***Somalis Are Arabs And Arabs Were Kushites Proof***


East Africa UNUKA LEH
Actually according to
دستور اللغة العربية (كتاب الخلاص)
Aadam in colour is Asmar
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You might be right tho about black Aswad being a different colour tho
Should ask some expert
Bro you may not trust me but its facts that Asmar and Adam are different shades of brown.

There is a shade in between asmar an adam, and these colors were all lighter than black. There were even variations of black and white skin, but it didn’t apply to arabs as these shades rarely or never existed among them.


Everything unuka leh
Bro you may not trust me but its facts that Asmar and Adam are different shades of brown.
I would obviously not trust you

I'm going to ask a Naxwa caalim
I always thought it meant the same thing, might be wrong
Arabs did refer to people as white, they made a distinction between persians/levantines (white skin) and black Africans (black skin) and believed they were in the middle, they still believe that in modern times.
I don’t think so
I don’t have the evidence for this (I’m not speaking about all Arabs, just the qurashi Arabs)

Qurashi Arabs have many differences when it comes to skin tones hence why they didn’t label themselves as white like Levant or dark like the African because they wasn’t in the middle .

Abu jahil was given that nickname because how white he was to the point if he goes outside his face turns into red real quick and prophet saw adopted son was described having dark features with dark skin even tho he was pure arab with no slave mother.

There was white qurashi (whiter than the Levant ) and there was dark qurashi that looks like Horn of Africa.

Look at musa saw description even tho he was pure Jew
I don’t think so
I don’t have the evidence for this (I’m not speaking about all Arabs, just the qurashi Arabs)

Qurashi Arabs have many differences when it comes to skin tones hence why they didn’t label themselves as white like Levant or dark like the African because they wasn’t in the middle .

Abu jahil was given that nickname because how white he was to the point if he goes outside his face turns into red real quick and prophet saw adopted son was described having dark features with dark skin even tho he was pure arab with no slave mother.

There was white qurashi (whiter than the Levant ) and there was dark qurashi that looks like Horn of Africa.

Look at musa saw description even tho he was pure Jew
What I mean is that qurashi during prophet saw time is different to Arabs in saudi.

Qurashi was very diverse unlike the current Saudi


Madaxweynaha Qurbo Joogta 🇸🇴
A member of the Banu Abu Lahab who matched us on the V32 mutation

Keep in mind they are among the purest Arabs because there is a tabboo for marrying them, many of them are dark skin and wallahi they look Somali, I saw one and thought he was Darood, no surprise they are matching us

Banu Abu Lahab :jaynerd:

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
Every ethnicity in this world is cooking up some hotep shit and this brother right actually backs his claim with good evidence. Refute him or watch from the sidelines.

My suugo science theory of E1b1b and Afroasiatic language being the same is becoming true:banderas:


Cushite Arab
Btw how do you explain arabs calling us barbars in pre-islamic poems if we're the same?
Because of the major trading port city Barbara, it was the nucleus of trade in the red sea so it was like a title for us
El Nino said:
Every ethnicity in this world is cooking up some hotep shit and this brother right actually backs his claim with good evidence. Refute him or watch from the sidelines.

My suugo science theory of E1b1b and Afroasiatic language being the same is becoming true:banderas:
Bro this has been known, even the cadaans support us, everyone knows these indo European invaders never invented the AA or Semitic languages, just look at the Akkadian paintings, Somali swords, Ethiopian hats, thick curly hair and copper skin, none of which can be found in these Indo Europeans

niggaibnh said:
I don’t think so
I don’t have the evidence for this (I’m not speaking about all Arabs, just the qurashi Arabs)

Qurashi Arabs have many differences when it comes to skin tones hence why they didn’t label themselves as white like Levant or dark like the African because they wasn’t in the middle .

Abu jahil was given that nickname because how white he was to the point if he goes outside his face turns into red real quick and prophet saw adopted son was described having dark features with dark skin even tho he was pure arab with no slave mother.

There was white qurashi (whiter than the Levant ) and there was dark qurashi that looks like Horn of Africa.

