Somalis were mentally and physically enslaved

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Prince of Lasanod

Eid trim pending
They're not lies. You're just not comfortable with the truth.

There were also Somalis in human zoos in Europe. They were not slaves though.

They were not in human zoos you stupid retard. This was a contract deal with the nomads in which they were paid along with africans, arabs, asians to show cast their lifestyle.

Mike Hunt

Astra incliant sed non obligant
Furthermore Somalis were highly military progressive people, evident by how we built many defensive walls throughtout the Somali regions. The defensive wall of Mogadishu, Qandala and Harrar in particular. The same with fortesses , these defensive fortresses still dot the landscape.

'Somalis were fierce , Somalis would fight to death''

Shut the f*ck up!!! Somalis are not bunch of savages., we were actual aristocratic people with economic and political clout. The fact that we even had political allies and clients should tell you that much.

lool why are you cherry picking bits and pieces of my reply :umad:

Simple question Dhabaal : Could the Ajuraan's COMPLETE miltary force(Without Ottoman reinforcements or weaponry) take on and DEFEAT the Portuguese Empires COMPLETE military force at that paticular time in history?
lool why are you cherry picking bits and pieces of my reply :umad:

Simple question Dhabaal : Could the Ajuraan's COMPLETE miltary force(Without Ottoman reinforcements or weaponry) take on and DEFEAT the Portuguese Empires COMPLETE military force at that paticular time in history?
They already defeated the Portugese and stopped them from conquering Mogadishu aswell as capturing land from them.

Mike Hunt

Astra incliant sed non obligant
They already defeated the Portugese and stopped them from conquering Mogadishu aswell as capturing land from them.

They defeated a fleet sent to capture Mogadishu, not the whole empire's military. The portugese can hoop a dick and die a slow painful death for trying it on my people, im just being a realist. Certain people are delusional and argue just for the sake of arguing.

Prince of Lasanod

Eid trim pending
They already defeated the Portugese and stopped them from conquering Mogadishu aswell as capturing land from them.
Let's be real now. If the Portuguese wanted to, they would have conquered the whole of Somali lands, enslaved us and taken our women as concubines.

We're talking about a superpower, not no ordinary empire. They would destroy us. We're only nomads.

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Let's be real now. If the Portuguese wanted to, they would have conquered the whole of Somali lands.

We're talking about a superpower, not no ordinary empire.
The Portuguese could only conquer port cities by threatening to bombard the ports due to their naval power. The never had enough manpower to invade by land.
The Portuguese could only conquer port cities by threatening to bombard the ports due to their naval power. The never had enough manpower to invade by land.
Lol come on sxb. The Portuguese only sent a group of soldiers from their military to Somalia. They were trying to invade other lands simultaneously, including Arabia. Let's be realistic for once.
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Lol come on sxb. The Portuguese only sent a faction of their military to Somalia. They were trying to invade other lands simultaneously, including Arabia. Let's be pragmatic for once.
Other than primitive areas like Brazil, Angola and Mozambique the rest of the Portuguese Empire were just port cities. They would come to a port and threaten the local leaders to pay tribute or else have their city razed to the ground with their cannons. Read the history of Vasco da Gama if you think I'm wrong.


Mike Hunt

Astra incliant sed non obligant
Lol come on sxb. The Portuguese only sent a faction of their military to Somalia. They were trying to invade other lands simultaneously, including Arabia. Let's be realistic for once.

Not being able to be pragmatic and realistic is the reason Somalia is what it is today. A junkie "landheere" qabilist who lives in his mom's basement actually beileves that he is better then a educated well off "laangaab" who is a fellow Somali based off of fairytales.
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Let's be real now. If the Portuguese wanted to, they would have conquered the whole of Somali lands, enslaved us and taken our women as concubines.

We're talking about a superpower, not no ordinary empire. They would destroy us. We're only nomads.

