Somalis were mentally and physically enslaved

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Mike Hunt

Astra incliant sed non obligant
Nothing to do with inconvenience of location , it was not possible because the Portuguese failed in conquering our lands. They were defeated by us and chased away before they could even load their slaves ships on our dock during the 16th century and the same thing in 18th century.

Plus we traded with many European empires like the Venetians and the Dutch back in the middle ages, so our location was not unfamiliar to Europeans and Spanish muslims fleeing the inquisation migrated to Somalia for protection.

In fact our strategic location was heavy target for many reasons as you can imagine.

Slavery that happened in Kenya,Tanzania and Mozambique by the Portuguese would have happened to us a if they succeeded in conquering us but they were heavily defeated and we had strong centralized empires and allies to defend us.
Ajuran-Portuguese wars

Vasco De Gama's son who was a leader of the portugese army was captured and got his head cut off by Somalis and then we sold his dead head on the Arabian market

lol, you took what i said out of context.

My original comment was : Apart from the Arab slave trade, enslaving Somalis during the Atlantic slave trade was just not possible or inconvienient due to its location. Lol i honestly beileve most Somalis would fight to the death before being enslaved during that period. We were well connected politically and fierce as a people.

The Portuguese empire at the time was Europe's superpower. They're empire spanned across what is now sixty soverign states and were one of the largest empires in world history.

Somalia's Ajuuran Empire at the time of Portugal's invasion was alined with the Ottoman empire which were at the height of they're power under Suleiman the Magnificant.

The Portugese were the main players of the trans-atlantic slave trade which shipped slaves to the Americas and the Carribean primarily from West Africa.It would make absolutley no sense politically and economically for the Portugese to fight ,capture and enslave Somalis who they know will fight until the death ,and then go on to take the ones they did end up capturing, move them from East Africa, travel through the interior of Africa to West Africa and then go on to ship them to the Americas and the Carribean, That's where the Geographical inconvience come's in. Besides, Somali's did not have the physical build and subservient culture the Bantu's did.

As much as it hurts me to say it, Haddii aan Runta ka hadleyno, without the alliance and weaponry of the Ottoman Empire(Who the portugese could not afford smoke with), the Portugese Empire could have annexed all of Somalia if they REALLY wanted to.

It dosen't mean we are weak as a people and the Ajuuran Empire did not hold any clout throughout the world, it just mean's the Portugese Empire was very strong at that paticular time in history.
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People are stupid.

First of all born or reverted Muslims can not be made into slaves by other muslims, and Somalis were one of the first muslim nations.

Secondly, the Atlantic slave trade was on the other side of the world.
It's possible. You never know. The Haitian girl who came on Twitter and revealed she was e1b1b is one interesting case. Also, up to 1/3 of slaves brought to the US were Muslim (they could have had Somalis... Many AAs look Somali like P Diddy and Nas).

Somalis enslaved Oromos and Bantus. This is common knowledge. Anyone who says they can refute this is either a troll, ignorant or embarrassed about this history


Gaalkacyo Gangster
It's possible. You never know. The Haitian girl who came on Twitter and revealed she was e1b1b is one interesting case. Also, up to 1/3 of slaves brought to the US were Muslim.

Somalis enslaved Oromos and Bantus. This is common knowledge. Anyone who tries to refute this is either a troll, ignorant or embarrassed about this history
Yea, they were Muslims from the west coast of Africa. So places like Senegal and Nigeria. If there were Somali slaves, they were isolated cases where they were caught in the wrong place at the wrong time. But there was never any mass enslavement of Somalis like there was with other groups, otherwise there would be mountains of historical evidence to attest to it.

I agree with the second part of your post though. There are still some people, even on this forum, that didn't know this fact or still deny it because it makes them feel bad.
Yea, they were Muslims from the west coast of Africa. So places like Senegal and Nigeria. If there were Somali slaves, they were isolated cases where they were caught in the wrong place at the wrong time. But there was never any mass enslavement of Somalis like there was with other groups, otherwise there would be mountains of historical evidence to attest to it.

I agree with the second part of your post though. There are still some people, even on this forum, that didn't know this fact or still deny it because it makes them feel bad.

Did you know the Toubou tribe of Chad are long lost Somalis? Somalis are nomads; they travel very far. A former Chad President, while Barre was in power, visited a refugee camp in NFD to meet his clansmen. Somalis are in West Africa.