Look at musa saw description even tho he was pure Jew
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Indo Europeans were in Arabia for thousands of years, of course if they mixed with neighboring tribes who had been more effected they'd become lighter, however notice how pure Qurayshis are dark
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Cushite Arab
Ancient Saudi rock paintings depicting African hair, dread locks just like the Somali nomads


East African Rwandan live stock is also depicted, today non existent in the region

Persians depicting the garment Arabs wore which was go and marro, clear Cushitic features, culture and clothes

Map according to the towrah, the whole of the Adnani lands are called CUSH, they are from Akkadia, according to scientists the origin of E-V32 and the founders of the semitic languages

If this doesn't show the ancient Arabs were Cushites/Africans I don't know what will genetic companies themselves say V32 is from Arabia so how can you still deny


Cushite Arab
Al-Kushi is a Greek term that the ancient Greeks called all the inhabitants of the Middle East, and it often describes certain people with burning color or those with burning faces. The Kingdom of Kush was in Nubia a picture of one of the Nubians, who is the descendants of that kingdom, before the entry of the Nile dynasties.



Cushite Arab
Migration map of the E-V32 Akkadian haplogroup mutation to Africa according to top DNA company family tree

E-V32 Is not a Puntite/Egyptian haplogroup and according top DNA companies originates from the Fertile crescent from the Akkadian empire


Cushite Arab
Those who run the Quraysh Genetic Project and the Quraysh Genetic Forum are these Persians To this day, the Persians are still blaming the loss of their empire. Their hatred of the Arabs is not natural to the point of challenging the lineage of the master of the prophets and messengers, peace be upon him. Iranian President Ahmadinejad's speech shows that the Persians worked on their project very early L859 haplogroup

Al-Amili and his genetic project are supported by purely Persian funding . #L859 Even countries themselves are involved in this genetic science and adopt a projection and project and pump money into it. And after an explicit statement by the Iranian president, it became clear, they want to make the descendants of the prophets from the Persian ethnicity may God curse them and those who support them.


That's a tweet of the former Iranian president claiming Ibrahim AS :dead: these people are the biggest fraudsters changing all the DNA, they changed many E-V32 haplogroup results to J1


Cushite Arab
This is a map of the Mongol Empire under their rule all the Caucasus! And the Mongols brought many Caucasian and Turkish Bedouin peoples into their armies with the diversity of their religions! The Mongol army also had Muslims from those peoples. Islam is a religion of tolerance that mates with reason and knowledge, and is not imposed by brute force and fighting. Many accept it without Many of them joined the Arab tribes and claimed their lineages, this is why we find loads of J and C haplogroup in Saudi Arabia

The loyalists were more than the Arabs. The Arabs were a fighting people, and they lost and killed many of them to spread the religion and changed their tribal conflicts and the genetic diseases that afflicted them.. See here, the Mongols also used to lose a lot of their people, so they would enter the peoples close to them! The extinction and replacement of peoples is very likely, the Arabs are few.


As for the issue of Caucasian culture, yes, it is dominant because they were the majority and settled and Arabized in the Arabian Peninsula! . Evidence abounds for that. Go and search, you will find many cultural and linguistic similarities even among the peoples of Asia, the Caucasus, and Turkey, particularly the Bedouin peoples among them.


Cushite Arab
The followers were present in the Arabian Peninsula, and most of them were from the regions of India, Turkey, Iran, and the rest of the Caucasus countries. Their number increased during the time of the Umayyads, and they became more numerous than the Arabs themselves! . Despite their different colours, the whites and the yolks were white and the skin was red and wheatish.



Cushite Arab
Map of the expansion of the Indo European J1 Haplogroup, E-V32 was present thousands of years after

These people from the Zagros mountains were fighting us sine the very begin, they are the ones who raided the Akkadian empire and caused it's fall!


Cushite Arab
J haplogroup is Persian/ Indo European
E-M81 Is North African
E-M84 Is Xabashi
T haplogroup is Sumerian
E-V22 Has not been found in Andalusia, the NAs, plus E-V32 is the highest candidate for Akkadians and all the genetic companies put us in Makkah

So it is clear E-V32 is the most authentic original Arab haplogroup


Cushite Arab
Lol even the top genetic companies are saying this yet some of you guys have the audacity to hotep of Punt, even E-V22 another very likely Akkadian sub clade is present in Somalia among Arap


Cushite Arab
Some sources even state that Nimrod could have been Ibrahim AS's father since the Quran does not mention the king he fought against, the Prophets are alway, you can't admit Nimrod was Cushitic then have the audacity to say his people weren't this is absurd

Even the bible is showing this origins of the Cushites is the crescent