But they didn't want to. They couldnt hold control over little Barawa and didn't even dare to go near Mogadishu.
The European Age of discoverybrought Europe's then superpowerthe Portuguese empire to the coast of East Africa, which at the time enjoyed a flourishing trade with foreign nations. The wealthy southeastern city-states of Kilwa, Mombasa, Malindi, Pate and Lamu were all systematically sacked and plundered by the Portuguese. Tristão da Cunha then set his eyes on Ajuran territory, where the battle of Barawa was fought. After a long period of engagement, the Portuguese soldiers burned the city and looted it. However, fierce resistance by the local population and soldiers resulted in the failure of the Portuguese to permanently occupy the city, and the inhabitants who had fled to the interior would eventually return and rebuild the city. After Barawa, Tristão would set sail for Mogadishu, which was the richest city on the East African coast. But word had spread of what had happened in Barawa, and a large troop mobilization had taken place. Many horsemen, soldiers and battleships in defense positions were now guarding the city. Nevertheless, Tristão still opted to storm and attempt to conquer the city, although every officer and soldier in his army opposed this, fearing certain defeat if they were to engage their opponents in battle. Tristão heeded their advice and sailed for Socotra instead.[41] After the battle the city of Barawa quickly recovered from the attack.[42]

In 1660, the Portuguese in Mombasa surrendered to a joint Somali-Omani force.[43]
Over the next several decades Somali-Portuguese tensions would remain high and the increased contact between Somali sailors and Ottoman corsairs worried the Portuguese who sent a punitive expedition against Mogadishu under João de Sepúlveda, which was unsuccessful.[44]Ottoman-Somali cooperation against the Portuguese in the Indian Ocean reached a high point in the 1580s when Ajuran clients of the Somali coastal cities began to sympathize with the Arabs and Swahilis under Portuguese rule and sent an envoy to the Turkish corsair Mir Ali Bey for a joint expedition against the Portuguese. He agreed and was joined by a Somali fleet, which began attacking Portuguese colonies in Southeast Africa.[39]

The Somali-Ottoman offensive managed to drive out the Portuguese from several important cities such as Pate, Mombasa and Kilwa. However, the Portuguese governor sent envoys to Portuguese India requesting a large Portuguese fleet. This request was answered and it reversed the previous offensive of the Muslims into one of defense. The Portuguese armada managed to re-take most of the lost cities and began punishing their leaders, but they refrained from attacking Mogadishu, securing the city's autonomy in the Indian Ocean.[17][45] Ajuran's Somali forces would eventually militarily defeat the Portuguese. The Ottoman Empire would also remain an economic partner of the Somalis.[6] Throughout the 16th and 17th centuries successive Somali Sultans defied the Portuguese economic monopoly in the Indian Ocean by employing a new coinage which followed the Ottoman pattern, thus proclaiming an attitude of economic independence in regard to the Portuguese.[46]

Other than primitive areas like Brazil, Angola and Mozambique the rest of the Portuguese Empire were just port cities. They would come to a port and threaten the local leaders to pay tribute or else have their city razed to the ground with their cannons. Read the history of Vasco da Gama if you think I'm wrong.

Still. Their army was dispersed all over the globe, they were not concentrated in one area. This is the point that we are trying to make here. Yall make it out as if they have undertaken some grand expedition that required all of their manpower. They were merely toying with the coastal dwellers in Mogadishu, nothing serious man.

I'll tell you what happened... To begin with, it was the lands that my ancestors were dwelling in that they invaded. They ruled my ancestors for a while, this is in our books and oral tradition. I doubt their numbers surpassed triple digits, honestly. They got driven out by a group of fkin Barawanis and Swahili Arabs.

Tristão da Cunha then set his eyes on Ajuran territory, where the battle of Barawa was fought. After a long period of engagement, the Portuguese soldiers burned the city and looted it. However, fierce resistance by the local population and soldiers resulted in the Portuguese's failure to permanently occupy the city, and the inhabitants who had fled to the interior would eventually return and rebuild the city. After Barawa, Tristão would set sail for Mogadishu, which was the richest city on the East African coast.

They came back a while later with a slightly larger troop and managed to occupy the city ultimately leading to a "war":

Ottoman-Somali cooperation against the Portuguese in the Indian Ocean reached a high point in the 1580s when Ajuran clients of the Somali coastal cities began to sympathize with the Arabs and Swahilis under Portuguese rule and sent an envoy to the Turkish corsair Mir Ali Beyfor a joint expedition against the Portuguese.

