals make their way down your street. And with Somalia’s track record, and our affinity for messing it all up when it’s so close, the probabilities of this worst case scenario is pretty damn high. fool me once camal.

Because you’re the only one left in this place, and it’s time to join your loved ones.

Because your love of travel will always be met with suspicious side-eyes. A visa for a visit to Istanbul you say? hmmm.......sure you've always wanted to see the blue mosque. "War ruunta iska sheeg, you want the refugee road," they say.

Because there’s nothing more cruel, self-absorbed, and out of touch than the folks who did it themselves, telling you to not risk your life.

What’s this life they speak of that’s worth preserving? Does one’s love for one’s nation mean they overlook all the mess, while you, the diaspora, contemplate a ‘return home’ and only want to use you as an example of a few feel good right moments.

Thoughts with the loved ones mourning the ones that were picked to carry their dreams forward. No words can ever measure our collective mourning, and the ways we continue to fail you walaalo.

Thoughts with Ali, a tuk-tuk driver, saving up for his journey west, stoic in the face of tragic headlines...... “What’s the point of dodging government checkpoints, AS recruiters, abject poverty, lacklustre educational opportunities I cant even afford to access? No thanks, I wanna be like you guys, and return when it’s an option and not a death sentence. You guys take your turn and stay, we did it for 25 years.” he says. He has a point.
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