Also I heard there were Somali servants in German East Africa. If there were not a large # of Somali slaves that went to the U.S., there is speculation that it may have been the case in German East Africa; Somalis had close ties to that area.




Gaalkacyo Gangster
Did you know the Toubou tribe of Chad are long lost Somalis? Somalis are nomads; they travel very far. A former Chad President, while Barre was in power, visited a refugee camp in NFD to meet his clansmen. Somalis are in West Africa.

Also I heard there were Somali servants in German East Africa. If there were not a large # of Somali slaves that went to the U.S., there is speculation that it may have been the case in German East Africa; Somalis had close ties to that area.

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Interesting. Do you have the source, I'd like to read more if possible.


It's possible. You never know. The Haitian girl who came on Twitter and revealed she was e1b1b is one interesting case. Also, up to 1/3 of slaves brought to the US were Muslim (they could have had Somalis... Many AAs look Somali like P Diddy and Nas).
Somalis enslaved Oromos and Bantus. This is common knowledge. Anyone who says they can refute this is either a troll, ignorant or embarrassed about this history

You utter moron! E1b1b1b is a Northwest African Berber marker. Shut the f*ck up about things you don't know anything about.

On 23andMe there are literally 100,000s of African Americans and other Americas Blacks and not a SINGLE ONE is related to Somalis on their relative finder tool. That tool goes all the way back to 1000 CE.
Any AAs who trace Somali ancestry may have been the Toubou who have found themselves ending up even further west of the continent than they already were in Chad. Not unlikely that some ended up by the coast and were shipped off


They're not lies. You're just not comfortable with the truth.

What truth? You were talking out your ass with no evidence whatsoever.

New World Blacks all score 0% East African. They are thoroughly West African.

There were also Somalis in human zoos in Europe. They were not slaves though.

These were cultural exhibitions. They had all kinds of communities ranging from Eskimos to Patagonian Indians. It was not slavery.

Warsame Ali

[ S. N . F ]
I can buy a cheap Canon camira @ Amazon and upload nonsense video on YouTube. Blahbalah....
Dadkoo dhami pharmacy beey kasoo cadheeyan baryahan!
Did you know the Toubou tribe of Chad are long lost Somalis? Somalis are nomads; they travel very far. A former Chad President, while Barre was in power, visited a refugee camp in NFD to meet his clansmen. Somalis are in West Africa.

Also I heard there were Somali servants in German East Africa. If there were not a large # of Somali slaves that went to the U.S., there is speculation that it may have been the case in German East Africa; Somalis had close ties to that area.

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Sheikh Uways Al-Barawi(1847–1909) was a Somalischolar credited with reviving Islam in 19th century East Africa.

Sheikh Uways' influence can be felt throughout East Africa: From the islands surrounding Zanzibar to as far west as the Eastern Congo and as far south as the Tanganyika. His influence in Zanzibar alone was attributed to his close relationship with the Sultanate, two of whom he took as his Khalifah. This close relationship was established as a result of the Sultan of Zanzibar encouragement. Uways' widespread appeal is also attributed to the present circumstances of the Benadir coast, where foreign migration undermined local economic domination. The locals thought their calamity correlated with their lack of spiritual strength rather than external circumstances. Sufi orders then "provided a context for exploring these failings and proposing solutions by means of a renewed moral framework" (Reese). This phenomenon elevates the status of wadaads, where merchants subsidized activities of the wadaads. Due to the Qadiriyya's popularity (which Uways spearheaded), the Sheikh's elevated status was most felt.


Part time -Devils Advocate Full time- Anarchist
The Portugese were the main players of the trans-atlantic slave trade which shipped slaves to the Americas and the Carribean primarily from West Africa.It would make absolutley no sense politically and economically for the Portugese to fight ,capture and enslave Somalis who they know will fight until the death ,and then go on to take the ones they did end up capturing, move them from East Africa, travel through the interior of Africa to West Africa and then go on to ship them to the Americas and the Carribean, That's where the Geographical inconvience come's in. Besides, Somali's did not have the physical build and subservient culture the Bantu's did.

WTF are you even talking about? :faysalwtf: ''Psychical build or Somalis would fight to death''?

It is written in document that the Portugese came to East African coast looking for Slaves and Gold). It is well known that they transported Bantu slaves from Mozambique and Zanzibar
Read this:

To enslave someone you have to conquer them, you cannot enslave people you don't conquer. The fact that we have a long track record of being organized and self-governed most of our history facilitates this.