Clearly the Portuguese were not too invested in Somalia, otherwise they would have made efficacious use of their manpower.
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Prince of Lasanod

Eid trim pending
But they didn't want to. They couldnt hold control over little Barawa and didn't even dare to go near Mogadishu.
That is what matters.

They could have completely ended the Somali race if they desired to, but they didn't. Why? Because we weren't important enough to them, and they had no incentive to waste resources on us.

A Portuguese will probably not even know who Somalis are, so why do you get your source of pride from people who don't even know you exist (or perhaps as a pirate/terrorist)?
That is what matters.

They could have completely ended the Somali race if they desired to, but they didn't. Why? Because we weren't important enough to them, and they had no incentive to waste resources on us.

A Portuguese will probably not even know who Somalis are, so why do you get your source of pride from people who don't even know you exist (or perhaps as a pirate/terrorist)?
Phrased it wrong, they didnt want to because the wouldnt win. Mogadishu was the richest city on the whole eastern african coast. Somalis continually fought the Portuguese and won many times. They got karbashed by the local Barawa population. They never tried to take Somali land after that.

However, fierce resistance by the local population and soldiers resulted in the failure of the Portuguese to permanently occupy the city, and the inhabitants who had fled to the interior would eventually return and rebuild the city. After Barawa, Tristão would set sail for Mogadishu, which was the richest city on the East African coast. But word had spread of what had happened in Barawa, and a large troop mobilization had taken place. Many horsemen, soldiers and battleships in defense positions were now guarding the city. Nevertheless, Tristão still opted to storm and attempt to conquer the city, although every officer and soldier in his army opposed this, fearing certain defeat if they were to engage their opponents in battle. Tristão heeded their advice and sailed for Socotra instead.[41] After the battle the city of Barawa quickly recovered from the attack.[42]

If Portugal could take on Somalis in Somaliweyn then, they would have. We were one of the biggest traders in the region and disrupted their trade and economic value there. We had dozens of port cities and it would have made perfect sense for them to attack and take over,

but they didn't. Because they couldn't. We were organised, militarily and economically strong and had an ally in the Ottoman Empire.
Like I suggested: the total number of soldiers in the Portuguese army did not surpass the triple digits:

"The force was led by Cristóvão da Gama (second son of Vasco da Gama) and included 400 musketeers and few Portuguese cavalry as well as a number of artisans and other non-combatants."–Portuguese_conflicts_(1538–57)#War_begins

Wallahi these niccas seriously think the Portuguese waged a full-scale war on Somalia.

Y'all are fucking high or your trolls...

Whereas the Ottomans sent how many people...? Have a look: "an Ottoman legion (musketeers, and some guns) had already been fighting alongside the Somali army for some time, and with the arrival of the Portuguese, the Ottomans sent reinforcements: 2000 Arabian musketeer, 900 Turkish pikemen, 1000 Turkish foot musketeers, some Shqiptar foot soldiers (with muskets) and Turkish horsemen."

Edit: Obviously the opposing army mainly consisted of Ethiopians with ~500 Portuguese soldiers.
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Like I suggested: the total number of the Portuguese army did not surpass the triple digits:

"The force was led by Cristóvão da Gama (second son of Vasco da Gama) and included 400 musketeers and few Portuguese cavalry as well as a number of artisans and other non-combatants."–Portuguese_conflicts_(1538–57)#War_begins

Wallahi these niccas seriously think the Portuguese waged a full-scale war on Somalia.

Y'all are fucking high or your trolls...

Whereas the Ottomans sent how many people...? Have a look: "an Ottoman legion (musketeers, and some guns) had already been fighting alongside the Somali army for some time, and with the arrival of the Portuguese, the Ottomans sent reinforcements: 2000 Arabian musketeer, 900 Turkish pikemen, 1000 Turkish foot musketeers, some Shqiptar foot soldiers (with muskets) and Turkish horsemen."

Edit: Obviously the opposing army mainly consisted of Ethiopians with ~500 Portuguese soldiers.
Why didn't they wage a full war on Somalia and take over its port cities?:hmm:'


Cultural revolution
It wasn't Portugal vs Somalia. Portuguese just wanted that sexy port of Mogadishu and the smaller coastal cities that are near it but they were denied and defeated so the looked elsewhere to pillage.

They took over Barawe for a brief moment then they were kicked out
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