***Somalis Are Arabs And Arabs Were Kushites Proof***


East Africa UNUKA LEH
No they called white people red skinned and black people were usually called xabash, Arabs called themselves green which means very dark skinned
No, they called themselves Asmar (light brown) and Aadam (Dark brown).

Their skin was distinct from Black people (aswad) and White people (Hmra).


Cushite Arab
No, they called themselves Asmar (light brown) and Aadam (Dark brown).

Their skin was distinct from Black people (aswad) and White people (Hmra).
Somalis are bronze skinned people and vary in color like this


East Africa UNUKA LEH
Fear Allah why are you speaking about homosexuality and all these degenrate things? This was written by a famous Islamic historian Ibn Jawal, I even sent you poetry of the old Arabs speaking about their black skin tone and how they were proud of it, these are reliable sources, the Prophet SAW married multiple women of different back grounds also the first post shows Arab sources from Arab historians detailing how the first conquests were done by the Cushite dark skinned Arabs

The Andalusians and North African conquerors were all E-M78, the Hashemites in Morroco are E-M78 the Asharafs of Makkah are E-V32 waliba E-Y18629, these are all Cushitic sub clades
Yes there was black sahaba of foreign background and dark skinned sahaba of arab background. That doesn’t mean Arabs are cushitic, you self centered Cushite.


Cushite Arab
Yes there was black sahaba of foreign background and dark skinned sahaba of arab background. That doesn’t mean Arabs are cushitic, you self centered Cushite.
I already told you to read my posts which explain this but you refuse, khalas I'm blocking you


East Africa UNUKA LEH
Somalis are bronze skinned people and vary in color like this
No we don’t. Somalis are maarin which is either aswad or aadam according to arabs, and minority of somalis are blick like midnight or asmar (light brown). None are hamra (white skinned).

Have you been to somalia? Have you seen your own people?


Cushite Arab
Even Arabs themselves admit the first Arabs were Cushitic and all black people yet her she is calaacaling 😂


Amaan Duule
Arabs had hundreds of thousands of Ethiopian slaves, are we gonna act shocked that their dna is present?
And say some Cushitics lived in Southern Arabia, why would that shock anyone? Do you know how close we are? At the end of the day it was insignificant and has nothing to do with Somalis
My post didn't say anything about cushitic dna, it was talking about how there is extensive cushitic influence in south semitic languages. The argument isn't that some cushitics lived in the region, it is that cushitic people originated there. If this is true, then Arabia is our ancestral homeland.
The idea that the original Arabs were dark skinned descendants of semiticised cushites isn't far fetched.


East Africa UNUKA LEH
Add east africa iyo Arabia unuka leh on your bio
Abowe Arabia is too hot and dry with no resources, they are almost done with its only valuable asset (oil). At least I can raaxo on the beaches of Zanzibar and Mombasa with a Mocktail in hand, East Africa Unuka Leh!


Everything unuka leh
No we don’t. Somalis are maarin which is either aswad or aadam according to arabs, and minority of somalis are blick like midnight or asmar (light brown). None are hamra (white skinned).

Have you been to somalia? Have you seen your own people?
Don't Asmar, aadam and aswad mean the same thing?

Asmar niggas are black ash


Cushite Arab
My post didn't say anything about cushitic dna, it was talking about how there is extensive cushitic influence in south semitic languages. The argument isn't that some cushitics lived in the region, it is that cushitic people originated there. If this is true, then Arabia is our ancestral homeland.
The idea that the original Arabs were dark skinned descendants of semiticised cushites isn't far fetched.
This woman is just saying nonsense read this Arab poem how the Arabs described themselves as green which means COPPER and that is the color of the majority of Somalis don't let this hard headed trick you, she didn't even both to read a word in my thread

The Arabs of the past also used the word green to mean black. El-Fadl ibn El-Abbas ibn ‘Utba El-Lahabi said:

وأَنا الأَخْضَرُ، من يَعْرِفُنـي؟ أَخْضَرُ الـجِلْدَةِ فـي بـيتِ العَرَبْ
I am the green one. Who knows me? My skin is green. I am from the family of the Arabs.
Bronze is a copper alloy (combination of copper and tin) and when exposed to air and moisture, it will develop a greenish layer of build-up on its dark brown surface. Hence the association of green with dark-brown skin.


Cushite Arab
Alxamdullilah I am a pure black Arab

BTW The Ummayads were the black Arab dynasty, and this was the dynasty had a lot of tina and Allah says when ever a people turn black he will replace them

Guess what happened after? The Abbasids came in, lead by Iranians, and the Arabs were turned white


Cushite Arab
@Garaad diinle
Check this out
We wuz arabians? View attachment 289930
I might protest against modern Arabians for stealing our mother lands
They admit this themselves wallahi, also during times of strife people from all over the Ummah centralized in Arabia and of course if you want to survive there as a slave or immigrant you need a tribe so they all adopted new tribes and mixed with the people, their descendants would dominate them

There's many V32 Arabs speaking out about this Alxamdullilah Kkkkkkkkk How are we from Punt if our 2600 year old mutation is found among a variety of Arab clans, are you ganna believe we colonized them or some shit, or the actualy recorded sources of migration of Adnani tribes to East Africa

The truth is clear wallahi idk why it's so hard for certain people to accept it, I can provide tons of more sources


East Africa UNUKA LEH
:deadrose: Not only did she fail to read my thread or refute any points I made, she doesn't even know the definition of the words she is uisng
This is how I know you don’t know shit. Arabs described themselves as two color groups Asmar (light brown/wheat) and Adam (dark brown). There were two other categories black and white, and were not usually used for arabs, it was for non-arabs blacks, persians, byzantines, etc. They did not see themselves as black or white.

