Sometimes I watch interviews on the Breakfast Club YouTube channel and

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lmaoooo howd i miss that

wasakhyahow malcolm x is BLACK that is what BLACK means dont ever quote the man again u dont respect his legacy
LOOOL did it trigger you? :chrisfreshhah:don't ever qoute malcom x kulaha , he even opposed the term black and preferred them to be called African instead.



Suicidal men adore me.
Difference between us and these guys is that we acknowledge our f*ck ups. We don't make excuses for their fuckery. We are well aware of the problems we need to fix internally. We are harsh on Somalis. They're not harsh on their own people.

I don't know about Denmark but Somalis in Sweden particularly Malmö are getting lax. My mother just told me a horrible story about a young Somali man and how his mother was defending him. I feel like the longer we stay outside of Somalia the more we loose our cultural identity. Sure living in Sweden has brought beautiful new qualities to Somalis and hopefully they'll bring back these qualities to Somalia since it's much needed, but the rest it's just sad.


closer to god we africans
LOOOL did it trigger you? :chrisfreshhah:don't ever qoute malcom x kulaha , he even opposed the term black and preferred them to be called African instead.

this nigga dropped the spike lee film as a source lmaooooo im ded fam

Most of us are just trying to point out cultural problems that are hindering African Americans from succeeding.

quote me somewhere itt before bob nd i called u out where u were being constructive and not just making fun of african americans- @Bielsa can help too
There are two main hypotheses about the origin of African American Vernacular English or AAVE. The Dialectologist Hypothesis, a prevailing view in the 1940s, concentrates on the English origins of AAVE, to the exclusion of African influence.

The Creole Hypothesis, on the other hand, maintains that modern AAVE is the result of a creole derived from English and various West African Languages. (A creole is a language derived from other languages that becomes the primary language of the people who speak it.) Slaves who spoke many different West African languages were often thrown together during their passage to the New World. To be able to communicate in some fashion they developed a pidgin* by applying English and some West African vocabulary to the familiar grammar rules of their native tongue. This pidgin was passed onto future generations. As it became the primary language of its speakers, it was classified as a creole. Over the years AAVE has gone through the process of decreolization - a change in the creole that makes it more like the standard language of an area.

*A pidgin is language composed of two or more languages created for the purpose of communication, usually around trade centers, between people who do not speak a common language. It is never a person's primary language.


Suicidal men adore me.
this nigga dropped the spike lee film as a source lmaooooo im ded fam


quote me somewhere itt before bob nd i called u out where u were being constructive and not just making fun of african americans- @Bielsa can help too

I didn't make fun. If that's how you perceived it then I'm sorry.
List Of Actual Surviving Creole Languages Spoken By African-americans Today

Louisiana creole = French + Native American + African(Bambara, Wolof, Fon)

Gullah/Geechee = English + African(Mandinka, Wolof, Bambara, Fula, Mende, Vai, Akan, Ewe, Yoruba, Igbo, Hausa, Kongo, Umbundu, Kimbundu)

Afro-Seminole = Similar to Gullah, but less English, and no Mende influence.

And one of the many now extinct unique AA languages.

Negro/Jersey Dutch

Bob Marley

I never said there aren't any intellectual African Americans. Let's be honest here and not let emotions steer the conversation. 1. The intellectual enlightened African Americans you speak of are not a majority. Like I said before this could be due to a lot of reasons. No one here is denying the constant racism African Americans have to face nor are we denying institutional racism.

Most of us are just trying to point out cultural problems that are hindering African Americans from succeeding. Their problems are not innate but they are sustained by a certain mental attitude that was first brought to them by whites several decades ago. Now days it is AAs themselves that are bringing themselves down by permanently repeating what "Massa" coded in their brains. It's like failure, acting hood etc is a part of their DNA today.

2. How come Somali Diasporas in the States are doing such a good job for themselves? 3. They are black too yet they do not face the same hardships like African Americans. Like I said this is a mixture of problems and one of the main factors are culture.

1. Somalis are not majority intellectually enlightened either.

2. You're not. Not even close. Can you name me any Somali suburban areas such as these?


VIEW PARK WINDSOR HILL, CA is an affluent Black community with an average family income of $159,168. View Park-Windsor Hills are part of a band of districts, from Culver City’s Fox Hills district on the west to the Los Angeles district of Leimert Park. The area is the single largest geographically middle- and upper-class Black community in the United States.


BALDWIN HILLS, CA has a median family income of $157,033, which secures it as one of the richest Black communities in the United States. The community was given the nickname the Black Beverly Hills after African Americans began moving into the area, especially musicians and film actors.


(tyler the creator's neighborhood)

LADERA HEIGHTS, CA is an affluent Black prestigious community in California. The average family income is $132,824. Much of the area’s appeal stems from the stunning views of the Pacific Ocean available from many hillside houses, as well as its proximity to beaches and Hollywood.

Dammnn I know you salty @Barni :umad:

3. Yes the do. Lmao wtf makes you think they don't?:lebronwtf:


Suicidal men adore me.
u were complicit in an insensitive thread- careful who u cosign less they cast shade over ur light

How was this thread insensitive? Bielsa posted a video it's not like the video of the american rapper is some secret. Didn't know discussion were insensitive, we constantly discuss the failures of our people and country yet you don't see anyone calling that racism.


closer to god we africans
How was this thread insensitive? Bielsa posted a video it's not like the video of the american rapper is some secret. Didn't know discussion were insensitive, we constantly discuss the failures of our people and country yet you don't see anyone calling that racism.
there was no discussion :francis:

watever though 'haha yg is dumb ' lets get the discussion back on track @Bielsa sorry to derail


Suicidal men adore me.

Y dunt teez beoble sbeak brober Engrish, lik good little emmigrents lik me?

Speaking proper English when it's not your native tongue but in fact your third language shows signs of being persistent determined and intelligent. It's not something to mock but something to praise and expect.
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