Sometimes I watch interviews on the Breakfast Club YouTube channel and

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Whatever i don't care. Ive heard others saying it so i just assumed.:mjdontkno: It isn't deep i have been accused of being several other members myself.

Bob Marley

What i am saying is true :yacadiim:

If you don't believe me listen to what this Carribean Social Anthropologist have to say

Straight from the horse's mouth.:siilaanyolaugh:

That video you posted,

It's not simply the label "black" which makes people feel that way.
Imagine if circumstances were the same, but there were no colors labels - obviously certain people (blacks) would still think of those who normally do something as being the people it's accustomed to (whites)

Although I do kinda agree with what he said
Geeljire and myself both live and grew up up in a European country. I was born and raised in Denmark for example. English is my third language after Danish and Somali. It'd be a travesty on their part if native English speakers didn't have a better grasp of their language than me.

Geeljire's English is actually excellent considering its also his third language.

I actually speak 5 different languages and English being my 4th , not that it matters. Forums are not formal written discussions, i am not writing formal letters. Having typo's or writing Informally is not out of line or indicative of anything.

The problem isn't just with language , it is overall that ''Black'' is mental colonization the very definition of it is designed to degenerate their whole ''Being''.

You have many Pan-Africans of all kinds in agreement with this, but they would rather ride cadaan people for their acceptance and call everyone who dares to be honest a racist/coon. So nothing we say can be trusted if we don't shout VICTIM VICTIM VICTIM loud enough.


Suicidal men adore me.
:lawd: ure too smart for these xoolo- dont waste wisdom on racists

It's not racist to point out a huge problem a certain ethnic group face. We as Somalis have numerous problems on our plate and pointing that out or criticizing us is not racism. @Bielsa made a good point. Somali diaspora in Europe speak, write and understand English much better than native speaking African Americans. Now this could be due to a lot of reasons one could be that European education is much better or this could be because of cultural attributes. It's more than likely a mix of both.
That video you posted,

It's not simply the label "black" which makes people feel that way.
Imagine if circumstances were the same, but there were no colors labels - obviously certain people (blacks) would still think of those who normally do something as being the people it's accustomed to (whites)

Although I do kinda agree with what he said

I disagree it is the term ''Black'' is defined as the opposite of White and that is why these kids are Anti-intellectual. You underestimate the role linguistics have in how people view themselves.

People say what's in a name? There's a whole lot in a name
-- Malcolm X

Black culture is supposed to be playing basketball and listening to Hip Hop, pants hanging of your bum. That might be called inner city urban culture. But where has this been written down? On the TV screens, in the scripts of White American writers.

In the fantasies of the forces that shape and contain a people's vision of themselves. If you come from the middle class Caribbean background your recreational activities will, just as your European counterpart, include tennis and even surfing.

It is not black or white is the culture of class and access to sports with a higher financial entry requirement. So the statement about so-called "black" cultures is a statement about a comfort with poverty defining "blackness." Let us not confuse real culture from this engineered culture in the West, which people are made to conform to. A tennis ball and a basketball have no race attached. Speaking good English and walking properly are not about race; but socialization and education. Lack of, produces slouching, and slang.

Bob Marley

It's not racist to point out a huge problem a certain ethnic group face. We as Somalis have numerous problems on our plate and pointing that out or criticizing us is not racism. @Bielsa made a good point. Somali diaspora in Europe speak, write and understand English much better than native speaking African Americans. Now this could be due to a lot of reasons one could be that European education is much better or this could be because of cultural attributes. It's more than likely a mix of both.

It is racist to compare yourself to people living in the hood all while ignoring the many affluent African-Americans who are educated & well-spoken.

Different priorities.
For example there's also Somalis in the U.S. & Europe who don't have it in their best interest to assimilate or learn to speak the language eloquently

That would be like me comparing myself to the type of people I mentioned up above.
Let's not pretend like those types of Somalis in Europe don't also exist...


closer to god we africans
It's not racist to point out a huge problem a certain ethnic group face.
it is racist- it is... when u lack any real reference points for this 'problem' -when the only african americans u have SEEN (not interacted w/) r these extreme cases nd often times caricaturized memes- when u dont have the knowledge to understand that AAVE (i woulda just said ebonics thanx bob lmaooo) is in fact a native ENGLISH dialect nd it isnt that they speak english improperly but they speak a diff variety of english....

nvm yall r just ignorant- like i said before pick up a book

@Geeljire i love how pan africans according to u amount to 2 or 3 individuals u repeatedly post :damn:
It is racist to compare yourself to people living in the hood all while ignoring the many affluent African-Americans who are educated & well-spoken.

But according to you guys these educated & articulate African Americans are coons trying to be white.