Wadada ka qulqul!


Cushite Arab
The ancient Arabs called themselves green and used it as a flex in their poetry, this was the best color which the majority

El-Fadl ibn El-Abbas ibn ‘Utba El-Lahabi said:

I am the green one. Who knows me? My skin is green. I am from the family of the Arabs.

The fact he says I am from the family of the Arabs after shows how common the skin tone was


Bronze is a copper alloy (combination of copper and tin) and when exposed to air and moisture, it will develop a greenish layer of build-up on its dark brown surface. Hence the association of green with dark-brown skin.

In Lisan El-Arab, Ibn Mandhor also quotes the author of El-Tahdhib, Saad El-Din Masud ibn Umar El-Taftaazaani (1312-1389 A.D.) as saying the following about the verse:

فـي هذا البـيت قولان: أَحدهما أَنه أَراد أَسود الـجلدة؛ قال: قاله أَبو طالب النـحوي، وقـيل: أَراد أَنه من خالص العرب وصميمهم لأَن الغالب علـى أَلوان العرب الأُدْمَةُ،
“There are two sayings about this verse. One is that he meant that he had black skin. This is what Abu Talib El-Nahwi said. It is also said that he meant that he is a pure unmixed Arab because most Arabs are black-skinned.”
Abdella ibn Berry (1106-1187 A.D.), the “King of the Grammarians” as he was called, said the following about the verse:

قال ابن بري: نسب الـجوهري هذا البـيت للهبـي، وهو الفضل بن العباس بن عُتْبَةَ بن أَبـي لَهَبٍ، وأَراد بالـخضرة سمرة لونه، وإِنما يريد بذلك خـلوص نسبه وأَنه عربـي مـحض، لأَن العرب تصف أَلوانها بالسواد وتصف أَلوان العجم بالـحمرة. وفـي الـحديث: بُعثت إِلـى الأَحمر والأَسود؛ وهذا الـمعنى بعينه هو الذي أَراده مسكين الدارمي فـي قوله أَنا مسكِينٌ لـمن يَعْرِفُنـي، لَوْنِـي السُّمْرَةُ أَلوانُ العَرَبْ
“El-Jawhari attributed this verse to El-Lahabi and he is El-Fadl ibn El-Abbas ibn ‘Utba ibn Abi Lahab and he meant by green the brownness (darkness) of his complexion and he meant by that the purity of his genealogy and that he was an unmixed Arab because the Arabs describe their color as black and they describe the color of the non-Arabs as red. Like the hadith says, ‘I was sent to the red and the black. And this is exactly what Miskeen El-Darimi meant when he said: ‘I am Miskeen, for those who know me. My color is brown (dark), the color of the Arabs’”.
Ibn Mandhor says in his book Lisan El-Arab:

والعرب إِذا قالوا: فلان أَبـيض وفلانة بـيضاء فمعناه الكرم فـي الأَخلاق لا لون الـخـلقة، وإِذا قالوا: فلان أَحمر وفلانة حمراء عنوا بـياض اللون؛
“When the Arabs said that a man or a woman was ‘white’, they meant that the person was honorable. They weren’t talking about his/her complexion. When they (the Arabs) said that a man or a woman was ‘red’, they meant that his/her complexion was white.

So no when women were described as white it was not literal

The famous, old Arabic dictionary Lisan El Arab also quotes the author of El-Tahdhib, Saad El-Din Masud ibn Umar El-Taftaazaani (1312-1389 A.D.) as saying:

التهذيب: إِذا قالت العرب فلان أَبْـيَضُ وفلانة بَـيْضاء فالـمعنى نَقاء العِرْض من الدنَس والعيوب… لا يريدون به بَـياضَ اللون ولكنهم يريدون الـمدح بالكرم ونَقاءِ العِرْض من العيوب، وإِذا قالوا: فلان أَبْـيَض الوجه وفلانة بَـيْضاءُ الوجه أَرادوا نقاءَ اللون من الكَلَفِ والسوادِ الشائن
“When the Arabs said that a man or a woman was white, they meant that the person had a faultless honor…they didn’t mean white skin. What they meant by this was to praise the person for his/her generosity and faultless honor. When they said that a man or woman had a white face, they meant that the person had a complexion free of blemishes and free of an unattractive blackness.”


Cushite Arab
Also the Indo European had been taking place for thousands of years, since the Zagros invasions against the Akkadians (Ibrahim AS's ancestors) to the Mitanni colonizing Mesopatania, there were always huge migrations, so of course some Arab tribes were lighter than others, the purest ones at that time being in Hejaz and the south

Notice how the Hashemites and other Qurayshis are always described as dark


Everything unuka leh
No, Asmar is historically light brown Arab. I think they call it wheat in modern times.
View attachment 289931View attachment 289932
Adam is dark brown
View attachment 289933View attachment 289934

Aswad (black)
View attachment 289935View attachment 289936
Hmar (white)
View attachment 289938View attachment 289937
Actually according to
دستور اللغة العربية (كتاب الخلاص)
Aadam in colour is Asmar

You might be right tho about black Aswad being a different colour tho
Should ask some expert