Quit talking like were some savage barbarians in the bushes somewhere ''Somali would fight to death '' ''Somalis were fierce'' They couldn't even get passed the defensive walls we put in place.

As much as it hurts me to say it, Haddii aan Runta ka hadleyno, without the alliance and weaponry of the Ottoman Empire(Who the portugese could not afford smoke with), the Portugese Empire could have annexed all of Somalia if they REALLY wanted to.

It dosen't mean we are weak as a people and the Ajuuran Empire did not hold any clout throughout the world, it just mean's the Portugese Empire was very strong at that paticular time in history.

What you are saying is not even historical and super reductionist. First of all they failed to even capture Barawa and Mogadishu before the Ottoman came into the picture. They were really humiliated in Barawa and Mogadishu had several battle ships, horsemen,soldiers lined up already

They could have just annexed Somalia kulaha get the f*ck out of here, they could even conquere Barawa or beat us in Maldives a century prior to that, yet you think they could somehow annex us all willy nilly.

The History of the Portuguese, During the Reign of Emmanuel pg.287

After Barawa, Tristão would set sail for Mogadishu, which was the richest city on the East African coast. But word had spread of what had happened in Barawa, and a large troop mobilization had taken place. Many horsemen, soldiers and battleships in defense positions were now guarding the city. Nevertheless, Tristão still opted to storm and attempt to conquer the city, although every officer and soldier in his army opposed this, fearing certain defeat if they were to engage their opponents in battle. Tristão heeded their advice and sailed for Socotra instead.[43] After the battle the city of Barawa quickly recovered from the

The only time Ottoman came in to play was as cosairs helping us liberate Southeast Africa where the Portugese were ruling over Arabs and Swahilis,

Portuguese rule and Spanish crown in South Africa, 1581–1640 – Page 25

1580s when Ajuran clients of the Somali coastal cities began to sympathize with the Arabs and Swahilis under Portuguese rule and sent an envoy to the Turkish corsair Mir Ali Bey for a joint expedition against the Portuguese. He agreed and was joined by a Somali fleet, which began attacking Portuguese colonies in Southeast Africa.

Ajuurans sent an envoy to Ottomans asking for support to liberate Zanzibaris and Swahilis in kenya. The only involvement the Ottomans had in that war was liberating Zanzibar from the Portugese on a joint expedition against the Portugese i Southeast Africa.

There was also a heavy war before that period in the Somali colony of Maldives between the Ajuuraan empire and the Portuguese in 1424.. The battle famously known as ''Dagaal dhiig badaneey'' which means those men actually fought for that Island and the Portuguese lost heavily.

Sultunate of Ajuuraan is the only African kingdom in the middle of the 14th century through the 17th.
That on grounds occupied several Areas and the controlled their borders fought off Portuguese.
Many countries, especially in South East Africa they assisted in support
Throughout the world had ties with foreign territories as far as China. It is noteworthy that they signed the first agreement between China and Africa
It took dominion over the territories including the Maldives Islands and the territory of Muzambique by extracting gold. In Maldives a fight took place between the Portuguese-1424 and the fighting was dubbed Thorn Blood Badaney- and fought off Portuguese defeated eventually.
In the Maldives the people were muslim, as our Constitution is written , a non-Muslim can not be a citizen and not get citizenship, "What we do not write a constitution for"

Secondly Somalis had political clout, they manage to colonize Mozambique and several islands in the Indian ocean and dominated the trade routes.

(1360 –1424). Ajuuraan explorers for example went to the Maldives where they occupied the island and found gold before the arrival of the Portuguese. Merchants from Mogadishu established a colony in Mozambique to extract gold from the mines in Sofala etc.

They had heavy economic clout as they were trading several empires in Asia, Europe and the Middle East,


Throughout the 16th and 17th centuries successive Somali Sultans defied the Portuguese economic monopoly in the Indian Ocean by employing a new coinage which followed the Islamic pattern, thus proclaiming an attitude of economic independence in regard to the Portuguese.
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Part time -Devils Advocate Full time- Anarchist
Furthermore Somalis were highly military progressive people, evident by how we built many defensive walls throughtout the Somali regions. The defensive wall of Mogadishu, Qandala and Harrar in particular. The same with fortesses , these defensive fortresses still dot the landscape.

'Somalis were fierce , Somalis would fight to death''

Shut the f*ck up!!! Somalis are not bunch of savages., we were actual aristocratic people with economic and political clout. The fact that we even had political allies and clients should tell you that much.
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