You can ride them when they are convenient but treat them with vitriol when they are not.

Bob Marley

Who is ignoring them? Who the hell do you think ive been qouting and cross refrencing? But according to you guys these educated & articulate African Americans are coons trying to be white.

You can ride them when they are convenient but bag on them when they are not.

@Barni seems to think Somalis speak better English than AAs
Obviously she isn't acknowledging well-spoken AAs

@Bielsa made this thread, pretty much insinuating that this is the way AAs speak
Obviously he aint either:heh:

And you yourself said:
@Bielsa Thats what being ''Black'' means saaxiib, Having attitude, speaking bad broken English, wearing your pants low, walking with bad posture, and gaining status by being as ignorant as possible.

And you're asking me "who is ignoring them":what1:
Geeljire and myself both live and grew up up in a European country. I was born and raised in Denmark for example. English is my third language after Danish and Somali. It'd be a travesty on their part if native English speakers didn't have a better grasp of their language than me.

Geeljire's English is actually excellent considering its also his third language.

Geez, What's with this "good immigrant validation" complex you guys cling to? A small selected diaspora community constantly trying(& failing in most cases) to compete with or out-do the larger, mainly minority/marginalized, acculturated and/or native populations. I imagine to get some petty perks from the dominant, mainly white, society. I mean, taking some seattle school childrens test scores out of context to cope with this raving jealously is one thing, but seriously criticizing the way people talk is a totally new level of desperation. But, I digress......

Wide range spectrum of dialects, vernaculars, and slang will always be apart of any language for it's native speakers include your Af-Somali. AAVE is just, but one of literally millions of distinct from "non-standard english"(which in itself really doesn't exist) modes of speech. AAVE in of itself has many sub-dialectal, regional various. AAVE speakers naturally code switch from casual to more former speak and back appropriately given the environment and context of the conversation just like everyone else.
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closer to god we africans
@Bielsa Thats what being ''Black'' means saaxiib, Having attitude, speaking bad broken English, wearing your pants low, walking with bad posture, and gaining status by being as ignorant as possible.
lmaoooo howd i miss that

wasakhyahow malcolm x is BLACK that is what BLACK means dont ever quote the man again u dont respect his legacy


Suicidal men adore me.
it is racist- it is... when u lack any real reference points for this 'problem' -when the only african americans u have SEEN (not interacted w/) r these extreme cases nd often times caricaturized memes- when u dont have the knowledge to understand that AAVE (i woulda just said ebonics thanx bob lmaooo) is in fact a native ENGLISH dialect nd it isnt that they speak english improperly but they speak a diff variety of english....

nvm yall r just ignorant- like i said before pick up a book

@Geeljire i love how pan africans according to u amount to 2 or 3 individuals u repeatedly post :damn:

I never said there aren't any intellectual African Americans. Let's be honest here and not let emotions steer the conversation. The intellectual enlightened African Americans you speak of are not a majority. Like I said before this could be due to a lot of reasons. No one here is denying the constant racism African Americans have to face nor are we denying institutional racism.

Most of us are just trying to point out cultural problems that are hindering African Americans from succeeding. Their problems are not innate but they are sustained by a certain mental attitude that was first brought to them by whites several decades ago. Now days it is AAs themselves that are bringing themselves down by permanently repeating what "Massa" coded in their brains. It's like failure, acting hood etc is a part of their DNA today.

How come Somali Diasporas in the States are doing such a good job for themselves? They are black too yet they do not face the same hardships like African Americans. Like I said this is a mixture of problems and one of the main factors are culture.
How come Somali Diasporas in the States are doing such a good job for themselves?

If you're using African-Americans as a benchmark from whence to measure their success- They aren't.

But, again this isn't a competition for us. Whereas, it's clearly a life or death matter to you.


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
I never said there aren't any intellectual African Americans. Let's be honest here and not let emotions steer the conversation. The intellectual enlightened African Americans you speak of are not a majority. Like I said before this could be due to a lot of reasons. No one here is denying the constant racism African Americans have to face nor are we denying institutional racism.

Most of us are just trying to point out cultural problems that are hindering African Americans from succeeding. Their problems are not innate but they are sustained by a certain mental attitude that was first brought to them by whites several decades ago. Now days it is AAs themselves that are bringing themselves down by permanently repeating what "Massa" coded in their brains. It's like failure, acting hood etc is a part of their DNA today.

How come Somali Diasporas in the States are doing such a good job for themselves? They are black too yet they do not face the same hardships like African Americans. Like I said this is a mixture of problems and one of the main factors are culture.

Difference between us and these guys is that we acknowledge our f*ck ups. We don't make excuses for their fuckery. We are well aware of the problems we need to fix internally. We are harsh on Somalis. They're not harsh on their own people.
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